Life Extension Prenatal Advantage Supplement: O Suplemento Pré-Natal Abrangente para Mulheres Grávidas
A jornada da maternidade é repleta de emoções e desafios, e cada mãe deseja proporcionar o melhor para a saúde de seu filho. Com isso em mente, o Life Extension Prenatal Advantage foi desenvolvido para atender às necessidades nutricionais únicas de mulheres grávidas, que estão tentando engravidar ou que estão amamentando. Este suplemento não é apenas um multivitamínico comum; ele vai além, oferecendo uma fórmula nutricional abrangente que inclui as formas mais biodisponíveis de nutrientes, garantindo segurança, confiabilidade e potência.
O Prenatal Advantage é uma solução científica que fornece as dosagens recomendadas mais recentes de vitaminas e minerais essenciais, além de nutrientes cruciais como DHA omega-3, colina, luteína e zeaxantina, que são fundamentais tanto para a mãe quanto para o bebê. O DHA, um ácido graxo omega-3, é especialmente importante, pois promove o crescimento e desenvolvimento fetal saudáveis, contribuindo para o desenvolvimento cerebral e ocular. Ao contrário da maioria dos suplementos que utilizam óleo de peixe, o DHA presente na nossa fórmula é derivado de algas marinhas, garantindo uma fonte sustentável e de alta qualidade.
A qualidade dos ingredientes é uma prioridade. Utilizamos apenas os melhores ingredientes crus, com pureza e potência que seu corpo merece. A maioria dos nossos produtos é não-OGM, sem glúten e fabricada nos EUA, com um Certificado de Análise disponível para cada produto que produzimos. Com mais de 40 anos de experiência, desenvolvemos fórmulas avançadas e eficazes, baseadas nas descobertas científicas mais recentes. Acreditamos que as respostas para uma vida mais saudável estão ao nosso alcance, e que a pesquisa científica rigorosa é o caminho para alcançá-las. Nossas formulações são criadas utilizando os ingredientes e dosagens que foram utilizados nos estudos que as inspiraram, garantindo máxima biodisponibilidade e eficácia.
Ash2es –
Idk why it’s so difficult to find a COMPLETE prenatal, but this is fairly close. Experts recommend about 450mg of choline for pregnant people and this offers a little more than half which is a lot more than the zero to miniscule amount most other prenatal give.
Same goes for the DHA. This product had 200mg which is the minimum amount the average pregnant person should be getting. The rest you should be getting from diet (fatty fish for dha and eggs for choline).
It’s good in folic acid and iron as well as other vitamins and minerals that are often lacking in most prenatal supplements and I had no issue swallowing these.
I am iffy about the marigold extract (tagetes erecta NOT the unsafe calendula). Ayurvedic medicine says it’s good for stomach issues, colds, mastitis (blocked milk ducts in boobs), to calm nerves, and protect against miscarriages. Web MD says it’s not enough info on it so keep it in small amounts. I’ll rock with it.
That’s not the reason I knocked the couple stars off, though. I knocked the stars off because it is completely lacking in magnesium!
I ordered the cheapy 250mg Nature Made magnesium to supplement. Really, pregnant people are supposed to be getting at least 350-450mg a day but if you eat enough greens and seeds/nuts you’ll be fine, but it’s an important vitamin during pregnancy to help prevent pre-eclampsia, low birth weight, high blood pressure, and still births.
So not only do I have to remember to take this products FOUR divided prenatals, but also the magnesium AND I also take a probiotic for better absorption.
That’s a lot of pills to remember when battling baby brain.
BUT after a couple of hours on amazon comparing vitamins and tons of googling, I found that this was the best route paired with the items mentioned above.
I started on some cheapy incomplete gummies, but after being diagnosed with a circumvalent placenta that may impair the nutrients getting to my baby, I became very fastidious about getting the proper nutrition and most absorbent products.
I know this is long-winded but I truly hope it helps someone out there!
UPDATE 3/16/24
I have these on subscription and still take them as I breast feed. This current batch looks a little different than the previous ones, darker and ever so slightly shorter size. I compared the containers and all the nutrients are the same. Just an observation and I’ve included pics.
Alfredo –
These vitamins are good. I read reviews that they are hard to swallow. I do not have that problem. However, it seems that one of the capsules busted in the container while it was being shipped to me. All of the pills are oily and stinky because of this. It is still a good product, but I do not like the way the oil smells. It is like a slight fishy smell…. It gets on my hands every time I take the pills, and it’s orange. Do not get it on your clothes. If it wasn’t busted like this, I would give 4.5 or 5 stars for the product and price.
James –
So glad I found these. When you start shopping for prenatal vitamins, you quickly realize good ones are hard to find. Key things for me were the following:
1) the vitamin A is only beta-carotene -not preformed type- which is super important for a healthy fetus to make sure you don’t get too much
2) it has Choline. Most prenatals don’t have this and it’s good to have a boost during pregnancy for good neural development.
3) this brand participates in a quality testing organization ( important to me because FDA doesn’t monitor these in US and there’s plenty of products on market that are tainted or have ingredients they don’t disclosed).
5) the vitamin levels are good but not too high (i don’t want to take something with 2000% my daily value)
It’s a vitamin – a pill – so I don’t expect it to taste good. I pour it back with half a glass of water after breakfast and that’s the end of it. It seems a little crazy to me that people expect vitamins these days to taste like gummy bears. If that matters to you, there are plenty of gummy vitamins out there but this is the best prenatal ingredients I’ve been able to find anywhere.
Coultis Registry –
I cant speak as to whether these prenatals provide proper nutrients but they smelled so vile that I was unable to swallow them. Even holding my nose I could taste them and had to spit. Theyre not expired or anything, I just think the recipe life extensions uses is cursed.
Meagan Elizabeth –
I’ve used this for both of my pregnancies and still taking now 9 months post partum. It’s a high quality prenatal that includes a good amount of choline plus all the expected must haves. Choline is important in pregnancy and it’s not in most prenatals. Eating egg yolks and liver are other ways to obtain choline but to have that also in the supplement ensures your getting this additional nutrient through your entire pregnancy. Never made me feel sick and I took this vitamin on an empty stomach and with food. It’s a higher priced pre natal but worth it. Both my babies are healthy, and were 21inches 8lbs+.
Ash2es –
I bought these for my 18 yr newly pregnant daughter, & have counted on Life Ext vitamins since 1995 for purity, quality, & health benefits. I knew my daughter wasn’t taking any supplements, & had been loading up w/processed foods since she left home to be on her own. She has told me now, 3 times, that she is noticing the health benefits of this supplement in her hair, skin, stomach issues she has had, & her nails are getting far stronger. I know she had been missing key nutrients, & now is receiving them. I will never leave Life Ext foundation, as they are the leaders in health, aging, & disease prevention. These supplements work!!
Jonathan & Ashley Engebretsen –
I read the shape was hard to swallow….it’s true. I choke almost every time and the smell is awful BUT I know I’m giving my body and the baby amazing things when taking it. Also it helps taking it twice a day bc I get restless legs and it really helps.
Victoria Korovljev –
One of the best prenatals on the market! I noticed this one has higher amounts of Choline and DHA than most other prenatals. Highly recommend. It’s worth the price.