Descrição do Produto: Dr Christopher’s Formula Original Kid-E-Reg Bowel Tonic, 2 Fluid Ounce
O Dr. Christopher’s Formula Original Kid-E-Reg Bowel Tonic é um suplemento natural desenvolvido especialmente para promover a saúde intestinal das crianças. Com uma fórmula cuidadosamente elaborada, este tônico é ideal para auxiliar na regulação do trânsito intestinal, proporcionando alívio em casos de constipação e desconforto abdominal. A combinação de ervas selecionadas, como a raiz de alcaçuz e a folha de framboesa, atua de forma sinérgica para equilibrar a flora intestinal e facilitar a digestão.
Este produto é apresentado em um frasco de 2 onças fluidas, o que o torna prático e fácil de transportar. A fórmula é livre de aditivos artificiais, conservantes e corantes, garantindo que as crianças recebam apenas o que há de melhor da natureza. O Dr. Christopher, um renomado herbalista, dedicou sua vida ao estudo das propriedades curativas das plantas, e sua expertise se reflete na eficácia deste tônico.
O Kid-E-Reg é especialmente formulado para crianças, levando em consideração suas necessidades específicas e a sensibilidade do sistema digestivo infantil. Com um sabor agradável, o tônico é fácil de administrar, tornando a experiência mais tranquila tanto para os pais quanto para os pequenos. Este produto não apenas ajuda a regular o intestino, mas também contribui para o bem-estar geral da criança, promovendo uma digestão saudável e um sistema imunológico fortalecido.
Benefícios Destacados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
– Regulação Intestinal: Ajuda a manter o trânsito intestinal regular, prevenindo a constipação.
– Fórmula Natural: Com ingredientes 100% naturais, sem aditivos artificiais, é seguro para o uso infantil.
– Apoio Digestivo: Melhora a digestão e a absorção de nutrientes, contribuindo para a saúde geral da criança.
– Sabor Agradável: Facilita a administração do produto, tornando-o mais palatável para as crianças.
– Fortalecimento do Sistema Imunológico: Contribui para um sistema imunológico mais forte, ajudando a proteger as crianças contra doenças.
- Sugestão de Uso:
Para obter os melhores resultados com o Dr. Christopher’s Formula Original Kid-E-Reg Bowel Tonic, recomenda-se a administração de 1 a 2 ml do tônico, diluído em água ou suco, uma a duas vezes ao dia, conforme necessário. É importante agitar bem o frasco antes de cada uso para garantir a homogeneidade da fórmula. Para crianças menores de 2 anos, consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar o uso. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar suas propriedades.
Eric –
This stuff is so amazing that I had to write a review. I have a 3.5 year old, who upon being potty trained more than a year ago started withholding his bowel movements and/or becoming very constipated. This is a kid who eats tons of fruit and drinks plenty of liquids. I put him on Miralax on the advice of my pediatrician and he was at 4 tbsp/day for a year as it was the only dose strong enough to make him poop. I weaned him off the Miralax and transitioned him to a very expensive probiotic and Benefiber. Total Fail! He started withholding again and/or became constipated. I happened to come across this stuff in my obsessive search for a cure because I refused to put him back on Miralax and my pediatrician was no help. This stuff is freaking amazing. I stopped the Benefiber completely, continued the probiotic, and started this stuff as soon as I got it in the mail and WALLAH! I have a kid who poops everyday WITHOUT OBJECTION. I think the probiotic has helped make his stool more healthy so-to-speak (he used have these intestine-sized long snake poos that scared the heck outta him) and the probiotic loosened it up or something so it looks normal. This stuff just makes him poop once a day. I give it to him 2-3x day but I find 2x a day works just fine and could probably do 1x/day. I mix it in 1/4 cup apple or pear juice and he actually likes it. This is a WIN-WIN! HIGHLY RECOMMEND!
Nichole –
Doesn’t work every time but it’s one of the only products I’ve found that does help my daughter get things moving. So bc of that I keep it on hand all the time.
E Trout –
Clean ingredients and my kid loves these drops mixed into milk or even just water. They help keep her regular and soften her stools if she’s constipated. We just used up a bottle and are on the second one now
Tiffany –
Our daughter went through a period of being totally terrified to poop. She would cry when she had to go and would hold it for days. We went through hell and would have to use enemas to force her to go. She could bring the house down with her screaming and crying when it came to pooping and diaper changes. I cried watching her in pain and crying. We were at our wits end having tried all these other products including natural products like flaxseed oil and honey, I decided to try this product after reading some reviews. After we found the right dosage that works for her, it hasn’t been a pain in the butt to deal with, literally. Now, she poops everyday on her own after she lets us know she needs to poop. It is an incredible product. To me, it smells a bit gross (probably the scent of black licorice that throws me off but I’m not the one taking it), but she likes the taste of it and is happy to take it. Highly recommended. At least give it a try. It takes some time to find the right dosage but it works amazingly once you do.
Allison Hughes Beauty –
My 4 year old has been struggling with very bad constriction. Not the typical kind where you see them strain to have a BM but just very impacted and only passing small bits at a time without really knowing (skid marks). This has resulting in delayed potty training and quite a problem. I’ve tried high dosing magnesium, vitamin C, fruits, etc. Nothing has helped and I haven’t been open to pedialax OTC laxatives. This product within days gently cleared her bowels and we are going into week 2 of absolutely zero skid marks. Our pediatrician says once we have had consistent healthy BMs we can begin potty training again. Grateful! Oh!!! And my daughter THE PICKIEST when it comes to everything. Tried 3 diff probiotics, she wouldn’t take them, struggled to get her to take multiple gummies etc. but she willingly (and asks to) take this product! We call it “poop juice” haha!
Abigail Francis –
Very effective
Matt O. –
Using this for my son who witholds. Makes him more regular as he is getting used to going
Mary Clark –
My little one has had trouble going #2 for over a year. I’ve tried miralax, probiotics, laxatives, suppositories and Mommys Bliss and they either did nothing or were only a temporary fixes. This is the only product that has delivered lasting results. I put 20/25 drops in her juice every Morning and she has 4 or 5 easy movements a week which is much better than the ONE per week she was having before. It does make her poo smell really bad (not that poo ever smells nice LOL) but I’m happy to deal with the smell if it means less struggle for her and less worry for me.
And apparently the Kid e Reg tastes good in her juice because she wants it EVERY DAY 🙂 I also love the fact that it’s natural and gentle I hated using the Miralax etc. But when your kids in pain your willing to try anything.
I would HIGHLY RECOMMEND this product to anyone who has a little one with similar problems 🙂