Descrição do Produto: Café de Cogumelos com 6 Cogumelos Adaptogênicos
Descubra o poder do Café de Cogumelos, uma mistura inovadora que combina o sabor rico do café com os benefícios de seis cogumelos adaptogênicos: Lion’s Mane, Reishi, Cordyceps, Shitake e King Trumpet. Este produto é ideal para quem busca uma alternativa saudável ao café tradicional, proporcionando energia sustentada e foco mental sem os efeitos colaterais indesejados da cafeína. Cada xícara é uma explosão de sabor e saúde, promovendo um equilíbrio perfeito entre o prazer do café e as propriedades funcionais dos cogumelos.
O Lion’s Mane é conhecido por suas propriedades neuroprotetoras, ajudando a melhorar a memória e a concentração. O Reishi, por sua vez, é famoso por suas qualidades relaxantes e de suporte ao sistema imunológico. O Cordyceps é um poderoso energizante natural, ideal para quem pratica atividades físicas. O Shitake e o King Trumpet não apenas enriquecem o sabor, mas também oferecem uma gama de nutrientes essenciais que contribuem para a saúde geral. Este café é a escolha perfeita para quem deseja otimizar sua rotina diária, promovendo bem-estar e vitalidade.
1. Aumento da Concentração: O Lion’s Mane melhora a função cognitiva, ajudando na clareza mental e foco.
2. Suporte ao Sistema Imunológico: O Reishi fortalece as defesas naturais do corpo, promovendo uma saúde robusta.
3. Energia Sustentada: O Cordyceps proporciona um impulso energético duradouro, ideal para atividades físicas e dias agitados.
4. Rico em Nutrientes: Shitake e King Trumpet oferecem vitaminas e minerais essenciais, contribuindo para uma dieta equilibrada.
5. Redução do Estresse: Os adaptógenos presentes ajudam a equilibrar o estresse, promovendo um estado de calma e bem-estar.
Para preparar o seu Café de Cogumelos, adicione uma colher de sopa do pó em uma xícara de água quente (aproximadamente 200 ml) e misture bem até que o produto esteja completamente dissolvido. Para um sabor mais intenso, utilize leite ou uma alternativa vegetal. Recomenda-se consumir uma a duas vezes ao dia, preferencialmente pela manhã ou antes de atividades que exijam maior concentração. Armazene em local fresco e seco para preservar a qualidade e os benefícios dos ingredientes.
lifegetsbetter –
ZoYea’s mushroom coffee comes in a bag that promises energy, focus, and immune support. The mix of six adaptogenic mushrooms with coffee is intriguing, aiming to elevate your coffee experience. The quality seems okay, but blending mushrooms with coffee might not appeal to everyone’s taste. The concept is innovative, but whether it delivers on its promises would require tasting by the indivudual drinker/taster.
Fun Fact: Mushroom coffee is part of a trend towards functional beverages where health benefits are added to daily consumption. Company Fact: ZoYea was started in 2018, focusing on blending ancient wisdom with modern health needs.
lifegetsbetter –
This is a great, healthy product but if you’re like me and love the smell and taste of coffee, well you won’t be happy having this mushroom as a coffee substitute for your first cup of coffee in the morning.
The fragrance is more like a mushroom/chocolate smell.
And the taste is sort of like chocolate even though there is no chocolate in this mushroom coffee. It really doesn’t have a coffee taste to me although it tastes decent enough.
I have tried several kinds of mushroom coffee in the past year. I would say that this product is as good as most others I have tried.
It’s full of healthy mushrooms! In fact, that is its first ingredient. Coffee is down lower on the list so that is why this really does taste more like a chocolate taste with touch of mushroom.
Bottom line: For me, I must have real coffee for my first cup in the morning.
But, I have been enjoying have my second cup as this mushroom coffee. It tastes good and it gives me that morning energy that I need along with my regular coffee.
Little Matt’s Mommy –
I drink mushroom coffee pretty regularly. I like the taste and benefits it is supposed to help with. This one is totally different in taste and look than others I have drank. One tbsp to eight to ten ounces of water is to get you started you can adjust to your liking. It does tell you to add milk or creamer to make it a latte. This doesn’t need any creamer in it, the coconut milk gives it a look like coffee you added creamer to. It also takes away the mushroom flavor making this coffee have a smoother, somewhat sweeter taste. If you don’t like the stronger taste of mushroom coffee this is one you need to try. I do like the flavor and taste it has with the coconut milk added. I drink my coffee from a Bubba mug, so I use more than the one tbsp per eight-ten ounces of water. I haven’t had any reactions from the coffee, I like the flavor, look and the aftertaste it leaves on my taste buds. Great gift for the coffee drinker, one I will continue to keep in my cupboards.
Fredrik & Jo –
This robust and earthy mushroom coffee combines 6 kickin’ mushrooms and MCT together with a hefty kick of caffeine for energy and full-body health. The powder is easy to mix in hot or cool water and tastes both rich and deep; a great choice for dark roast lovers!
+ Vibrant, Piquant Woods Flavor: The mushrooms and MCT within this coffee lend for some smooth earthy, woodsy tones, a great choice for those who like stronger-tasting coffees. The tones are well-rounded and easy on the palate, tasting amazing with a splash of milk or a plant milk (oat milk for the win here). It is exceptionally aromatic both in the pouch and in the cup.
+ Energy Pop! This coffee seems to have a slightly stronger kick than my usual medium home brew and imparts me with some zest after only a couple of sips. The energy feels very clean, yet I can get some jitters if I sip too fast; this being said by a person who doesn’t drink a ridiculous amount of coffee. Like all coffee beverages, crashes can happen. I find the energy lasts from 2-4 hours at peak, yet it can keep you up at night if you consume it after dinner.
+ Excellent Form and Packaging: This coffee comes in a well-sealing mylar bag that helps keep moisture and air out while being opaque to prevent light oxidation. Additionally, the powder is fine and only slightly grainy; a breeze though to mix in hot or warm water. With cold however, the MCT is a challenge to dissolve, hence I mix first with hot, then add ice cubes.
– Must Keep Well-Sealed: This coffee is very reactive with water, thus even the slightest of dampness on my fingers can cause the powder to stick. I highly recommend letting hands dry after washing to keep the product from clining to fingers and/or the scoop. Additonally, the product can get a bit cakey if not sealed well enough in a humid environment.
– May Stick to Teeth: As with most products containing MCT, an oil, this coffe may leave a light grime on the teeth after drinking and some slick in your cup. It’s nothing a little brushing or extra scrubing can’t take care of, but some folks might find this a turn-off.
love it!
B.L.B. G. –
I’ve tried a lot of mushroom coffees and I’ve never had one with a flavor quite like this before. It’s very nutty and subtle. I don’t think it tastes like coconut, actually, more like almonds or walnuts. I can easily drink it alone with no added milks or creamers, if I choose to. It smells wonderful in the bag and as you brew it. The ingredients are listed on the back of the bag. They seem like quality mushrooms and I like that they added what each one is good for, such as cordyceps for energy. I do still find it to be very soothing and relaxing, especially warm. It’s great to drink if you wake up with a morning headache, as it melts it away. Each cup only takes one tablespoon to make, so it does seem like a good value. I did not use any extra and the cup was plenty flavorful. This is a nice blend that I would recommend.