ZMA®-5 Nightcap: A Revolução do Sono e Recuperação Rápida
O ZMA®-5 Nightcap é a solução ideal para aqueles que buscam uma recuperação rápida e eficaz após um dia intenso. Este suplemento em forma de bebida, ao invés de cápsulas, foi projetado para proporcionar uma experiência deliciosa e prática. Com apenas 4 a 6 onças de um saboroso drink, você pode desfrutar de todos os benefícios do ZMA-5 de maneira rápida e eficiente.
A fórmula enriquecida do ZMA-5 combina o tradicional ZMA, que inclui Zinco, Magnésio e Vitamina B6, com o aminoácido 5-Hidroxitriptofano (5-HTP). Essa combinação poderosa não só apoia níveis saudáveis de testosterona, mas também promove a cura e a reparação dos tecidos, essencial para quem se dedica a atividades físicas intensas. Além disso, o ZMA-5 Nightcap é um aliado no fortalecimento do sistema imunológico, garantindo que você esteja sempre pronto para enfrentar novos desafios.
Com 450 gramas, o ZMA-5 oferece 30 porções para homens e 45 porções para mulheres, tornando-se uma opção prática e acessível para todos. A sua formulação única não apenas melhora a qualidade do sono, mas também ajuda na recuperação muscular, permitindo que você acorde renovado e preparado para o dia.
– Recuperação Rápida: Acelera o processo de recuperação muscular após treinos intensos.
– Melhora do Sono: Promove um sono profundo e reparador, essencial para a saúde geral.
– Apoio ao Sistema Imunológico: Fortalece as defesas naturais do corpo, ajudando a prevenir doenças.
– Equilíbrio Hormonal: Suporta níveis saudáveis de testosterona, importante para o desempenho físico e bem-estar.
– Fácil de Usar: A forma líquida torna a ingestão mais agradável e prática, ideal para quem não gosta de cápsulas.
Para obter os melhores resultados, misture uma porção de ZMA®-5 Nightcap em 4 a 6 onças de água ou sua bebida favorita, preferencialmente 30 minutos antes de dormir. Agite bem até que o pó esteja completamente dissolvido. É recomendado que o uso seja feito em um ambiente tranquilo, permitindo que o corpo se prepare para um sono reparador. Evite o consumo de alimentos pesados ou estimulantes antes da ingestão para maximizar os efeitos do suplemento.
Damon B. –
The taste of this is surprising very good! However, the powder gets in my nose whenever I open the container it makes my cough EVERY SINGLE TIME! The powder is also clumped when scooping and even after mixing it in water the powder doesn’t dissolve completely. Even when I drink the powder gets in my nose and back of throat and makes me cough again. I am not sure if my sleep has been affected by supplement, so I can not really speak to that.
Damon B. –
I first tried this product over ~10 years ago or so, and it worked wonders. Figured I should give it a try again and it was well worth the money. I didn’t have the ability to change the flavor (apple cherry), as I hate anything cherry flavored, but figured I could just drink it fast enough that it wouldn’t matter. It’s surprisingly decent and it works just as well now as it did years ago.
megan –
I routinely use the SNAC brand ZMA 5-HTP capsules so I thought I’d give this a try. I find the effects come on quicker and the sleep is better and of a deeper quality than the capsules. The taste is pretty tolerable and the only downside for me, and this is anecdotal (isn’t this all anecdotal? Ha!) so don’t let it dissuade you, but I find I have to get up to use the bathroom in the middle of the night and I didn’t with the capsules and I chalk this up to drinking 12 oz of water before bed.
Also in comparison with using melatonin there is no sludginess/melatonin hangover in the morning. The 30 days I’ve been using it I’ve woken up refreshed and ready to start my day.
Mark Alan Effinger –
SNAC is a really solid company in the Sports Supplement Market.
Of all of their products, I like this one best.
Simply mix up a scoop with a little water just before bed, and you’re good to go.
I’ve used almost every known ZMA powder and capsule in the industry.
SNAC seems to have nailed the desired balance.
The taste is really nice – not too cloying.
And it takes effect within the hour (plus: No restless legs!)
One comment: You’ll want to cycle this for best results. I find by the 3rd day, tolerance begins to build. A day or two off, and my response comes right back (YMMV).
I often supplement SNAC ZMA with SleepNutrients Sublingual Sleep Spray to both put me under faster. And improve the depth of sleep, especially when I build tolerance.
Keep in mind that, even though ZMA makes a great sleep and recovery formula, training hard with intensity is still going to result in sore muscles and a little pain. That’s a good thing. That means you’re winning the battle against mediocrity.
Keep pushing. See you on the journey.
Mark Alan Effinger –
Mixes good and taste good. Improves sleep quality and I feel rested when I wake up. However both my wife and myself have some crazy dreams. I will buy buy again.
GotitGoing –
I can honestly say this ZMA drink mix is loaded with artificial sweeteners and you can definitely taste it and it leaves a film on the inside of your mouth. Turns to almost a syrup consistency and you need to rinse your lips off because it’s so sticky.
On a positive note if you don’t mind all of that then it does seem to help with restless legs and sleeping through the night once your blood sugars level out
J.G. –
Originally, I used SNAC’s ZMA-5 product. That’s a great product but the pills are very large and I sometimes had difficulty swallowing them. This version of SNAC’s formula still works great but is easy to drink before bed. One mild inconvenience is the powder is pretty clumpy and you need to break it up. I think it works best if you use the minimum amount of required water to dissolve the powder, shake it in a sealed container, and let it sit about 10 minutes. The flavor is fine albeit a bit sweet.
Roland Shepherd –
pros – flavor spot on
Cons – contains Aspartame ( Also marketed under names like Splenda, Sweet n Low, SpoonFull, Sucralose ( not to be confused to Sucrose ) Chemical after taste ( Aspartame ) An FYI Aspartame turns to Wood Alcohol in the colon.
Aspartame (nutrasweet) breaks down into methanol (wood alcohol). Methanol quickly converts to formadehyde in the body. Formaldehyde causes gradual and eventually severe damage to the neurological system, immune system and causes permanent genetic damage at low doses. Formaldehyde is used in embalming ( preparation of the deceased for funeral )
Would use more if Stevia ( plant based ) replaced the Aspartame.