O Kan Herbs Essentials Rehmannia Eight Combination é uma fórmula clássica da medicina tradicional chinesa, especialmente desenvolvida para promover a saúde e o bem-estar dos animais. Com uma combinação meticulosamente selecionada de ervas, este produto é ideal para apoiar a vitalidade e a resistência dos pets. Entre os ingredientes principais, encontramos a raiz de Rehmannia (preparada), o rizoma de inhame chinês, a cereja corneliana asiática, o Poria, o rizoma de planta aquática asiática, a casca da raiz de peônia, a casca de canela chinesa e a raiz de aconite de Sichuan. Cada um desses componentes foi escolhido por suas propriedades benéficas, que se complementam para oferecer um suporte abrangente à saúde animal.
A fórmula é composta por 48% a 54% de água, 24% a 26% de glicerina vegetal e 10% a 12% de álcool por volume, garantindo uma absorção eficaz dos nutrientes. O uso recomendado varia conforme o peso do animal, com dosagens que vão de 2 a 40 gotas, administradas de 2 a 3 vezes ao dia. A atenção ao detalhe na seleção das ervas e no processo de produção assegura que apenas os melhores ingredientes sejam utilizados, promovendo a saúde de forma natural e segura.
1. Suporte à Vitalidade: Ajuda a manter a energia e a disposição dos animais, promovendo um estilo de vida ativo.
2. Fortalecimento do Sistema Imunológico: Contribui para a resistência natural do organismo, protegendo contra doenças.
3. Melhora da Digestão: As ervas selecionadas favorecem a saúde digestiva, promovendo uma melhor absorção de nutrientes.
4. Equilíbrio Emocional: Pode ajudar a reduzir o estresse e a ansiedade em animais, promovendo um estado de calma.
5. Apoio à Saúde Geral: Fórmula abrangente que atua em múltiplos sistemas do corpo, promovendo o bem-estar integral do animal.
Para garantir a eficácia do Kan Herbs Essentials Rehmannia Eight Combination, recomenda-se seguir as dosagens indicadas conforme o peso do animal. Para animais de 1 a 10 lbs, administrar de 2 a 3 gotas; para aqueles entre 11 e 20 lbs, 4 a 6 gotas; para 21 a 35 lbs, 6 a 10 gotas; para 36 a 75 lbs, 20 a 30 gotas; e para animais de 76 a 100 lbs, 30 a 40 gotas. A administração deve ser feita de 2 a 3 vezes ao dia, preferencialmente em horários regulares. Mantenha o produto em local fresco, longe da luz direta e fora do alcance de crianças.
Mike –
Been using Rehmannia 8 since 2/2020. Eventually worked up to the maximum dose recommended for a dog that weight (Chow / Shepherd mix 50 lbs (30 drops tid). Despite an organic CRF diet that included Probiotics, Eggshells, COQ10, RX Essentials, etc.), the CRF markers (BUN, creatinine, phosphorus) have only increased as has her symptomatology. We are now taking her to a holistic vet who recommends two Standard Process supplements (Renatrophin, Arginex) as the main stays of the CRF treatment protocol, leaving this at best as an adjunct.
Deborah O. –
Much easier to mix into my cat’s food. My vet had sold me a powder in a capsule. I would open one and mix. This is one less step. Seems b to give my 17 yo Burmese more energy and his coat looks better.
peter mach –
My cockatiel has gout and my vet was giving her Rehmania 8 as a lifetime kidney support. I have been giving her 3 units in the morning and 3 at night with a syringe. My first visit to the vet after 1 month checkup there has been no change in ulric acid level. However i believe this is not really a medicine but more of a supplement, so good for her in the long run. The allopurinol (prescription needed) is what has helped in keeping her ulric acid level down, I have been giving her 2 units in the morning and 2 at night.
Susan Cline –
Only 2 * since I’m still uncertain!!!I noticed that on the amazon site under product summary that it indicates to give 2-3 drops for a 1-10 # cat yet the bottle says 5-10 drops for a 1-10 #. Why the discrepancy?
Also, even with steaming off the alcohol, my cat is walking away for his favorite canned cat food, whenever I add this. Any suggestion on what else I could try. Wondering if I would have been better off with the powder?
Will update my rating if and when I either get input or results!!
Deborah O. –
Hillel Abrams –
This was recommended by our Vet for our 18 yr old kitty who is going into renal failure. It has made a difference especially at night when she would meow and roam all night.
adrian –
My cat is now a senior cat and, like everyone I suppose, has an increasing amount of health problems and risk. My vet said that her kidney values are elevated and although not quite ‘chronic kidney disease’, she has the potential to develop that over the next few years. The vet recommended this rehmannia eight as an alternative therapy to try.
I have to say that my cat is usually very picky with what she eats and i was wary whether she would like this. Fortunately for me, my cat thinks this is dessert and as I sprinkle it on her food, she makes it a point to eat the kibble with the r-eight drops on it first.
I’ve noticed that shortly after she started taking rehmannia eight (within a few weeks) her fur coat was a lot softer and she actually seemed to be younger (even more energetic than she usually is and happier seeming). Or maybe this is all in my head as a huge cat lover…
Fast forward a year and my cat still loves this rehmannia eight on a twice daily basis (5 drops a meal). Her kidney values are still on the high side but she’s managed to stave off chronic kidney disease for this long so I’ll continue.
6points –
I give it to my cat to help with his inmune system because he has kitty aids and it has definitely improved his well-being