Descubra o poder ancestral do Pure Himalayan Shilajit Resin, uma resina mineral pura e natural, colhida nas majestosas montanhas do Himalaia, a mais de 5.200 metros de altitude. Este tesouro da natureza é rico em minerais traço, incluindo ácidos fúlvicos e húmicos, que são essenciais para a saúde e o bem-estar. Com uma pureza e potência inigualáveis, nosso Shilajit é livre de aditivos e ingredientes ocultos, permitindo que você desfrute da autêntica resina orgânica a cada porção. Cada frasco de 30g vem acompanhado de uma colher dourada, facilitando a dosagem e o uso.
Se você está enfrentando fadiga ou busca elevar sua vitalidade, a resina de Shilajit do Himalaia é a solução ideal. A filtragem meticulosa do Shilajit é fundamental para desbloquear sua gama completa de benefícios. Diferente dos suplementos minerais comuns, os minerais fúlvicos presentes no Shilajit melhoram a absorção de nutrientes, promovendo um fortalecimento do sistema imunológico, aumento dos níveis de energia e uma digestão saudável. Com mais de 85 minerais traço e ácidos fúlvicos naturalmente presentes, esta mistura única fornece os minerais essenciais para uma energia sustentada. Basta incorporar uma pequena quantidade de resina de Shilajit em água morna ou na sua bebida favorita para potencializar seu bem-estar geral.
Nosso Shilajit de qualidade premium passou por um processamento mínimo, garantindo que você receba um produto puro e natural. Cada frasco é uma oportunidade de transformar seu dia a dia, tornando-se o novo aliado perfeito para sua saúde e vitalidade.
– Aumento de Energia: Melhora os níveis de energia e combate a fadiga, proporcionando um impulso natural para o seu dia.
– Fortalecimento do Sistema Imunológico: Os minerais e ácidos presentes ajudam a fortalecer as defesas naturais do corpo.
– Melhora na Digestão: Promove uma digestão saudável, facilitando a absorção de nutrientes essenciais.
– Apoio à Saúde Mental: Contribui para a clareza mental e foco, ajudando a melhorar a produtividade.
– Equilíbrio Geral do Organismo: A combinação de minerais traço e ácidos fúlvicos promove um bem-estar holístico, melhorando a qualidade de vida.
Para aproveitar ao máximo os benefícios do Pure Himalayan Shilajit Resin, recomenda-se dissolver uma pequena quantidade (aproximadamente 300mg) em água morna ou em sua bebida preferida. Misture bem até que a resina esteja completamente dissolvida. É aconselhável consumir uma vez ao dia, preferencialmente pela manhã, para maximizar a absorção dos nutrientes ao longo do dia. Armazene em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar a integridade do produto.
Husnain Arshad –
Shilajit is a specific taste for many. Luckily, it’s not for the taste buds to enjoy, but the body. Holding majority of the amino acids, minerals and salts our body uses on a daily basis – with effects of increasing energy, concentrating and helping cells regenerate through out the body. I have looked at many different shilajit and for me, this was perfect.
Yesid castro suaza –
Been drinking this stuff for about 2 weeks now and have certainly noticed a difference. This helped my cognitive function and energy levels. Also helped with focus and mood.
Vince Montford –
Estoy esperando los resultados
Paul Dwayne Stevens jr –
UPDATE on the 07/2024 jar: Questioning the quality of the shilajit now that I see the way the company cut corners on its product spoon. Having ordered shilajit from this same business, I dropped it to 2 stars this time because: THE GOLDEN SPOON has changed, it is now a cheap knock-off that doesn’t scoop out the tarry substance very easily, and it gets too HOT to hold as the shilajit melts off into my morning coffee, POOR QUALITY and it feels no better then a colored popsicle stick like the other products come with.. Unlike before, the spoon was solid, metal, didn’t get hot, scooped the product easily. Very disappointed. So this is 2 strikes: PLASTIC JAR; and now the downgraded spoon.
UPDATE 07/2024: yes, i just got my next jar.. can’t beat the quality!
UPDATE/2024: Last ordered Nov 2023 (including my last update).. and now I am back for more (Feb 2024). There is nothing like this product, the quality, the way my body absorbs it, the way it works for me and the results it brings.. I am glad I found this when I did (or else i would still be napping all day!). Love the ‘awakeness’ and the ‘alertness’ it brings, that doesn’t interfere with my nightly sleep cycle!
UPDATE : I finished this jar, went on to the other Shilajit in the glass jar.. now I am back to report my findings on the quality, as I am in the process of reordering this one in the plastic jar.. THIS PRODUCT IS THE BEST! THE QUALITY STANDS APART FROM THE REST! BUY THIS ONE FOR RESULTS! The Shilajit is thicker, does taste stronger, and the results are wonderful.. no more tired, no more dragging through the day and going to bed early.. alert, energy, healthy.. In comparison, the ‘other’ one was like taking nothing at all, lost that feel good energy and back to needing afternoon naps. I apologize to this company for giving you less then 5 stars and I am reordering two more today. PREVIOUS REVIEW: The spoon is very nice, will definitely keep it. Other similar products come with short wooden popsicle sticks, so this is a nice upgrade. Outer packaging is identical to another that sells its product by twos, distributors’ names are different but product appears the same? Anyway.. this product looks like it is fancier and the spoon definitely measures up to a higher standard! But the jar itself, as pretty as it looks, is PLASTIC.. so no, i won’t be purchasing this again as glass jars (such as the other) are preferable. As far as the product itself.. if you are looking, you are really doing a huge favor for better health! Research it, research vulvic acid, and you will feel great when you get it.
Anoushig –
I have been using shilajit for a year now. I found this one that uses organic ingredients. My only issue with it is the flavor but I found a solution for it. I use the little spoonful every day in my coffee so the bitterness gets lost in the coffee. I am happy with it and I will continue to use it !!!
Husnain Arshad –
Have ordered this many times and is great product, this time came in and it’s hard as a rock so hard I cant use it so I went to return it and it says not eligible for return. So I’m out 33.00 bucks and sadly wont order again
Al –
sappy1 –
Thanks. أكثر من رائع
Garbage –
I have used other shilajit products and i know the taste is very little to be desired. This brand of Shilajit
has very strong burnt taste to it, is this normal for the Gold.
Richie Swellz –
The flavor isn’t bad at all, disolves/mixes well in warm water. Feel great when I drink this on a regular basis.