Descrição do Produto:
Descubra o poder das cápsulas de Cogni Up, um suplemento inovador que combina a força do cogumelo Lion’s Mane com a sabedoria das ervas tradicionais. Cada frasco contém 120 cápsulas de cogumelo Lion’s Mane orgânico, enriquecidas com Ginkgo Biloba e Bacopa Monnieri, formuladas para oferecer suporte cognitivo excepcional. Este suplemento nootrópico é ideal para quem busca aprimorar a função cerebral, aumentar a clareza mental e melhorar a memória.
- Componentes Poderosos: Reunimos nove nutrientes poderosos, incluindo Lion’s Mane, Ginkgo Biloba, Bacopa Monnieri, L-Tirosina, L-Teanina, Fosfatidilcolina, Fosfatidilserina, Magnésio, Glicina e Vitamina B6 em um único suplemento de cogumelo Lion’s Mane.
- Combate à Fadiga: As cápsulas de Ginkgo Biloba podem ajudar durante períodos de intensa atividade cognitiva. Os suplementos de cogumelo Lion’s Mane, juntamente com L-Tirosina e L-Teanina, apoiam o corpo e ajudam a lidar com os efeitos da sobrecarga.
- Reabastece com Energia: Nossos suplementos de Lion’s Mane ajudam você a se reenergizar após um dia agitado. Os ingredientes naturais do suplemento cognitivo, como Magnésio, Bacopa Monnieri e Glicina, podem reduzir a fadiga e apoiar um descanso melhor.
- Para seu Humor e Memória: O suplemento Cogni Up pode contribuir para o bem-estar cognitivo (memória, raciocínio e concentração). Uma cápsula de pó de Lion’s Mane apoia a capacidade de aprendizado, ajuda na clareza e auxilia na concentração, mesmo sem café.
- Suplemento Alimentar: A composição natural das cápsulas de cogumelo Lion’s Mane Cogni Up, cápsulas de celulose vegetal e um corpo incomparável tornam as pílulas de extrato de Lion’s Mane ideais para sua dieta. Adicione nosso suplemento cognitivo ao seu smoothie matinal e desfrute dos benefícios de um estilo de vida saudável.
1. Aprimoramento Cognitivo: Melhora a memória e a concentração, ideal para estudantes e profissionais.
2. Redução da Fadiga: Combate a exaustão mental, permitindo um desempenho otimizado em atividades diárias.
3. Apoio ao Humor: Contribui para um estado emocional equilibrado, ajudando a manter a motivação e o foco.
4. Recuperação Energética: Reabastece as energias após dias cansativos, promovendo um descanso mais reparador.
5. Fácil Integração na Dieta: Suplemento versátil que pode ser facilmente adicionado a smoothies e outras refeições.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de duas cápsulas de Cogni Up por dia, preferencialmente pela manhã, acompanhadas de um copo de água. Para maximizar os benefícios, você pode adicionar as cápsulas ao seu smoothie matinal ou consumi-las com uma refeição. É importante seguir as orientações de uso e consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos.
Cleve –
40 three capsule doses.
No mention of testing. Especially if you are not very active, or taking other medication, it is important that you consult your doctor or herbalist before taking supplements with these ingredients. It will increase your peripheral blood pressure, and can cause serious harm (including to the eyes). Take note of and obey the warnings printed on the bottle. Not suitable for long term use unless monitored.
I will provide any known benefits and side-effects I experience from each supplement I take personally; however, effects are often unapparent for many months – if at all – and differ for each person. For this reason, I choose to place more emphasis on product safety in my reviews and will point out weaknesses.
My ancestors were slaves in the lowcountry barrier islands on my mother’s side and Native Americans from the Great Smoky Mountains of NC on my father’s. Herbal remedies have been a part of my heritage for centuries. I was treated with herbs since birth, grow many of my own, and they have been a part of my life for over 60 years. I have successfully treated numerous friends and family members in our coastal community.
An aside regarding my introduction to herbalism: My first experiences with herbalism were with my mother’s yearly “wormer”. An infusion of garlic in scotch – believe me when I say that it smelled and tasted exactly as you would imagine. For me, it is forever unforgettable. I endured a teaspoon dose of this once or twice a year from the time I was a toddler. It was followed by a teaspoon of sugar, but I soon learned that trying to run was fruitless. Just recently, I realized how necessary this may have been. Many areas of our city are at or below sea level. Whenever a heavy storm struck on an incoming tide, our street would flood and cars would stall. My friends and I would be overjoyed at the opportunity to make money pushing cars a few blocks to higher ground, so that they would start again. We made a fortune trudging through that sewerage and parasite infested water – never giving a thought to our peril. Yet, I was somewhat protected. Even now, I make a garlic infusion for garden pest control.
Now finally, many previously unavailable herbal remedies are on the market. This is a mixed blessing, because the industry is largely unregulated. I hope that I may better assist Amazon buyers by publishing my reviews in this manner.
Lori –
Began taking this product and within 2 weeks I could tell an improvement of focus and it helped my memory. It wasn’t a drastic improvement, but every little bit helps.
Lilia Vasilyeva –
I’ve noticed a difference!
I’ve been taking this supplement for a month now and decided to hold off on reviewing it. I add it to my morning shake and feel it’s improved my focus and memory. Maybe it’s even made me a bit smarter!
Kendra Aufenkamp –
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I noticed an increase in productivity but mostly due to my ability to focus better. I was worried about weird dreams, haven’t had any. For me a little goes a long way. Great combination of supplements for the price. Fast shipping and no drawbacks. Not taking it is also okay, but it’s become very helpful.
carolyn –
I’ve only taken them for a month and so far I can’t tell any difference memory wise or in any other way.I am going to try another months supply if I still don’t see any difference i will be looking for another brand.
Dmitry Zabello –
Just started on the LetaGreen Lion’s Mane supplement, and I’m really feeling the difference! It’s super easy to take, and I love that it’s all plant-based. Definitely more focused and the brain fog is way less now. Plus, it’s great to have something natural instead of the usual vitamins. Big thumbs up from me!
KarKar –
I was so excited to try this supplement. I’ve heard great things about Lions Mane and what it can do. I usually avoid 3 a day pills because it’s hard to remember to take them all but I decided to give this one a shot. I have been taking 3 a day for over 3 weeks and the only difference I felt was some crazy diarrhea the first few days after I started taking them. I thought it might be a coincidence, so I stopped taking them for a few days, no diarrhea. When I started them again, within 30 minutes, diarrhea. My body did adjust after a few days and I didn’t have any stomach issues after that. Unfortunately, I didn’t notice any positive effects from taking them. I am disappointed and it’s not something I would repurchase. I do feel like you get a lot of pills for the price but at 3 a day, you go through the 120 fairly quickly.
S. Beis –
Fogginess seems much better after about a month. Will definitely purchase again! Quality for good price.