A solução 3032 Iron Zinc Chelated Solution, de 32 onças, é um produto inovador da New England Pottery, desenvolvido para atender às necessidades específicas de plantas que apresentam clorose, um problema comum que se manifesta pelo amarelamento das folhas. Este produto é uma mistura essencial de ferro e zinco totalmente quelatados, que garantem a correção eficaz da clorose, promovendo um crescimento saudável e vigoroso das plantas.
- Completamente quelatado para a correção da clorose (folhas amareladas)
- Ingredientes ativos: Ferro quelatado, Zinco quelatado
- Produto da New England Pottery
- Solução quelatada de ferro e zinco
- Uma mistura essencial de ferro quelatado e zinco quelatado totalmente disponível
- Projetado para a correção da clorose
- Também útil para abacate, limão e outras árvores frutíferas
- Disponível para as plantas, utilizado em aplicações foliares e no solo
A solução 3032 é especialmente formulada para ser facilmente absorvida pelas plantas, tanto através das folhas quanto do solo, garantindo que o ferro e o zinco estejam sempre disponíveis para atender às necessidades nutricionais das plantas. Isso a torna uma escolha ideal para jardineiros e agricultores que desejam melhorar a saúde de suas plantas, especialmente aquelas que produzem frutos, como abacates e limões.
1. Correção Eficaz da Clorose: Combate o amarelamento das folhas, promovendo um verde vibrante e saudável.
2. Fácil Aplicação: Pode ser utilizado tanto em aplicações foliares quanto no solo, oferecendo versatilidade no uso.
3. Nutrição Balanceada: A combinação de ferro e zinco quelatados fornece uma nutrição equilibrada, essencial para o crescimento das plantas.
4. Ideal para Frutíferas: Especialmente benéfico para árvores frutíferas, garantindo uma colheita abundante e saudável.
5. Produto de Qualidade: Fabricado pela New England Pottery, conhecido por sua excelência em produtos para jardinagem.
Para obter os melhores resultados com a solução 3032 Iron Zinc Chelated Solution, recomenda-se diluir a solução em água conforme as instruções do rótulo. Para aplicações foliares, utilize um pulverizador e aplique nas folhas durante as horas mais frescas do dia, evitando a exposição direta ao sol. Para aplicações no solo, misture a solução com água e aplique ao redor da base das plantas, garantindo que o solo esteja levemente úmido para melhor absorção. Repita o tratamento a cada 4 a 6 semanas, ou conforme necessário, para manter a saúde e a vitalidade das suas plantas.
B_C –
My garden did do great last year so I had the soil tested and it came back high in phosorus. I read that can lead to zinc and iron deficiencies, so I thought this folar spray might help. It really seems to be doing its job. My garden is doing well so far.
Applied every week or two, For my smallish (350 Sq ft) garden this bottle should last a long time. Hopefully until the high phosphorus is resolved, which can take a few years.
DS –
I have to say, I was skeptical, but not about this product. I spent a lot of money on an Indian laurel tree I planted in my front yard and it was yellowing and looked like it was about to turn sickly–so my skepticism was around if this was the right product to put on my tree or not after doing Dr. Google.
Since this product is for plants, I had to make sure that (putting this on a tree) it was strong enough to make an impact. The bottle is a standard size and recommends 1 TB per gallon (don’t quote me on that, but the amount is minimal) My point is that if you need to treat something bigger like a tree and make it stronger, there is enough in the bottle to do that. I did about 4 TB per gallon. Put it around my tree as instructed, then put another gallon of just water on it because it says to water afterwards. I can say I did this 1 week ago. I wish I took pictures, but my tree is really making a comeback! The leaves are starting to get bright green (the new growth isn’t yellowing) and the current growth is getting darker and darker. I live in AZ and this tree gets 100% sun all day. The tree is about 5 years old, so in Indian Laurel years, its pretty young and small. I can tell the tree loved the treatment, so I know this product works. It says to give another treatment in 14 days and I will be doing that. Wow, what a difference. If you have the same problem with established trees, this product does work. Trust me!
Mr&Mrs –
This liquid formula provides fast “greening” action to plants. Although I also like to work iron granules into the soil for a gradual release, this liquid solution helps almost overnight for noticeably greener landscaping. HOWEVER, we live in a dry desert area with very alkaline soil, a poor soil quality (if there is any soil to begin with), and we were buying this gardening product so often that we did a lot of research. We learned that when plants are not responding but continue to be yellow and have very little growth despite iron granules and spraying of iron/zinc liquid that we need something called EDDHA Iron. We bought that product on Amazon and finally some of our dying bottle brush and privet plants not only have survived but have a lot of growth. And it is green growth.
CeeBee –
Helped perk up my plant quickly. Helped rid the soil of all the unnecessary buildup, and gave my little tree new life and growth. Excellent.
M. Kettler –
First, this product (3032) is 32 fluid ounces, not 16 ounces as is currently in the description. I suspected that was the case, as there’s also a 3016 advertised as 16 ounces (and more expensive at present). I am pleased that it turned out to be true.
I could not find any description of the concentrations of this product, but I did find an MSDS, which claimed 2% “iron solution” and 2% “zinc solution”. This actually results in a product that is 0.2% zinc, and 0.2% iron, according to the product label. Being a chelate, it can be used as a foliar spray that gets absorbed through the leaves, and these concentrations are reasonable enough for that. If you were planning to use this to treat soil, it won’t go very far. That said, the low concentrations are probably good on the zinc side, it’s easy to over-do zinc and kill off plants.
A bit more digging around, and this product does have a metal analysis registered with California, and nothing seems particularly dangerous (a bit over 1ppm of lead, but that is pretty low and this product is used heavily diluted with water..)
I used this as a foliar spray on a small patch of lawn that’s got a really absurdly low zinc and phosphorus levels (among other problems, and yes I had a professional agricultural laboratory analyze a sample of the soil). The area has been showing stunted growth of new seedlings (1 year old seedlings still under 1″ tall, a sign of low Zn), and general thinning (sign of low P). Since applying phosphorus will worsen the zinc problem, I really wanted to give a bit of zinc boost here shortly after the P application. It’s now a few weeks after both applications and the grass is looking better in general. Some of the edges of the stunted area are showing proper growth, although there’s still a lot of stunted grass in the mid section. We’ll see how this improves over time.
Anne Marie C. –
Definitely fixed my plant’s yellow leaves; it’s a deep green and thriving now. BUT it came with a hideous case of creepy clustered mushrooms! They would bloom overnight in multiple packs of 5-8, at first tan and pointy, then gray-blue with flat, open caps. Then they’d shrivel up and disappear. The infestation lasted for months. They’re gone now (I hope), but I’m hesitant to use the spray again because the fungus was such a turnoff.
Also, as another reviewer noted, the liquid became a green, polluted scum soon after mixing with water in the spray bottle. What gives? If there were more details on the product as well as instructions by the manufacturer, maybe what happened when I used the spray would make more sense. Instead, I’m just confused and unsettled.
Eric Red Howie –
This stuff is perfect for what I needed and I doubt I’ll ever have to buy another bottle since a little seems to go a long way (and I only have a couple things that need it). If I ever do need more, though, I’m definitely getting this again.