Descrição do Produto:
Descubra o poder dos minerais essenciais com as gomas de Potássio e Magnésio da Horbäach, uma opção inovadora e deliciosa para complementar sua dieta. Cada porção oferece 99 mg de Potássio e 150 mg de Magnésio, dois nutrientes fundamentais que desempenham papéis cruciais na manutenção da saúde e bem-estar. Com um sabor irresistível de pêssego e morango, essas gomas veganas são uma maneira prática e saborosa de garantir que você está recebendo os minerais necessários para o seu corpo.
A fórmula das gomas Horbäach é cuidadosamente elaborada, refletindo o compromisso da marca com a pureza e a potência dos ingredientes. Cada lote é testado em laboratório, garantindo que você receba um produto de qualidade superior, 100% garantido. Além disso, as gomas são naturalmente isentas de glúten, trigo, leite, lactose e são não-OGM, tornando-as uma escolha segura para aqueles com restrições alimentares.
Com 70 gomas em cada embalagem, você pode facilmente incorporar esse suplemento em sua rotina diária, seja como um lanche saudável ou como parte de sua suplementação regular. As gomas Horbäach não são apenas uma forma conveniente de obter os minerais que seu corpo precisa, mas também uma experiência gustativa que transforma o cuidado com a saúde em um prazer.
– Suporte à Saúde Muscular: O Magnésio é essencial para a função muscular adequada, ajudando a prevenir cãibras e promovendo a recuperação após exercícios.
– Equilíbrio Eletrolítico: O Potássio é fundamental para manter o equilíbrio de fluidos no corpo, contribuindo para a saúde cardiovascular e a regulação da pressão arterial.
– Fácil de Consumir: As gomas são uma alternativa prática e saborosa aos suplementos tradicionais em cápsulas ou comprimidos, facilitando a adesão à suplementação.
– Adequado para Dietas Restritivas: Sendo veganas e livres de glúten, essas gomas são ideais para pessoas com restrições alimentares, garantindo que todos possam se beneficiar dos minerais essenciais.
– Qualidade Garantida: Com testes rigorosos em laboratório e um compromisso com ingredientes de alta qualidade, você pode confiar que está consumindo um produto seguro e eficaz.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se consumir duas gomas por dia, preferencialmente durante uma refeição. Isso não apenas maximiza a absorção dos minerais, mas também integra o suplemento de forma harmoniosa à sua rotina alimentar. Armazene em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar a qualidade e a eficácia do produto.
E. Marie –
99mg’s of magnesium, 150mg’s of potassium, no GMO, gluten free and an extraordinary flavor make these gummies an outstanding supplement.
Great combination of potassium and magnesium providing excellent body strength maintenance.
I take these every day right after my workout to take advantage of the absorption for recovery.
These gummies work well.
R. Moheban –
Supplements are very hard to review as any perceived changes in health could be illusory, like a placebo effect. I started taking this product 2 gummies per day and almost thoughtlessly increased to twice a day, two to three gummies. It was probably too much.
What I noticed was increased heart rate, and when lying down I couldn’t lie on my left side (which would constrict the heart). Possibly this had nothing to do with the supplement, so I stopped taking it and immediately the issue stopped. I was quite glad because I thought I might have cardiovascular problems necessitating a doctor visit, so when the “tightness” ceased and I felt fantastic, the uncanny timing made it seem attributable to this product.
I am guessing that what might have happened was the magnesium/potassium boost somehow positively affect my CV system. While it was working there was slight discomfort; when it was done working (when I ceased taking it) I noticed feeling improved. Hard to describe.
I think it’s plausible correcting a magnesium and/or potassium deficiency could help arterial or heart health.
Beyond that, I’d be careful with this product because being so sweet it might be confused for candy. Keep out of reach of children would be my advice.
At a reasonable $9.99 currently, I think this supplement might be worth a shot for people seeking to correct a mineral deficiency. I will continue taking either this product or similar products for the foreseeable future as my heart feels great; better than it had in years.
Neophite –
I don’t know if it’s because these are vegan gummies, but they taste worse and have a much stiffer texture than regular gummy vitamins. They’re not terrible by any means, but this isn’t a product I’d get again either.
Ross –
As a candy, these pack a punch. They are both sweeter and sourer than any gummi bear you ever tasted. Serious pucker. Hard to detect the fruit flavor underneath the sour.
I would find them considerably easier to consume if they were a little less sour and a whole lot less sweet. (First ingredient, sugar. Second ingredient, glucose syrup.)
Presumably they deliver the advertised low dose of magnesium and potassium. I noticed no impact, good or bad, on my sleep in the first week of use.
Jennifer Lynn –
I have been invited by Amazon to take part in the Amazon Vine program & I take that very seriously.
I order products I am interested in, try them out and give my honest review on that product.
I am not paid in any way by Amazon or the sellers for my reviews.
Since I am an Amazon customer as well, I provide as much detail as possible for other customers in order to help make an informed decision on the products. I do not recommend products I myself wouldn’t use.
My doctor recommended that I take in more potassium & magnesium so when these gummies came across my vine feed, I ordered them.
I take other gummies and most of them I like.
These gummies however taste like orange which I’m not a fan of.
It was hard for me to chew them because I was so put off by the taste.
On a good note though, I usually have trouble with magnesium bothering my stomach. These gummies did not bother my stomach at all.
I am really going to try to continue to take these gummies but I’m not sure I’ll be able to. I just can’t get past the taste. If the taste wasn’t so bad, I would probably give 5 stars.
alma –
nothing noted to suggest for improvement
Micheal D. Prater –
I needed a product to help with night time leg cramps. After a couple days of taking these, problem solved. They also taste really good!
Potassium/Magnesium gummies are a great way to get in some extra magnesium and potassium. They are about the same fir.ness as a typical gummy maybe a little.softer. they taste pretty good, definitely not the worste ones I have tried. Great alternative to trying to take pills.