Lily of the Desert Aloe Vera Juice – Bebida de Aloe Vera Filtrada da Folha Inteira
Descubra o poder revitalizante do suco de aloe vera da Lily of the Desert, uma bebida que combina a pureza da natureza com a ciência da saúde. Produzido a partir de folhas inteiras de aloe vera, este suco é uma fonte rica de vitaminas, aminoácidos e enzimas que promovem o bem-estar e a saúde digestiva. Cultivada organicamente nos campos da Lily of the Desert, a aloe vera é processada para garantir que você receba um suco bioativo, repleto de benefícios para todo o corpo, especialmente para o sistema digestivo.
O diferencial do suco de aloe vera da Lily of the Desert é o Aloesorb, um ingrediente patenteado rico em polissacarídeos que potencializa a absorção de nutrientes e maximiza os efeitos benéficos do produto. Com cada gole, você não apenas hidrata seu corpo, mas também nutre suas células com compostos que ajudam na digestão e promovem a saúde intestinal.
Para aproveitar ao máximo os benefícios do suco de aloe vera, recomenda-se consumir de 30 a 60 ml ao longo do dia, seja puro ou misturado em uma bebida refrescante, preferencialmente 30 minutos antes das refeições. Essa prática simples pode transformar sua rotina, proporcionando alívio para o estômago e contribuindo para uma digestão saudável.
A Lily of the Desert, fundada em 1971 em Denton, Texas, é uma empresa confiável no setor de produtos de saúde e bem-estar, comprometida em melhorar a qualidade de vida das pessoas e do planeta por meio de produtos de aloe vera sustentáveis, inovadores e eficazes.
– Saúde Digestiva: O suco de aloe vera ajuda a aliviar desconfortos estomacais e promove uma digestão saudável.
– Rico em Nutrientes: Contém vitaminas e aminoácidos essenciais que suportam o sistema imunológico e a saúde geral.
– Aloesorb Exclusivo: A presença do Aloesorb aumenta a absorção de nutrientes, potencializando os efeitos do suco.
– Produto Natural: Orgânico, não transgênico, sem glúten, vegano e kosher, ideal para diversas dietas.
– Compromisso Sustentável: Produzido por uma empresa com mais de 50 anos de experiência em práticas agrícolas sustentáveis.
Para obter os melhores resultados, consuma de 30 a 60 ml do suco de aloe vera da Lily of the Desert diariamente. Pode ser ingerido puro ou misturado a outras bebidas, como sucos ou smoothies. É recomendado tomar o suco 30 minutos antes das refeições para maximizar a absorção dos nutrientes e promover uma digestão eficiente. Armazene em local fresco e seco, e agite bem antes de usar para garantir a homogeneidade do produto.
James Schwartz –
Best cost per ounce for Aloe Juice! The provider is great and very responsive to any questions that I have had.
Great product, great price, very convenient, and most of all an easy way to acquire this healthy product!
Miranda –
>>>adderall/ADHD<<< Patient right here — who deals with regular constipation from taking my medication. I used to have to sacrifice being able to go poo if I take my medication to correct my ADHD… it was a horrible dilemma because without my meds I dont have control over my life, but with then my stool is rock hard and im constipated or would take laxatives. Lily of the Desert Aloe Vera Juice has been my life saver. I am now able to regularly go to the restroom with little to no added pushing or effort.. I don't have to take laxatives anymore.. Although I do eat Oatmeal for added fiber and also psyllium husk+coarsely ground flax seeds in a tall glass of water.. I would recommend this brand aloe juice and the fiber foods I listed for anyone with constipation as a side effect from their regular medication.. so happy for discovering it..
So how do I drink it.. well the flavor is AWFUL when its my itself and God Bless anyone who is able to drink it straight… Which i cannot!! Drink 2 OZ at a time 4x daily which amounts to 8 oz/daily. I mix it with soda water and juice so it masks the flavor and its not in boring flat juice. I cant taste it all all when i do this. I also think you could mix it with sugar soda but i would not recommend because sugary soda dehydrates your body and will constipate you further.. The WHOLE leaf is better and more beneficial than the inner filet in case you are wondering… it helps better with stomach issues. Ok comment back if you have any questions.. Lily of the Desert should sponsor me and I will post youtube videos and help them advertise because I am pretty popular in my city and the nutrition community 😉 😉
Anthony –
whether if you use it in your hair, or face, drink it, or use it on your body, this product is amazing. It definitely does soften skin over time and if you drink it it does help an upset stomach. I will say my ONLY complaint is that the taste is pretty bad, but the pros definitely outweigh the cons
Martin A Hogan –
My grocery store and Walgreens no longer carry this, but it is really good for your digestive system. One of two 8oz. glasses a day and my poop is just right. The taste is not sweet or savory – just right and has little calories. I like this stuff.
But your local pharmacy will sell the same thing for almost half the price. The only advantage to this is prime, will deliver it in less than 12 hours.
S. price –
When I ordered this and opened it the day I got it it didn’t smaller taste like anything it says it should stay good in the refrigerator for about 5 months but a week later when I went to get more it was very sour and undrinkable. Basically a waste of $32.
croxandsox –
I’m REALLY trying to eat clean and my nutritionist suggested adding aloe to my water for extra health and hydration. Easy enough, every supermarket has big displays of them by check-pout, right/ Well look at the label, that delicious pulp at the bottom is full of sugar. So off I went on the hunt for regular aloe extract to add. I found two — this one and one at Trader Joe’s but that one has preservatives. So I settled on this. As usual I emailed the company and asked a zillion questions and they were really helpful and driected me to this product. The gallon size jug took up a chunk of space in my fridge but it does freeze well. This does not taste like a sweetened drink; and to compare it to vinegar is unfair because it’s not like that, but it does add a taste. You can add other stuff but I happen to like it. I am drinking more water than ever, i add to everything including smoothies and green tea. And yesterday at Sprout’s I found it in a smaller container. DEFINITELY REOCMMEND.
wickedbecca –
I bought this for acid reflux, I read reviews and did research and decided to give this a try.
When I first drank it as the instructions say to do by diluting in water, the taste was just as people said, but as it went down it felt like a fire was being extinguished inside me and I found IMMEDIATE relief from heart burn! I also noticed in my ordinal experience that I wouldn’t have heart burn again for up to a week later!
I also read about the digestive track health benefits and do notice a a change in my GI health!
The taste is chemical, but I found that mixing it with more water helped. My boyfriend (who has seen the same results) is able to chug it with the 8 Oz of water they recommend, but he is from Wisconsin where chugging bad tastung liquid is in his genes. 😉
One thing to remember about thus product is that is has to be refrigerated, and it’s a big bottle. So clear some room for it otherwise it will go bad and expire.
Steven Elder –
This has many healing properties and is the best that I have found on the market. I am experimenting with it for digestive health and will leave another review in a month or so, but wanted to say that the taste is NOT that bad. It is has a similar acidity quality of apple cider vinegar with a lighter after bite. Do not let the other reviews of “bad taste” fool you. It is just fine.