HUM Mighty Night – Suplemento Noturno para a Pele com CoQ10
O HUM Mighty Night é um suplemento noturno inovador, projetado para promover uma pele jovem e radiante enquanto você dorme. Com uma fórmula rica em ceramidas, este produto ajuda a reter a umidade e a melhorar a textura da pele, garantindo um aspecto luminoso e hidratado ao acordar. A presença de antioxidantes poderosos, como o ácido ferúlico e o CoQ10, atua diretamente na neutralização dos radicais livres, combatendo os primeiros sinais de envelhecimento e preservando a vitalidade da sua pele.
Além de seus benefícios estéticos, o HUM Mighty Night também é formulado para apoiar um sono profundo e restaurador. Com ingredientes naturais relaxantes, como raiz de valeriana, flor de maracujá e lúpulo, este suplemento promove um descanso mais profundo, essencial para a renovação celular e a saúde geral do corpo. A combinação desses componentes não só melhora a textura e o tom da pele, mas também favorece a renovação celular, resultando em uma pele mais suave e uniforme.
– Promove uma pele jovem e radiante, com hidratação intensa.
– Combate os sinais precoces de envelhecimento, mantendo a pele saudável.
– Melhora a qualidade do sono, essencial para a regeneração da pele.
– Aumenta a uniformidade da textura e do tom da pele.
– Contribui para um bem-estar geral, promovendo um ciclo de sono reparador.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se tomar duas cápsulas do HUM Mighty Night antes de dormir. É importante ingerir o suplemento com um copo de água, preferencialmente 30 minutos antes de se deitar. Para maximizar os efeitos, combine o uso do suplemento com uma rotina de cuidados com a pele adequada e uma alimentação equilibrada.
Michelle –
I’ve been using this product for a couple of months. It contains ceramides & COQ10 which is good for your skin and heart plus valerian root which helps you sleep. Great combination of ingredients!
MG –
I’ve only taken them for a month so I’m not entirely sure how effective they are. Don’t notice any sleep benefits, though. Feels like price gouging with how much these cost compared with what is actually in them. It annoys me when companies do this – profit first. Vitamins have gotten way over the top with $$$ lately. Not sure whether I can afford to keep taking them if the price stays this high.
Michele M –
My sleep is rocky at best– I’ll sleep for a bit then wake up with my heart racing. This continues all night. I average 4 hours a night. I’ve been using this product for 3 months, religiously. I keep waiting for it to fix my sleep. Maybe I’m getting an extra 45 minutes? I think? I honestly can’t see where this is helping me. I should probably stop wasting my money.
Amy Canadeo –
Makes you very relaxed and you go right to sleep I typically have to take four now I started with two..
Arathi Srikantaiah –
I was drawn to the HUM Mighty Night supplement because it claimed have both sleep and skin benefits. I also liked the fact that it did not have melatonin. Melatonin gives me weird dreams and makes me feel more tired and disturbed the next day. HUM Mighty night has a combination of hops, valerian and passion flower and this blend seems to have a very soothing effect on my nervous system. I have tried valerian and passion flower individually with limited success. This blend is calming and has helped me in both falling and staying asleep through the night. While all three of these herbs promote GABA production, I had read somewhere that hops can lower body temperature and maybe this is one of the reasons why this blend works so well and works wonderfully for women in the above 40 age set. It is too early to talk about the skin benefits, as deeper sleep in itself can make skin look prettier in the morning, but I think that my skin texture has improved a slight bit.
I will continue to take this supplement for a few months every night and then maybe wean off to taking it on nights I need extra help sleeping, but I will always have Mighty Night in my sleep arsenal.
Great protector for the price –
I usually have a difficult time staying asleep and having a restful night but this seems to help a lot. I find myself having more of a deeper sleep and my skin has improved A LOT. My skin seems to be a lot more hydrated !
Kevin Elliott –
I have not been paid for this review or given a free bottle to try. This product is amazing! I have not been sleeping well for quite a few years. I wake up and have a terrible time falling back to sleep, my mind works overtime! I’ve tried everything, melatonin, chamomile tea, lemon balm, but nothing worked! Then I tried this. It didn’t work right away, you do have to be patient. It took a couple of weeks, but now I’m sleeping 7 hours a night. I still wake up but I fall back to sleep more quickly. I take one soft gel and put my ear plugs in and I’m out within minutes. Give it a try you won’t be sorry!
Erika Sugey –
Toma dos cápsulas antes de dormir y desde la primera toma verás que si funciona estoy sorprendida.
Y dije que será cuando pasen dos semanas (que es cuando según comienza a trabajar) ahora me siento más descansada y en paz.
Solo que las pastillas están elaboradas con plantas y tienen un mal olor, pero FUNCIONAN y el olor pasa a segundo plano.
Cómpralo no te vas arrepentir.