O NewLife Naturals DIM Supplement 300mg é uma solução inovadora e eficaz para mulheres que buscam gerenciar os sintomas da menopausa e promover um equilíbrio hormonal saudável. Este suplemento é formulado com DIM (Diindolilmetano), um composto natural derivado de vegetais crucíferos, que desempenha um papel crucial na manutenção de níveis ideais de estrogênio. Ao incorporar este suplemento em sua rotina, você pode aliviar os incômodos como ondas de calor e suores noturnos, além de apoiar um metabolismo saudável.
Para os homens, o nosso complexo de DIM atua como um regulador de estrogênio, promovendo um aumento na energia, equilíbrio de humor e uma melhor metabolização através da desintoxicação. É especialmente popular entre fisiculturistas e aqueles que enfrentam níveis elevados de estrogênio, ajudando a minimizar o risco de ginecomastia e a promover uma melhor composição corporal.
Produzido com orgulho nos Estados Unidos, o NewLife Naturals DIM Supplement passa por rigorosos testes em laboratórios independentes, garantindo que você receba um produto livre de soja, laticínios, glúten, enchimentos e excipientes. Nossas cápsulas vegetarianas são enriquecidas com 5 mg de BioPerine, um ingrediente que potencializa a absorção do DIM, assegurando resultados ótimos. Com uma fórmula de força extra, cada frasco contém um suprimento para dois meses, com 300 mg de DIM por dose, proporcionando um suporte robusto para o equilíbrio hormonal.
– Gerenciamento de Sintomas da Menopausa: Alivia ondas de calor e suores noturnos, proporcionando conforto durante a transição hormonal.
– Equilíbrio Hormonal: Ajuda a manter níveis saudáveis de estrogênio, promovendo um estado de bem-estar geral.
– Aumento de Energia: Melhora a disposição e o humor, contribuindo para uma vida mais ativa e produtiva.
– Apoio ao Metabolismo: Facilita a perda de peso e a manutenção de um metabolismo saudável, essencial para a saúde a longo prazo.
– Pureza e Segurança: Produto livre de alérgenos comuns e testado em laboratório, garantindo uma experiência segura e eficaz.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de uma cápsula do NewLife Naturals DIM Supplement 300mg diariamente, preferencialmente com uma refeição. Isso não apenas maximiza a absorção do DIM, mas também ajuda a integrar o suplemento de forma harmoniosa em sua rotina alimentar. É aconselhável consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer regime de suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos.
Kirsten Nasserisina –
I have an imbalance of hormones and I started having this imbalance since September 2022. At the time, I didn’t know what to do. So in late November, I started researching what supplements to take to help address my issues. I finally found an article on DIM and wondered if it would help me. So I bought this product and I’ve used it for several months now. The first month I took it, I felt very fatigued and tired but I noticed it significantly improved my sleep! I could finally fall asleep better. My estrogen was previously too high and I would struggle getting enough restorative sleep. I’m so happy that this DIM helped to balance out my estrogen and I rarely have issues with falling asleep like I did before I started taking this product. I realize through my research that it is normal to feel fatigued and tired during the first month of usage, as the DIM is detoxifying the body from excess estrogen. So I expected to feel that way. I’ve been taking it for two months now and I feel less of the detoxing effects and more balanced with much more energy. This DIM helped me in so many ways and I feel grateful that at least I’m able to function better and have a more normal life!
Tess W –
I came across DIM on TikTok and said it helped with hormonal and cystic acne, i looked into it and read it helps regulate hormones and a year ago i got an IUD which i feel may have added to my acne ( maybe not, just a thought). I’m currently 20 yrs old and have have been to a dermatologist consistently for a year now and have been prescribed tretinoin spironolactone, minocyclin, and other topicals to help. I was never sever enough nor did i want to try acutane so i stuck with other alternatives but never saw a clear answer from those. When i came across this supplement i looked into this especially cause the price was good compared to other dim supplements and thought I’d give it a try. I am still taking the spironolactone im prescribed which like i said wasn’t a fix but adding this into my daily regimen has helped so much!! My chin and mouth area hasn’t been this consistently clear in so long. I don’t want jinx it just yet since it’s only been a week and a half but still after a week i saw results that i think are from this! The only thing which i had read about prior to this was the orange pee and maybe a little headache which i did have but are now gone, but no bad side effects on my end. Try if you looking for something to help with hormonal acne and if you have tried alternatives prescription’s give this a try! I don’t have any before an after pictures but can say that i have never written an Amazon review in my life, so just know i really do support this product!
UPDATE:( 8/22/23) I’m still in love with this supplement, everything i said in the above review still stands! I have been using it for a few months now consistently everyday with my spironolactone that I’m prescribed but i truly haven’t seen any huge breakouts. Every once in a while i have a pimple but that’s usually cause or my diet… besides that even if i do have a pimple here or there it isn’t under the surface irritating me and hurting it comes up and is gone within 2 days. Once again love this and im on my 3rd bottle.
Lenise Holmes –
So anyone brought to this supplement due to hormonal changes due to that lovely magical time of a women’s life that throws your entire existence into a living hell… Please read this. I began to take this after watching a “viral” video of a woman my age (48) say she incorporated it into her daily mix of supplements and it was a life changer. I began with another bottle that was 200mg, and liked that I felt no hot flashes. Slowly I started taking vitamin D +K, Chasteberry, Dong Quai, Ginger, and B6, along with this 300mg option. I was like, I feel great let’s TAKE IT ALL! After about 2 months I stopped taking everything and just took the Dim with a probiotic (I was getting bloated bad). No relief, still feeling super puffy in the face, belly, butt…basically just the Stay Puff Marshmallow Man. I started researching why I was feeling so bad again, insomnia was back, low sex drive, the dreaded hot then cold flashes, everything. I feel no energy and not in the mood to do much of anything. I found countless articles online that says taking high doses of Dim (when you have LOW estrogen already) can actually have the opposite affect, and cause your estrogen to drop even lower! So I started to realize that 200mg was making me feel ok, but 300mg was literally tanking my estrogen into dangerously low levels. Itay help if you have estrogen dominance, but ladies with low levels should NOT be taking 300mg of Dim. A safer amount would be 50mg to 100mg. You should also include other supplements that balance hormones, but go slow. Start with one a day if they say to take two a day. Take ginger and a probiotic for bloat, and Boron! It can help metabolize all of this. Please be careful taking high doses of DIM, You’re not increasing your estrogen, you may actually be making it lower.
Luis H Galindo –
I was really lucky to find a product that would help keep estrogen levels in check at such a great price point. The jackpot however, is that this is a domestically produced product(made in the USA) where there are more stringent controls on whats in the product so when it says its Vegan I can rest assured that it is Vegan. Additionally, they do not add any of the extra fillers often found in supplements. I’ve been consistently energetic and my upper back and face have been clearing up. Great product, would order again!
Excellent as advertised –
Arrived ad advertised
Loud little fan –
I can see that my face is clearing up
Michael lasse –
It says 300mg but the bottle is only 200mg and you can’t exchange or return! This is false advertising and I regret not buying another brand!
Charmaine –
So far I have been taking it for just over a week. I haven’t seen or felt much change in night sweats yet. Hopefully it will kick in soon.
If not I guess I’ll just have to move on to the next thing.
Here’s to hoping I get some relief soon.
Sure could use a full night sleep. 😴
Onesleevemcgee –
This product works exactly as its suppose too.
It is generally marketed towards women for menopause or acne treatment but as a 27year old man I use DIM to keep off more body fat off, keep more energy after a strenuous workout, and to reduce pain and inflammation. DIM prevents the body from converting testosterone into harmful estrogen and increases free testosterone in the bloodstream in men and women which leads to leaner and healthier muscles, skin, and brain tissue. great product and great value for the price
Michael lasse –
This is false advertisement they tried to say that’s 300 mg but when you receive it it says on the bottle 200 mg the only reason why I got this is cuz I thought it was 300 mg and on top of that the capsule seem pretty small for 200 mg because of got other brands before 200 mg and the capsules were bigger so this could be even under 200 mg what a rip off