Descrição do Produto:
O NOW Foods Butterbur é um suplemento alimentar em cápsulas vegetais, contendo 60 unidades por embalagem. Cada cápsula é feita com ingredientes naturais e de alta qualidade, proporcionando uma opção saudável para o consumo diário.
O Butterbur é uma planta perene nativa da Europa e da Ásia, conhecida por suas propriedades medicinais. Este suplemento é formulado com extrato de Butterbur padronizado, garantindo a concentração ideal de seus compostos ativos.
Com propriedades anti-inflamatórias e antiespasmódicas, o Butterbur tem sido tradicionalmente utilizado para aliviar dores de cabeça, enxaquecas e sintomas de alergias sazonais. Além disso, também pode ajudar a reduzir a frequência e a intensidade das crises de enxaqueca.
Este produto é livre de ingredientes artificiais, como corantes, aromatizantes e conservantes, sendo uma opção natural para quem busca cuidar da saúde de forma consciente. As cápsulas vegetais são ideais para vegetarianos e veganos, além de serem fáceis de engolir e de rápida absorção pelo organismo.
Adquira agora o NOW Foods Butterbur e desfrute dos benefícios que este suplemento pode oferecer para o seu bem-estar!
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
1. Alívio de Dores de Cabeça e Enxaquecas:
O Butterbur é conhecido por suas propriedades analgésicas e anti-inflamatórias, podendo ajudar a reduzir dores de cabeça e enxaquecas de forma natural.
2. Redução de Sintomas de Alergias Sazonais:
Este suplemento pode auxiliar na diminuição dos sintomas de alergias sazonais, como espirros, coriza e coceira nos olhos, proporcionando alívio e bem-estar.
3. Ação Antiespasmódica:
O Butterbur possui propriedades antiespasmódicas, o que significa que pode ajudar a relaxar os músculos e aliviar espasmos musculares.
4. Livre de Ingredientes Artificiais:
Este produto é formulado sem o uso de corantes, aromatizantes e conservantes artificiais, sendo uma opção natural e saudável para o seu consumo diário.
5. Cápsulas Vegetais:
As cápsulas vegetais são ideais para vegetarianos e veganos, além de serem fáceis de engolir e de rápida absorção pelo organismo.
– Sugestão de Uso:
Recomenda-se tomar 1 cápsula de NOW Foods Butterbur por dia, de preferência com uma refeição. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar o uso deste suplemento, especialmente se estiver grávida, amamentando ou tiver algum problema de saúde.
Armazene em local fresco e seco, longe da luz solar direta. Mantenha fora do alcance de crianças.
gosasha7 –
I started taking this product a little over a month ago while recovering from rebound migraines from Relpax (one of the triptans). I’m a chronic “classic” migraine sufferer – approximately 12 attacks/month. I am on norvasc (calcium channel blocker) 2x/daily 5mg which helps but 3 months ago I had a migraine that didn’t end for 3 months. For those of you who are familiar, this is called “status migrainous”. I had to be on a course of steroids to break the migraine cycle. During this attack, I purchased this butterbur with feverfew. I also purchased another feverfew product, Nature’s Way Feverfew Leaves – each feverfew capsule contains 380 mg feverfew. I took NOW butterbur with feverfew 3x/daily with meals along with the additional capsules of feverfew – 2x/daily (just for extra help). I also started taking 1,000mg magnesium oxide at bedtime. Within 3 weeks I noticed a dramatic difference (which I honestly wasn’t expecting but I was desperate for help). Several times within the past couple weeks I either woke up with a migraine slightly starting or one starting during the day, but then when I got up and took the supplements, within a half hour the pain just ended up going away. No triptans required! The reason I was so skeptical is because I have tried every medicine out there and nothing has really helped me until I found Norvasc, but even that isn’t so great. If you suffer migraines, this is worth a try. Give it time and also, take it the full 3x/daily at least for 6 weeks to see if you notice a difference. I’m not sure if it was this product alone that helped me or the combination of this with the additional feverfew with the magnesium, but I haven’t had a migraine in 12 days and I feel great and don’t plan to stop any of these.
味つけは砂糖少なめ –
SHenry –
Great shipping time
Scott Grogg –
As a chronic migraine sufferer (20 days or more per month), I can tell you that I’ve tried a lot of different medications prescribed by a lot of different doctors. It wasn’t until I went to the Mayo Clinic and saw a neurologist there that we found a prescription medication that gave a partial solution to reduce down the severity and length of my migraines. Unfortunately, it did not solve all of the issues. So, some experimentation with Butterbur was done to supplement the prescription medications. Thankfully, this has helped dramatically. I only have one or two bad days per month now; which I couldn’t say happened strictly on prescription medications. (One additional benefit to taking Butterbur has been with reducing down my seasonal allergies.)
Over the past 6 months, I have taken a different brand of Butterbur; but decided to change after reading positive reviews about Feverfew which has been shown to be an additional effective treatment for migraines; but, also for seasonal allergies. Since starting the NOW brand, I have not noticed any ill effects or differences versus the other Butterbur brands on the market.
Important to remember: Butterbur takes 30 to 60 days to build up in your system before it becomes effective for migraine relief. Many people complain that it doesn’t work; but, they have only taken it a few days. This is nowhere near long enough to make a good evaluation if Butterbur will work or not.
NZ –
I have had eye migraines sporadically for over 20 years. Over the last year they seem to be more frequent, and for anyone who experiences these, you know how debilitating and insufferable they are. So I went to google in search of any options for prevention, and came upon Butterbur/feverfew. I went with this product, and I just ordered a second bottle being 25 days in, and no eye migraines. While I haven’t logged my occurrences, I’m quite sure they have been at least 2-4x/month. I am hopeful this continues, and if it does, I am so grateful. I also consulted with my integrative doctor this past week to ensure there were no contraindications with my current regimen and asked about potential liver damage based on on another (Dr) google search. There are no known contraindications for me and we will monitor my liver functions. I am so encouraged to finally put an end to this awful problem, and will update again after a couple of months.
Update 12/7: I had a 7 week plus streak without an eye migraine until today. It was triggered by my sitting in the hair salon while a lot of strong smelling styling spray was being used on me, and a couple of other factors. I’m somewhat disappointed, but I will continue taking because this is the longest I have gone in a very long time so I have no doubt that it’s helping. I will post again after next episode
Update 1/4: Another eye migraine today, so 4 weeks since last one. Disappointing, but still good compared to before supplement. It’s also not a terribly bad one as I took my generic Excedrin Migraine to eliminate the visual disturbance, which pretty much went away within half an hour with no other terrible symptoms. Will keep posting as this is serving as my personal journal and how this is working and at what point I may decide to discontinue.
Update 1/24. Another eye migraine yesterday, and I couldnt really even figure what the trigger was. At this point, I may just let what the product I have run out and log the frequency thereafter to make a call on the effectiveness.