Colágeno em Cápsulas com Vitamina C: Como a proteína mais abundante nos seres humanos, o COLÁGENO é um dos principais blocos de construção para garantir a vitalidade dos ossos, pele, músculos, tendões e ligamentos. No entanto, nosso corpo naturalmente começa a produzir menos colágeno à medida que envelhecemos. É por isso que oferecemos colágeno em cápsulas facilmente absorvíveis, avançadas com Vitamina C natural para auxiliar juntos no processo de síntese do colágeno. Cápsulas de colágeno hidrolisado para mulheres e homens.
Aprimore sua pele, unhas e cabelos com Biotina e Ácido Hialurônico: Para extrair o melhor de nossos peptídeos de colágeno de várias fontes, formulamos cuidadosamente este complexo único de BELEZA, incluindo dois suportes para a pele clinicamente estudados, Biotina e Ácido Hialurônico. Tome 3 cápsulas diariamente e sinta o frescor anti-envelhecimento de dentro para fora – pele radiante e hidratada com menos linhas finas, rugas e estrias, cabelos mais espessos e radiantes com menos queda de cabelo e unhas mais saudáveis com menos quebra.
Alivie suas articulações e ossos com Cúrcuma: Além das conhecidas propriedades de nutrição da pele, cabelos e unhas, o colágeno também é um incrível suporte para as articulações. Para fornecer aos ossos MÁXIMA flexibilidade e resistência, introduzimos a Cúrcuma Dourada e a Pimenta Preta. A curcumina ajuda a saúde das articulações, enquanto a pimenta preta melhora a absorção. Tome 3 cápsulas douradas diariamente e desfrute de uma vida vibrante e ativa, com articulações e ossos flexíveis e livres de desconforto.
Orgulhosamente Fabricado nos EUA: Nossos suplementos de colágeno para mulheres e homens são carregados com ingredientes de mais alta qualidade e naturalmente obtidos em uma instalação certificada GMP nos EUA. O Complexo de Colágeno + Cúrcuma Dourada da Doctor’s Recipes é 100% puro, natural e NÃO-OGM, sem soja, glúten e laticínios.
Escolhas Pessoais, Soluções Profissionais: Na Doctor’s Recipes, acreditamos que os produtos e serviços devem ser feitos profissionalmente e com entusiasmo. A Doctor’s Recipes nutre o que há de bom dentro do seu corpo para ajudá-lo a manter um estilo de vida saudável. Temos tudo o que você precisa e nada do que você não precisa, e você sempre saberá o que está colocando em seu corpo. O nome desta marca excepcional deixa pouco para a imaginação, e é um título bem merecido.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- 1. Vitalidade para ossos, pele, músculos, tendões e ligamentos
- 2. Melhora a aparência da pele, unhas e cabelos
- 3. Suporte para articulações e ossos flexíveis
- 4. Fabricado nos EUA com ingredientes de alta qualidade
- 5. Marca confiável e comprometida com a saúde e bem-estar
– Sugestão de Uso:
Tome 3 cápsulas diariamente, preferencialmente com as refeições. Este produto é um suplemento alimentar e não deve substituir uma dieta equilibrada e um estilo de vida saudável. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação.
Brittany –
So the pictures speak for themselves…these pills are magic. Now, I would like to say that I did not start out with this brand. These two pictures are three months apart (Nov 2020-Feb 2021) and within those three months, I have taken 3 different types of collagen pills including this one. This is the cheapest option and is tasteless most of the time. I actually bought these pills twice because of those two factors.
I used to pull these pills open and put them into smoothies since I’m bad at swallowing pills but I just recently (like a week ago) began taking them in pill form because I became too lazy to make a smoothie everyday. They were uncomfortable to swallow at first but now it’s pretty easy and they go right down.
So basically, I started collagen pills in the beginning of Nov 2020 and wore my hair in its natural state (curly) without putting any heat on it until I wanted to straighten it to see how long my hair had gotten (end of Feb 2021)…I seriously did not expect it to grow that long that fast. My hair strands are SO much thicker than before and my hair doesn’t break off or grow unevenly. My hair is thick, healthy, long and shiny and I can’t wait to see how long it’ll be at the end of this year!
Also, I have bad knees and knee pain but these pills helped subdue the pain and now they don’t hurt everyday. Whenever they do hurt, it’s not a crazy amount of pain like before taking these pills.
The only thing that I wish these pills helped with that I thought they would is with the dark spots on my face…I don’t notice any difference in lightening but I’ll update this review if I do notice something different later this year. But I have noticed that my facial skin doesn’t get super dry anymore. Even if I don’t put lotion on my face after my routine, my face doesn’t feel dry or look dry.
Side note: if you’re buying these for hair growth, make sure that you still do everything to take care of your hair!! The pills will not make up for putting pil in your hair, detangling your hair, or maintining hair trims. For best results, take care of your hair and try not to do anything that will damage it so that it’ll grow at its highest potential.
If you wanna keep up with my hair journey, I post to my Instagram story @wavygoddess.
So everything is still going well with these, just wanna update that I’ve been using them for a little under 6 months now & these pills are actually helping with PMS symptoms and cramps! It’s amazing guys, seriously. My symptoms has almost disappeared, and they were so bad!!
Sharon Day –
I noticed results after about 2 weeks of taking this product. It has no flavor, which is absolutely great for me and the capsules are super easy to swallow. My skin cleared up, my hair seemed thicker and my nails were stronger! I have also struggled with joint pain like tennis elbow and an old knee injury over the years, and the Multi Collagen and Peptides seemed to alleviate that as well! This is an all around great product that I’m really excited I finally found this after looking for something like it for such a long time. I would recommend this product to anyone going through any of these same struggles or who just wants strong nails, great skin, and thick beautiful hair. You really can’t go wrong with the Doctors Recipes Multi Collagen and Peptides.
Brittany –
I got this and just took one tablet a day. I hadn’t read the label other than to see the ingredients. I love that it mixes the C and collagen in there, as well. I felt some relief, but still getting up and moing around like an old lady. I realized I needed 3 capsules a day. WITHIN 24 hours I felt like a normal person again. This is really a good mix!
Amanda –
I honestly have to say that I didn’t have high hopes for this type of product as I haven’t had the best results with other Collagen supplements, but in this case the Doctor’s Recipes brand had me pleasantly surprised ! I immediately began to notice hair growth on my receding hair line everyday as I’m a daily head shaver. That actually threw me for a loop as I imagined that I possibly could have saved my hair if I’d had this product decades ago. LOL. (Wishful Thinking) I also noticed that my nails began growing at an accelerated rate and were stiffer & stronger than usual; of which prompted me to purchase better nail clippers. All in all I must say that the Doctors Recipes Multi Collagen is definitely worth the price for what you get. I definitely would highly recommend this supplement to anyone. P.S. I also noticed that my skin was being positively affected by this supplement too. Just for the record, I don’t eat meat, poultry or seafood & that may be playing a role in why I’m have exceptional results in my opinion. I hope this helps someone, take care in 2021.
Doefund –
I was worried that this product would upset my stomach as I am extremely sensitive to a lot of supplements. I was excited to find this brand because I did not want to have to add/taste the powder, so these are extremely convenient! I am about a little over a month of taking only 1 capsule a day. So far I have noticed my stretch marks starting to lighten more with the therapy I was doing prior to taking this product! I have also noticed my nails have began to not only just grow, but they are stronger now!!!! I have never been able to achieve this with just biotin alone due to being a nail biter for 26 years of my life. I am going to up the dose to 2 soon, as I know it’s recommended 3 a day. I have not seen much pain relief yet but I have severe chronic pain and I know with holistic medicine it is going to take a while to adjust. Definitely hopeful and happy with this brand (especially the cost compared to other brands). I am excited to see more results as time goes on!!! ☺️