Mantenha o equilíbrio – O ritmo acelerado do mundo moderno nos apresenta estímulos sensoriais que podem superestimular o cérebro, tornando difícil manter um humor equilibrado, estabilidade emocional, foco adequado e atenção. A infinidade de estressores psicológicos que enfrentamos pode ser desafiadora de processar de maneira calma e tranquila.*
Nutrientes de Suporte ao Humor – Neurolink é uma combinação de nutrientes para apoiar um humor estável, foco mental e respostas saudáveis ao estresse emocional em indivíduos mentalmente saudáveis. Esses nutrientes estão presentes nos alimentos, mas durante períodos de estresse elevado, suplementação adicional pode ser útil para garantir que o corpo tenha quantidades adequadas para atender às suas necessidades.*
Contém 5HTP – 5-Hidroxitriptofano, feito a partir do aminoácido L-triptofano com a ajuda da vitamina B6, é um precursor da produção de serotonina. O aminoácido triptofano pode ser encontrado naturalmente em alimentos ricos em proteínas, como peru e leite. A serotonina é um neurotransmissor vital conhecido como “o hormônio do bem-estar”.*
Produtos sempre puros e eficazes – Este produto é adequado para vegetarianos, não contém organismos geneticamente modificados (OGM) e não contém glúten, laticínios ou soja.*
Cuidado clinicamente confiável – A DFH é a marca de suplementos número 1 recomendada por profissionais de medicina funcional e a marca de suplementos número 1 pessoalmente confiável por profissionais de medicina funcional.**
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Suporte ao equilíbrio emocional e mental
- Apoio ao humor estável
- Melhora na resposta ao estresse emocional
- Produto puro e eficaz
- Recomendado por profissionais de medicina funcional
– Sugestão de Uso:
Recomenda-se tomar 2 cápsulas diariamente, de preferência com o estômago vazio ou conforme orientação de um profissional de saúde qualificado. Não exceda a dose recomendada.
Todos os nossos produtos são cuidadosamente formulados e testados para garantir a máxima qualidade e eficácia. Aproveite os benefícios do Neurolink e experimente uma melhora no seu humor, foco e saúde cognitiva.
Placeholder –
I didn’t notice any major changes in taking this supplement other than a slightly noticeable more relaxed feeling. In this case, you can plan and execute problems or daily tasks without worrying or feeling anxious about the “what ifs” that can interfere.
On the other hand, I also became very sick taking these supplements. It happened very suddenly and I am still recovering. I purchased Designs for Health’s Acetyl-l-carnitine for improved memory an to help eliminate brain fog. It worked wonderfully. I then stacked both supplements and felt “ok”, but the benefits were slowly diminishing. After about 90 days of using Acetyl-l-carnitine in combination with Neurolink, I noticed problems with my thyroid. I felt pressure and pain in my neck which effected how much I could open my mouth to eat. I felt pressure and pain that then extended into my chest and felt my heart irregularly palpitating. Deep into my ear canals, I felt intense pain and my brain felt overall numbed. I ignored this, thinking it was a slight infection, but within four days I had insomnia because my lower back began to ache and the stinging pressure was exaggerated when I would lay down. In the meantime, I noticed weight gain (about 9 lbs) which I attributed to winter weight all though my weight has not fluctuated significantly for seven years.
Acetyl-l-carnitine is supposedly helpful in aiding hyperthyroidism, however L-Tyrosine is a neurotransmitter and adrenal hormone that, when in large quantities can suppress thyroid function and leave you with the symptoms that I have. Stacking neurotropics can be harmful. I don’t know how this product would do on its own, but be aware that the dosage suggests to take 6 capsules a day which contains 1.2G of L-Tyrosine. It’s important that you have your thyroid examined before taking this supplement so that you can properly assess how much of this supplement is actually needed.
Overall, this is a good supplement but should be monitored like any other controlled drug.
noscoaz –
OK, long story short my doctor wanted me to start taking Zoloft for high anxiety and mixed bi-polar. I was adamant about not taking SSRI’s because I have heard horror stories about when you try to ween yourself off of them and the long-term effects.
My naturopathic doctor gave me these to try instead. NeuroLink made a WORLD OF DIFFERENCE!!!! And I only take 3 every night, not even the recommended 6 daily. My boyfriend has said I am a different person, my anxiety is very low, I can focus, I don’t let all the little things get to me like I used to. My attitude is very even now and my mood is stable.
So after a few months of taking 3 at night and feeling great, I started to try to lower the dose to only 2 every night…it was a noticeable difference, I started to have my anxiety and insanity come back. Needless to say, they work, if I have to take 3 every night for the rest of my life I am ok with that just because they make me feel completely normal and that is a wonderful thing! For anyone with anxiety, depressions, mood disorders, mild bi-polar this is a wonderful treatment. I highly recommend this product!
Al Kalain –
Este producto es mucho mejor que cualquier antidepresivo. Está ajustando mi sistema nervioso y está siendo parte de mi tratamiento en la enfermedad de Lyme.
Mary Aho –
Everything about this product is amazing!
DC –
I first became aware of Designs For Health through a health practitioner around years ago. Now this brand is more readily, economically, and conveniently available through Amazon. Of course, it’s essential to live and eat healthy. But we live in times where our foods, air and water – and even lifestyles- can be in question. I try to take care of my self, physically and mentally. This company has a reputation for the products or extremely and consistently high quality, and for unique approaches, “Designs.” Neurolink is one such products, containing a blend of ingredients that collectively help promote focus and well being. There are others, but I find “NL” to be the best. I also suggest looking into others in the DFH range, including Brain Vitale, which has benefits to the brain, organically. I consider a complement to Neurolink.
Isabella M. –
Very nice thick brown glass bottle! But you take SIX! daily on empty stomach. Does seem to be working. Not enough time yet to review properly. Will not buy again. Six is too many.
Gigi B. –
Will never 9rder again. For what you get jot worth the price tag
Steven W –
Made me violently ill, throwing up, migraine sweating. Amazon won’t refund and can’t get the ompany to answer their phone. Waste of money.
TD –
Even though none of the reviews mentioned they bought this for brain recovery after quitting drinking, I decided to try it anyway.
My web research led me to this product, because two of the main ingredients are highly recommended for people who quit drinking and after many years of moderate to not so moderate drinking it surely has an effect on the brain. Although there is no way to know for sure, this seemed to have helped because after a week or so. my mood-swings and sad feelings were under control, and almost disappeared completely.
So, even though it was not cheap, I do recommend it if reality starts to get you down at the beginning of your sober journey.
If you have been a heavy drinker for many years, please consult your physician before trying anything on your own.
DC –
Ive been looking and trying everything to ease my anxiety and help with overwhelming mood swings. Ive never been this way and knew it had to do with something I was lacking vs when I was younger. I was almost to the point of getting a prescription but I didnt want to unless it was a very last resort. After the first couple of days I noticed a difference. My mind was eased and more clear, I didnt have nearly as many overwhelming anxiety episodes. I take 3 in the morning and 3 in the afternoon between meals. And on especially tough days I take 3 more in the evening. It really does help! Its a bit pricey but Im going to make sure I never run out!