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Produto Importado dos EUA

Bolsa de Água Quente de Borracha Premium HomeTop Classic (Vermelha) – 1L

*R$129.95 Em até 6x de R$21.66 sem jurosEm até 6x de R$21.66 sem jurosMais formas de pagamento 1x de R$129.95 sem juros2x de R$64.98 sem juros3x de R$43.32 sem juros4x de R$32.49 sem juros5x de R$25.99 sem juros6x de R$21.66 sem juros

A HomeTop Premium Classic Rubber Hot Water Bottle (Red) é uma bolsa de água quente de borracha de alta qualidade. Suas principais características incluem durabilidade, capacidade de reter o calor por longos períodos e segurança garantida. Com essa bolsa de água quente, você pode desfrutar de alívio imediato para dores musculares, cólicas menstruais e frio. É uma solução eficaz e confortável para aquecer o corpo e relaxar.

(10 avaliações de clientes)
Bolsa de Água Quente de Borracha Premium HomeTop Classic (Vermelha) - 1L *R$129.95 Em até 6x de R$21.66 sem jurosEm até 6x de R$21.66 sem jurosMais formas de pagamento 1x de R$129.95 sem juros2x de R$64.98 sem juros3x de R$43.32 sem juros4x de R$32.49 sem juros5x de R$25.99 sem juros6x de R$21.66 sem juros
SKU: F94B9A36 Categoria: Tag: Marca:

Descrição do Produto

HomeTop Premium Classic Rubber Hot Water Bottle (Red)

A HomeTop Premium Classic Rubber Hot Water Bottle (Red) é a companheira perfeita para os dias frios. Feita de borracha natural, ela retém o calor por um tempo extra longo, proporcionando um conforto térmico incomparável. Sua superfície externa com ranhuras ajuda a manter a temperatura do líquido por mais tempo.

Além de ser extremamente segura, essa bolsa de água quente é fabricada de acordo com o padrão B.S.1970:2012, garantindo máxima segurança durante o uso. Seu design único e atraente a torna uma ótima opção de presente para amigos e familiares, sendo ideal para mantê-los aconchegantes durante a noite.

A HomeTop Premium Classic Rubber Hot Water Bottle (Red) pode ser utilizada para aquecer as mãos, cintura, estômago, pés e até mesmo a cama. Ela não apenas aquece o corpo, mas também aquece o coração nos dias frios de inverno. Coloque-a sob o cobertor da cama para afastar o ar frio da noite e desfrute do conforto relaxante da bolsa de calor por ainda mais tempo.

Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:

1. Aquecimento versátil

A HomeTop Premium Classic Rubber Hot Water Bottle (Red) pode ser utilizada para aquecer várias partes do corpo, proporcionando um alívio imediato do frio. Seja para aquecer as mãos, cintura, estômago, pés ou a cama, essa bolsa de água quente é extremamente versátil.

2. Retenção de calor prolongada

Graças ao seu material de borracha natural e à superfície externa com ranhuras, essa bolsa de água quente mantém a temperatura do líquido por um tempo extra longo. Você poderá desfrutar do calor reconfortante por horas a fio.

3. Segurança garantida

A HomeTop Premium Classic Rubber Hot Water Bottle (Red) é fabricada de acordo com o padrão B.S.1970:2012, garantindo máxima segurança durante o uso. Você poderá aproveitar o calor sem preocupações.

4. Presente perfeito

Se você está em busca de um presente especial para amigos e familiares, essa bolsa de água quente é uma excelente escolha. Seu design único e atraente a torna um presente memorável, ideal para manter seus entes queridos aconchegantes durante as noites frias.

5. Conforto relaxante

Coloque a HomeTop Premium Classic Rubber Hot Water Bottle (Red) sob o cobertor da cama e sinta o ar frio da noite ser afastado. Desfrute do conforto relaxante proporcionado por essa bolsa de calor por ainda mais tempo, garantindo uma noite de sono tranquila e agradável.

– Sugestão de Uso:

Para utilizar a HomeTop Premium Classic Rubber Hot Water Bottle (Red), siga as instruções abaixo:

  1. Encha a bolsa de água quente com água quente, mas não fervente. Certifique-se de não ultrapassar a capacidade máxima indicada.
  2. Aperte a tampa firmemente para evitar vazamentos.
  3. Antes de aplicar a bolsa de água quente na pele, verifique a temperatura para evitar queimaduras. Recomenda-se envolvê-la em uma toalha ou capa protetora.
  4. Posicione a bolsa de água quente na área desejada, como mãos, cintura, estômago, pés ou sob o cobertor da cama.
  5. Após o uso, esvazie completamente a bolsa de água quente e deixe-a secar antes de guardar.

10 avaliações para Bolsa de Água Quente de Borracha Premium HomeTop Classic (Vermelha) – 1L

  1. angel


  2. Raúl Castillo Pérez

    Strong rubber hot water bottle I,m sure will last longer than my old one

  3. Emma

    Very sturdy water bottle that has a great cap that doesn’t leak like many water bottles do. The only criticism I have is I wish it held a bit more water, but it does the job, doesn’t leak and comes in a wide array of colors.

  4. AlisaW

    Good durable old school heat source for sore muscles.

  5. Emma

    I was so happy to receive this hot water bottle to help treat my chronic abdominal pain, period cramps and muscle soreness. It has become a part of my everyday routine, as it is quite effective.

    Benefits: I feel instant comfort every time I use this hot water bottle. The warmth helps relax my muscles and provide a steady form of heat when I go to sleep that I’ve found helps me fall asleep faster, as I relax quite quickly. The hot water bottle stays warm for much longer than my homemade hot compresses and is quite comfortable to use sitting up or laying down. It also helps that it’s fluid so it lays and forms comfortably against my body.

    How To Use: The instructions on the lip state: “Do Not Use Boiling Water Fill Not More Than ⅔ Full And Expel Air Ensure Stopper Is Securely Fixed Store Empty And With Stopper Removed”. It’s clear to advise you not to fill it with boiling water from a kettle, just hot water from the faucet. However, I find that just filling it with just hot water from the faucet does not get it hot enough to my comfort (your comfort level may differ so please try it first). So I usually fill it around ¼ full of hot faucet water and almost ¾ full of water from the kettle that I let steam but never boil to a whistling point. As advised above, it’s important to leave at least ¼ empty at the top in the hot water bottle to allow for pressure changes with the temperature of the water, so I fold that top part over to expel any air before screwing the cap on. I never lay it directly against my skin. I always have my clothing as a barrier between my skin and the hot water bottle to decrease any chance of burns.

    Storage: Store empty without the stopper in it so it can breathe. I store mine under the sink laying flat with the stopper next to it.

    Caution: There is a danger in burning yourself when pouring water in from a kettle if it’s just boiled so be sure to pour out some into the sink away from yourself then pour into the hot water bottle to avoid the sudden burst of boiling water that can scald your hand. Of course you can also spill on your hand if you have poor aim or pour too quickly so be sure to be careful and pour very slowly. I’ve read on other websites that using hot kettle water in your hot water bottle will wear it out faster as it is not good for the natural rubber. But as this is the purpose I bought it for, I find that the benefits outweigh that risk. But you may feel differently so just be advised. One warning on the lip states: “Warning: Hot Water Bottles Can Cause Burns Avoid Prolonged Direct Contact With The Skin”. Solid advice.

    -Helps Me Sleep
    -Helps Me Relax
    -Great Color Selection
    -Helps Relieve Muscle Soreness
    -Comfortable to Use Sitting Up or Laying Down
    -Has Never Leaked/Stopper Has Never Come Loose
    -Rubber Design Comfortable & Easy to Grip For Adjusting

    -Using Hot Kettle Water May Wear It Down Faster
    -If You Put Too Much Hot Kettle Water in it May Burn You (The Rubber Does Get Quite Hot So Be Careful To Find Your Comfort With Hot Faucet Water/Kettle Water)

    I have yet to use it with cold water as it is still winter so I’m not sure how it serves as a cold compress. But from what I’ve experienced with using it as a hot compress I feel confident it won’t disappoint.

  6. Donna A

    Seems to be good quality rubber. Some reviewers mentioned an off odor, I didn’t experience that issue. I’ve had no issues with leaking, so far. I think if you follow the instructions you won’t have a problem.

  7. Colin

    I’ve used my new hot water bottle for only 2 nights, so this review is based on very limited experience.
    I am impressed by the thick rubber construction which seems like it may outlast the one I bought from CVS drugstore 6 months ago. That one was replacing another one that I had been using during the winter months almost nightly for about 15 years. It finally developed a pin hole leak or two and had to be retired.
    I was disappointed when I saw what was available in the stores to replace it which seemed to be made out of thinner fairly transparent plastic that has a somewhat toxic smell. When I finally found one that seemed okay, it was shockingly expensive and a bit thin along the side seams in my opinion. I’ve been using that one for about 2 weeks this winter, but don’t fully trust it.
    I have read tons of reviews on Amazon and elsewhere and recently broke down and bought a mid-range heating pad on Amazon. I don’t really want an electric device and haven’t used it yet. I may return it.
    So, back to this new hot water bottle. The first night, after filling it, I noticed a distinct rubber smell, so I placed it by my feet, away from my nose. The water bottle worked fine. The rubber smell may have lessened by the 2nd night. (FYI, I used my digital cooking thermometer to determine the water temp before filling. I aim for very hot, but not boiling, the water temp that I used was 170° F/ 76.6 ° C.)
    I am hopeful and pleased, so far. I will update my review later on if I can.
    Provided the rubber smell goes away, mostly, I may buy another one. You just don’t know how important something basic like this is until you can’t find a new one!!
    One last thing, I bought a considerably more expensive Japanese hard plastic water bottle from Amazon at the same time as this one. I also like it lot.
    It’s not squishy and cozy, but holds a lot of very hot water without leaking. Since it’s been a bit colder than usual, I’m using both and have high hopes that each will provide reliable leak-free warmth for a number of years. We’ll see. If so, it’s money well spent!!!
    So, yes, I do reccomend this hot water bottle based on my limited experience, so far.

  8. Thomas Cobb

    Me gustó mucho, no derrama, usándolo con cuidado al menejarlo caliente.

  9. S Baker

    These are awesome rubber bottles! I was hesitant and only ordered a couple at first, but my family loved them so much, that we went ahead and ordered one for everyone!

    Great for hot or cold use!!

    Just make sure you crank that lid down tightly, or it may leak a bit. That’s to be expected though! Great quality and they don’t smell weird even when heated.

  10. Shelby Caron

    I searched Amazon for hot water bottles, hoping I could find one like my mom used to have- just a plain rubber bottle with a sturdy cap. I didn’t need a plush animal cover, nor for it to be see-through- I JUST wanted a regular rubber hot water bottle.
    You’d be surprised how long I had to look before I found this one but it was worth the search. Plainly speaking, it is exactly what it’s supposed to be and does exactly what it’s supposed to do. The rubber is sturdy and even when I accidentally rolled over on top of the full bottle, it never felt like it was going to break. The screw-in stopper seals well and holds tight. I have yet to have a leak and I use this thing almost every night.
    As some may have mentioned, it can have a smell at first- it’s rubber and that’s normal. Just wash it out and it will fade with use. I’m planning to buy another for my husband since he’s been stealing mine on cold nights to put under the blankets near his feet.

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