Ludens Mel Limão Pastilhas para Garganta, Alívio para Garganta Irritada, 25 Unidades (3 Pacotes) *R$89.81 Em até 6x de R$14.97 sem jurosEm até 6x de R$14.97 sem jurosMais formas de pagamento 1x de R$89.81 sem juros2x de R$44.91 sem juros3x de R$29.94 sem juros4x de R$22.45 sem juros5x de R$17.96 sem juros6x de R$14.97 sem juros
Produto Importado dos EUA

Eradique a Vertigem com Vertisil Garantido! (Frasco Único) 60 Cápsulas; Elimine a Vertigem Rapidamente. Sem Efeitos Colaterais Nocivos

*R$649.64 Em até 6x de R$108.27 sem jurosEm até 6x de R$108.27 sem jurosMais formas de pagamento 1x de R$649.64 sem juros2x de R$324.82 sem juros3x de R$216.55 sem juros4x de R$162.41 sem juros5x de R$129.93 sem juros6x de R$108.27 sem juros

Eradique a vertigem com Vertisil Garantido! (Frasco único) 60 cápsulas; Elimine a vertigem rapidamente. Sem efeitos colaterais prejudiciais. Destaque para suas principais características e benefícios.

(6 avaliações de clientes)
Eradique a Vertigem com Vertisil Garantido! (Frasco Único) 60 Cápsulas; Elimine a Vertigem Rapidamente. Sem Efeitos Colaterais Nocivos *R$649.64 Em até 6x de R$108.27 sem jurosEm até 6x de R$108.27 sem jurosMais formas de pagamento 1x de R$649.64 sem juros2x de R$324.82 sem juros3x de R$216.55 sem juros4x de R$162.41 sem juros5x de R$129.93 sem juros6x de R$108.27 sem juros

Eradique a Vertigem com Vertisil Garantido! (Frasco Único) 60 Cápsulas; Elimine a Vertigem Rapidamente. Sem Efeitos Colaterais Nocivos.

Experimente um alívio imediato dos sintomas de vertigem, incluindo tontura, enjoo, sensação de girar e balançar com Vertisil para Vertigem. Esta fórmula totalmente natural é fabricada em um laboratório de última geração nos Estados Unidos, garantindo a máxima qualidade e eficácia. O melhor de tudo é que não há efeitos colaterais prejudiciais e não é necessário receita médica para adquirir o produto. Estamos tão confiantes na eficácia do Vertisil que oferecemos uma garantia vitalícia de reembolso. Se você não estiver completamente satisfeito com sua compra por QUALQUER motivo, basta devolver o frasco e você receberá um reembolso de 100%, sem perguntas.

Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:

1. Alívio dos sintomas de vertigem: O Vertisil é especialmente formulado para proporcionar alívio imediato dos sintomas de vertigem, como tontura, enjoo e sensação de girar e balançar.

2. Fórmula totalmente natural: Ao contrário de outros produtos no mercado, o Vertisil é feito apenas com ingredientes naturais, garantindo que você não esteja colocando substâncias nocivas em seu corpo.

3. Fabricado em laboratório de última geração: O Vertisil é fabricado em um laboratório de ponta nos Estados Unidos, seguindo os mais altos padrões de qualidade e segurança.

4. Sem efeitos colaterais prejudiciais: Ao escolher o Vertisil, você não precisa se preocupar com efeitos colaterais indesejados. A fórmula foi cuidadosamente desenvolvida para ser segura e eficaz.

5. Garantia vitalícia de reembolso: Estamos tão confiantes na eficácia do Vertisil que oferecemos uma garantia vitalícia de reembolso. Se você não estiver satisfeito com sua compra, basta devolver o frasco e receberá um reembolso de 100%.

– Sugestão de Uso:
Para obter os melhores resultados, tome 1 cápsula de Vertisil diariamente com água. Recomendamos tomar a cápsula pela manhã, antes do café da manhã, para garantir uma absorção ideal dos ingredientes. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplemento.

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6 avaliações para Eradique a Vertigem com Vertisil Garantido! (Frasco Único) 60 Cápsulas; Elimine a Vertigem Rapidamente. Sem Efeitos Colaterais Nocivos

  1. Jennifer Brown

    I had a bout of vertigo in August 2022 due to vestibular neuritis from botox and dental anesthesia 48 hours apart. I am a very healthy active 45 year old, I ride a motorcycle, and I am always on the go. Ever since the original vertigo episode, which didn’t last long, I have this off and on disequilibrium/dizzy feeling, kind of like I am gently rocking in a kayak on water. It has been beyond frustrating and exhausting. I spend my day trying to pretend I don’t feel “off” when I am trying to live my normal life. I have done numerous things to improve this (chiropractor weekly, vestibular exercises, sinus detox, etc) and while I had about 85% improvement, that rocking/disequilibrium feeling would still hit off and on at some point each day. Sometimes it lasted for an entire day and it was so frustrating. I started researching homeopathic options for treating this and came across this product that combines two herbal supplements recommended for dizziness and vertigo. I have taken it for 3 days now and ZERO disequilibrium or dizziness!!!! I was honestly prepared for this to be yet another option that didn’t work…….and man was I wrong. I have not had 3 days of no rocking/disequilibrium since prior to the vertigo episode. I put this on auto ship monthly as I plan to continue this twice daily for the foreseeable future. I wish I had found this 2 months ago. Yes it is pricier than other stuff out there, but after what I have spent in other supplements that did nothing, I could have bought this many months over with that money I wasted. This stuff WORKS!

  2. Lia

    only thing I did not like is [takes so long to get iffy

  3. Amazon Customer

    This might be premature since I just started it this week. So far it is keep the pressure in my ear down, as well as the water pill does. It has absolutely helped the dizziness. The first time I took it, I felt nauseous, put I knew that was the medicine “proving”, so I was using the right remedy. I was ready with an antihistamine if it wouldn’t go away. I actually used the essential oil ginger for the nausea and it took it away. After the first time I took it, I haven’t had any side effects at all. My dizziness is much better so far. Not gone completely, but better. I still have distorted vision and hearing (I have Meniere’s), so I am hoping that will improve as time goes on. I went to an outdoor restaurant yesterday and did ok, a little snuggle, but not horrible. (Inside is another story)Those who said they quit taking it because their symptoms worsened need to read up on homeopathic medicine, specifically “proving” and aggravation of symptoms.

    I’m editing this because it has been a couple of weeks. Not working as well as the first week. I have no idea if I should increase it, or decrease it. I called customer service and that number has been disconnected. I called sales and the girl had no idea. I also wanted to know how much ginkgo was in it and she couldn’t answer that, either. I asked her who made the formula, and no answer. What is going on with this company?


    Not eliminate or lessen my vertigo. It does not work as you advertised.
    I want to return the last delivery. Bottle intact.

  5. Ruth Rico

    Tengo más de un año tomando este producto y en realidad funciona el problema es que sube bastante la presión, alternaba en tomar dos cápsulas un día y el siguiente una, pero la dosis disminuía y me llegaba el vértigo, entonces opté por cambiarlo, porque mi presión arterial se ve muy afectada, y el que tengo ahora quita el vértigo al instante y el precio es una tercera parte de este, espero que no me afecte en otras cosas de mi salud.

  6. Greg

    Many Doctors are simply bewildered when relieving patients of the severe symptoms experienced by those who suffer from Vertigo consistently through life. Since no real cure has been determined by the health industry many insist patients take over the counter medications such as Motions Sickness medicines that only provide minimal relief. For years I have tried everything my doctor has had me take. Nothing has worked as well as Vertisil! This product is made all natural and some of the plants it contains have been used for thousands of years in China. Since my first purchase 8 months ago the severe symptoms I have suffered for the past 3 years have stopped completely after the first day I placed it in my mouth. There are no words I could say here to really make anyone understand entirely just how wonderful it is to have my life back and not have to worry about going to work, driving or even walking down the street without thinking about what to do if an attack should happen in public. Mostly I have done my best to let my doctor know about Vertisil and just how fantastic it has been in dealing with my condition. My hats off to all of you who have been any part of the process in creating Vertisil. My current wish is to someday get my insurance company to add it to their list of medication covered. This would be a leap forward in ending this horrifying condition. To my Wife I say thank you for finding this product on line and to the creators of this Godsend I say Thank You All For My Life Back!!

    UPDATE: 12/4/2018
    As I placed my daily dose in my mouth this morning I was thinking of all the terrible attacks I used to have and a thought came to mind to update my review of this product and how life has been since I first found the Vertisil. Back when I wrote the above review I had gone about 8 months with out a spell. here we are in December of 2018 and no attacks!! Anyone who is not aware of this product needs to be told that they no longer have to suffer, they no longer have to stay in bed until the spell leave, they no longer have to worry and they no longer need to watch the world spin like the Wizard of OZ house!! I will do my best as I have been doing to let everyone know of Vertisil!! I have lead over 20 people to this company on amazon to purchase a bottle. All thanked me for informing them. What is truly amazing is that not one has had another spell! I do not sell this product, I do not have anything to do with it but take it twice a day. I am telling you, Do Not Suffer Any More!!! Buy one bottle! Try it! I did and I with God as my witness. The spells are gone completely!!!! I know many of you out there are wondering how you will live out your life with this ton of bricks on your back and in your mind consistently worrying if you will have an attack and where that attack my occur. will there be anyone around to help or a place to rest and have it pass when it hits. I found my safe haven in Vertisil. I call it The Pillow of Balance. Find it and find freedom again. I promise you will not be disappointed!!!

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