Apex 7-Day Mediplanner Pill Organizer
O Apex 7-Day Mediplanner Pill Organizer é um organizador semanal de medicamentos que se destaca pela sua praticidade e eficiência. Com compartimentos coloridos, ele permite a organização de medicamentos ou vitaminas em quatro períodos do dia: manhã, tarde, noite e hora de dormir. As tampas transparentes e de fácil abertura garantem que você possa visualizar rapidamente o conteúdo, assegurando que não haja confusão na hora de tomar os remédios.
Este organizador é ideal para quem precisa de um controle rigoroso da medicação, seja por questões de saúde, recuperação de cirurgias ou simplesmente para manter uma rotina saudável. Com o Apex 7-Day Mediplanner, você pode ter a certeza de que está seguindo corretamente o seu regime de medicamentos, evitando esquecimentos e garantindo a eficácia dos tratamentos.
Além de sua funcionalidade, o design colorido e as tampas transparentes tornam o uso do organizador mais agradável e intuitivo. A facilidade de abertura das tampas é um diferencial que proporciona conforto, especialmente para pessoas com mobilidade reduzida. O Apex 7-Day Mediplanner é uma solução versátil que se adapta a diferentes necessidades, seja para uso pessoal ou para cuidar de familiares.
- Organização clara e eficiente dos medicamentos por horário e dia da semana.
- Tampas coloridas e transparentes que facilitam a visualização e o acesso.
- Design ergonômico que proporciona conforto e segurança no manuseio.
- Ideal para pessoas com necessidades especiais, como idosos ou convalescentes.
- Versatilidade para armazenar tanto comprimidos quanto vitaminas de diferentes formatos.
Para utilizar o Apex 7-Day Mediplanner Pill Organizer, comece abrindo as tampas coloridas e transparentes de acordo com o dia da semana e o horário desejado. Organize seus comprimidos ou vitaminas nos compartimentos correspondentes, assegurando que cada um esteja no local correto. Após o preenchimento, feche as tampas com firmeza. Antes de abrir novamente para o próximo horário de medicação, verifique se você tomou os comprimidos do período anterior. Essa prática não apenas ajuda a manter a rotina de medicação em dia, mas também proporciona uma visão clara do que foi consumido, aumentando a segurança e a eficácia do tratamento.
Leonor B. –
Excelente por su capacidad de almacenamiento, muy buen espacio
Loving to Read –
I have owned about every type and style of pill box and reminder system that has been made. I’ve had the kind that has the slide down slots, the individual boxes, and everything in between. After about 12 years of being on more than 13 daily medications, I have been using this box for the last 3 or 4 years. The first box just now got to where the lids were not closing well, so I ordered another one to replace it, and a spare to have on hand. The good thing about it being inexpensive compared to the others is that I can afford to replace it as needed.
The box is about 5″x7″, and 1″ deep. Each compartment is about 1 inch wide, 1 inch high, and 1 inch deep. The four colors of lids come out separately, making it easy to fill. So, each color is one long piece that slides in a slot at the top of that row and has seven lids for the individual compartments. Having them removable makes it easy to fill the box on a weekly basis, or bi-weekly basis, depending on how many times a day you take your medication.
I’m on about 15 medications, It easily holds my biggest amount, which is the 13 pills I take in the morning (4 large potassium pills, 2 large capsules, and 7 smaller pills/capsules), with room for double that many.
I keep it in a drawer beside my bed and do not have to travel with it. When I do need to take medicine with me, I put a few doses in a small pill box that will fit in my purse. If I have to travel with this box. I wrap a piece of cardboard or file folder type material around it and fasten with a rubber band, just to be sure it won’t come open during travel in a suitcase or canvas bag, even though the lids won’t come open easily on it, if it gets dropped or hit on the side, they can come open, and it has happened that I ended up with a bag of pills, so I learned from it and would rather prevent it than take a chance again. It really isn’t made for travel unless you do secure it.
Also, after a year or so, depending on how many times you wash it, the markings will come off or become dim. What my daughter did was take her label machine (which she loves to use) and make little labels for the lids, or you can just use a permanent marker, or if you are like me, I know which is morning, noon, evening and night by their placement.
The other pill box that I would purchase again, that is similar to this in size, but won’t open if dropped, that is better for travel or if you have to move it around in your home, or have small children around that you need to have a childproof feature, is the “Ezy Dose Four-a-day Weekly Maxi-pharmadose Medication Organizer”. I had one of those for about 8 years. It is about triple the price and the way it slides down makes it hard to skip a dose or take out an individual dose but otherwise a good box.
Evelyn Taylor-Markham –
Bruce G. –
I had used “this” product for years and it was great…5 stars! But things eventually need to be replaced. Some reviewers complained that the hinged covers started breaking off or not staying closed. Mine did too after a LOT of uses.
I searched Amazon to buy another one, ordered it, and have used it for 4 weeks.
It appears that changes were made to keep the covers from coming open. However, there was a “ridge“ added to pill cups that actually interferes with removing small tablets. And half of the labels on the covers have been rubbed off already.
I still give it 3 stars because I like the 7 day/4 times/day configuration. But the quality of the product is unfortunately going in the wrong direction. I hope it remains functional as long as the one it replaced.
Susannah R. –
When my trusty pill sorter wore out after six years, I did a lot of research and ultimately selected this one because other reviewers commended its sturdiness. It’s clearly made from thicker plastic than my prior one. However, the lids for the compartments are very stiff and require quite a bit of force to open. Of course, this means that, if dropped, the compartments are less likely to pop open and spill all my pills. But I can see how an older person or one with arthritis in their hands might find these lids painful and difficult to open. I’, hoping that, after some use, the lids will loosen up a bit. Time will tell…
normanrn –
I had a this model previously. I like the fact that you can put the pills in for each section by the week and not by the day. they made it a little stiffer to open each part by putting a little notch just inside the top of it, but this made it harder to get a pill out by sliding it up the front. The colors are harder to see thru. Overall it is better that anything else I have seen on the market.
Kevin –
We needed a simple pill organizer for the week; a set of pills per day. We currently don’t need a morning/noon/evening/bed separation. But thinking long term, it’s likely we’ll make use of them as we get older.
We decided to go all in and get a good quality pill organizer with lots of pockets. This will help avoid buying multiple pill organizer with more and more pockets as we needed it.
Very sturdy.. easy to put pills in and take out. Good price
Frankie Catoe –
If you are elderly and/or have arthritis, it might be hard to open each day. Otherwise it is tidy and very helpful
ldudette –
So far it is holding up better than my old ones. Each tab snaps in place firmly. Holds numerous pills or supplements.