Produto Importado dos EUA

Topricin FIBRO Creme Alívio da Dor (180g) – Alívio Rápido para Fibromialgia com Fórmula Patenteada – Reduz Duração e Intensidade dos Episódios de Fibromialgia, Melhora o Sono e

*R$130.07 Em até 6x de R$21.68 sem jurosEm até 6x de R$21.68 sem jurosMais formas de pagamento 1x de R$130.07 sem juros2x de R$65.04 sem juros3x de R$43.36 sem juros4x de R$32.52 sem juros5x de R$26.01 sem juros6x de R$21.68 sem juros

O creme Topricin FIBRO alivia a dor causada pela fibromialgia de forma rápida e eficaz. Sua fórmula patenteada reduz a duração e intensidade dos episódios da doença, melhorando também o sono. Com uma embalagem de 6 oz, este produto oferece alívio e benefícios significativos para quem sofre com fibromialgia.

(10 avaliações de clientes)
Topricin FIBRO Creme Alívio da Dor (180g) - Alívio Rápido para Fibromialgia com Fórmula Patenteada - Reduz Duração e Intensidade dos Episódios de Fibromialgia, Melhora o Sono e *R$130.07 Em até 6x de R$21.68 sem jurosEm até 6x de R$21.68 sem jurosMais formas de pagamento 1x de R$130.07 sem juros2x de R$65.04 sem juros3x de R$43.36 sem juros4x de R$32.52 sem juros5x de R$26.01 sem juros6x de R$21.68 sem juros
SKU: 544E3410 Categoria: Tag: Marca:

Topricin FIBRO Pain Relieving Cream (6 oz) é um creme inovador e altamente recomendado por médicos e farmacêuticos para o alívio da dor causada pela fibromialgia. Com a nossa fórmula patenteada, este creme atua no nível celular para ajudar o seu corpo a aliviar a dor sem efeitos colaterais negativos, permitindo que você diga adeus à dor de uma vez por todas.

Uma das principais vantagens deste creme é a sua capacidade de reduzir a duração e intensidade dos episódios de fibromialgia. Com uma ação rápida e calmante, ele proporciona alívio imediato da dor muscular e nervosa nos pontos sensíveis, permitindo que você retome suas atividades diárias sem desconforto.

Além disso, o Topricin FIBRO Pain Relieving Cream ajuda a reduzir a necessidade de analgésicos. Sua fórmula patenteada é eficaz no alívio da dor nervosa de forma natural, permitindo que você utilize menos medicamentos para controlar a dor.

Outro benefício importante deste creme é a melhora do sono. Ao reduzir a dor causada pela fibromialgia, ele permite que você durma melhor e mais profundamente, restaurando sua energia e melhorando sua qualidade de vida.

Agora, conheça 5 motivos recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para comprar o Topricin FIBRO Pain Relieving Cream:

1. Recomendado por médicos e farmacêuticos: Este creme é altamente recomendado por profissionais de saúde devido à sua eficácia comprovada no alívio da dor causada pela fibromialgia.

2. Reduz a duração e intensidade dos episódios de fibromialgia: Com sua ação rápida e calmante, este creme proporciona alívio imediato da dor muscular e nervosa nos pontos sensíveis.

3. Ajuda a reduzir a necessidade de analgésicos: Sua fórmula patenteada é eficaz no alívio da dor nervosa de forma natural, permitindo que você utilize menos medicamentos para controlar a dor.

4. Melhora o sono e restaura a energia: Ao reduzir a dor causada pela fibromialgia, este creme melhora a qualidade do sono, permitindo que você descanse melhor e recupere sua energia.

5. Aprovado pela Vitaminer Shop: Nossa loja confia na eficácia deste produto e o recomenda como uma opção confiável para o alívio da dor causada pela fibromialgia.

– Sugestão de Uso:

Para obter os melhores resultados, aplique uma quantidade generosa do creme nas áreas afetadas pela fibromialgia. Massageie suavemente até que o creme seja absorvido pela pele. Repita o processo até três vezes ao dia, conforme necessário. Evite o contato com os olhos e não aplique em pele irritada ou ferida.

Experimente o Topricin FIBRO Pain Relieving Cream e descubra o alívio duradouro que ele pode proporcionar. Não deixe que a dor da fibromialgia controle sua vida. Compre agora mesmo e recupere sua qualidade de vida!

Topricin FIBRO Pain Relieving Cream

10 avaliações para Topricin FIBRO Creme Alívio da Dor (180g) – Alívio Rápido para Fibromialgia com Fórmula Patenteada – Reduz Duração e Intensidade dos Episódios de Fibromialgia, Melhora o Sono e

  1. Rachael Lawrence

    I use this all the time, I feel it helps. Would recommend

  2. carynhopkins

    I have been having nerve pain in my left leg and between my shoulder blades everyday for a few weeks. Not sure why I get this but I’ve been in so much pain, I couldn’t take it anymore. So I thought I’d give this a try. Seemed to have pretty good reviews. I was VERY skeptical. But to my surprise after I applied it I couldn’t “FEEL” It doing anything but a few minutes later I realized the pain was GONE. I am not kidding!!! And there is NO stinky scent at all!! Gave it to my husband for his knees! Pain almost completely gone and the next morning he could walk down the stairs almost pain free. For me personally I find during the day while I’m active (that’s when I get most of my pain) this lotion lasts about 3-4 hours. It’s amazing! Try it!! You have nothing to lose. Every person I’ve let try this it has worked 100%!! Just bought one and sent it to my sister in law for her to try. I know it will help her. Hope this review excites you enough too but this product!!

    Happy in Ravensdale!!!

  3. Colin Drummond

    Just bought this for my Fibro nerve pain, used it 4 times and it’s amazing!!
    My pain was hugely reduced and quite quickly, I’ve just ordered another one so I’ve got plenty!

  4. Kimberly Tippit

    I have fibromyalgia and have had it since the mid 90’s. Doctors didn’t even believe it was a thing back then and I wasn’t actually, officially diagnosed with it until 2015. I full on ugly cried when my nurse practitioner agreed that I had it and sent me to a specialist!! I finally felt heard!! Still, nothing given to me by doctors has helped as much as this fibro cream!! I’ve been using it for over a year now. As you can see in the picture my bottle is almost empty.

    I bought another bottle knowing that this one was almost empty and it arrived in the mail yesterday. My sister texted me and asked if I had any more of that cream because she was out and was in pain. She had had back surgery twice and has been in pain for quite a while now. She was on heavy painkillers from the doctors and said nothing touched it. So I gave her this cream to try because what the heck?! I told her that if it works for her that I would keep her in cream. So because I had a new bottle that just came in the mail yesterday I told her to come on over and get it. Now, I have to order another bottle for myself.

    So far, my skeptical mother who used to be in the nursing field, has used it on her unoperable, torn, rotator cuff that has given her pain for the last 16 years, her back and hip pain and even on her hands; actually said that it WORKS. So I keep her in cream too. She called me the other day and said she was having pain in her back the night before and put some on. Midday, the next day, she told me that she still had no pain.

    My brother has plantar fasciitis and lots of overall aches and pains from his job. He too, is extremely skeptical and has used everything out there to try and abate the pain. I gave him a bottle and he randomly called me to tell me he WAS in pain but used the cream and feels really good and that his skeptical wife actually believes it works too! So as a gift for helping us move two weeks ago, I gave him another bottle!! Bahahah!! So now I keep him in cream too!

    Last night, hubby used this cream to give me a neck, back, sciatic, and leg massage so I could get to sleep. Slept like a baby, once the neighbor stopped bumping his tecno dance party music at 2:30am!

    Today, I’m about to place another order for 4 more bottles so I don’t run out again!!! This stuff really works!!

  5. Kimberly Tippit

    I thought the texture was good. It just didn’t work for me.
    Didn’t make one bit of difference. The price was fine.

  6. Llana B.

    I do think it works but it is very difficult to get hold of and for some reason the price has gone up dramatically. From £20 a tube to £30. I realise the cost of living has increased but this price rise is extortionate. It makes it hard to get for people like me in pain every day. I feel like I’m being taken for a mug.

  7. Joyce

    I have been in agony with fibro and neuropathy pain in my legs, and feet for a while now and was losing my mind over the constant pain and lack of sleep due to it all…I came across Fibro Cream a few days ago here and yes £20 is steep for a cream but if something works I don’t mind paying extra. It takes about 10-20 minutes to absorb into your skin but once it did the relief was amazing! I use it to help me sleep because I mainly get bad flare ups when I’m lying down I’m so glad to have found something that works! so I ordered another tube! thank you Fibro Cream =)

  8. Aimee Neate

    This product works

  9. a10icbabe

    Gives me enough relief to get to sleep most nights. Not a 100% cure all, but it occasionally gives some relief.

  10. Kathleen

    I use this for my fibromyalgia. This stuff is miraculous. It doesn’t have a strong scent or temperature, it doesn’t activate with a heated or cold feeling at all (which is good for me, because my body doesn’t like extremes of temperature), and it smells like mildly salty or faintly mineral-fortified water (or like nothing at all if I’m not trying to detect a smell). It has the smooth, creamy texture of a light lotion— it just feels like normal moisturizer you’d use on your face or on your hands in the summer. The moisturizing coconut oil base is super gentle and has not resulted in any bad reactions from my sensitive skin (I also have psoriasis that goes hand-in-hand with my fibromyalgia).

    And yet, within an hour of using this gentle remedy, my stiff bones and joints are popping painlessly into their proper alignment and releasing tension, my muscles are relaxed and painless, my hot flashes go away, my headache or migraine goes away, my jaw stops grinding and relaxes, my joints are no longer swollen, my nerves in my legs and back and shoulders and neck no longer feel like they’re being stabbed with knives and needles, all my aches go away, and I feel light and calm and peaceful without feeling exhausted. Great for using before bedtime to get a peaceful night’s sleep and wake up feeling rested. This has also been a great relief on my ankle that had a surgery done several years ago and still hurts sometimes, but not when I use this. I swear, I had a benign cyst in left breast that was hurting me, and since it wasn’t cancerous I couldn’t afford the surgery to remove it (damn insurance companies…)— well, I put this cream on my breast and massaged the lump using this cream, because I figured, hey, it’s worth a shot. I swear the cyst shrunk to half its size overnight and no longer hurts me.

    I used to be extremely skeptical of homeopathic treatments because the pharmacies near me carry very expensive tinctures, and my understanding was that homeopathic treatments are more than 99% water or alcohol as their active ingredients with some trace amount of botanical or mineral or animal ingredient that is supposed to have medicinal properties. A 99% water solution seemed like a huge waste of money to me for many years. But then I saw the reviews for this product and that it’s a fairly reasonable price, so I figured, you know what, I’ll give it a shot…. WOW! This product has completely changed my mind about homeopathy, it has been the most effective yet gentle and affordable treatment I’ve ever used for my fibromyalgia, and given how skeptical I was of homeopathy at the start of this, I know it wasn’t a placebo effect. I’m glad I gave this a try. I’m now getting into Bach Wild Flower homeopathic tinctures, which you can buy from online catalogues for as cheap as $1.50 for a 1 fl. oz. bottle, and with the use of diluting mere drops in water, these tinctures will last you a long time. I’ve also been into shamanism for years and I’m surprised at myself that I didn’t hear out this philosophy of medicine and give homeopathy a try sooner, I guess I just didn’t realize it could be affordable and so effective. I now believe firmly in the power and potency of dilutions shaken to make the water remember the energetic and spiritual properties of the medicine while keeping it at a low and extremely safe and gentle dosage. “Like cures like” is a shamanic principle that has worked for thousands of years to cure people of ailments, and I’m so glad I’ve changed my mind about homeopathy so that I could discover that shamanic healing and homeopathy are close cousins. And it works!!

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