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Eczema: Tratamento Natural para Pele com Coceira e Vermelhidão | Marca EczemaCare

*R$311.54 Em até 6x de R$51.92 sem jurosEm até 6x de R$51.92 sem jurosMais formas de pagamento 1x de R$311.54 sem juros2x de R$155.77 sem juros3x de R$103.85 sem juros4x de R$77.89 sem juros5x de R$62.31 sem juros6x de R$51.92 sem juros

Eczema é um produto que oferece alívio eficaz para os sintomas de eczema. Sua fórmula especializada ajuda a reduzir a coceira, a vermelhidão e a inflamação da pele afetada. Com ingredientes naturais e suaves, Eczema é seguro para uso diário e proporciona hidratação intensa, promovendo a cura da pele danificada. Experimente Eczema e desfrute de uma pele saudável e livre de irritações.

(8 avaliações de clientes)
Eczema: Tratamento Natural para Pele com Coceira e Vermelhidão | Marca EczemaCare *R$311.54 Em até 6x de R$51.92 sem jurosEm até 6x de R$51.92 sem jurosMais formas de pagamento 1x de R$311.54 sem juros2x de R$155.77 sem juros3x de R$103.85 sem juros4x de R$77.89 sem juros5x de R$62.31 sem juros6x de R$51.92 sem juros

Descrição do Produto: Eczema

O creme de alívio para eczema e psoríase da Wild Naturals penetra profundamente para fornecer um impulso poderoso de hidratação e nutrição, deixando a pele hidratada, equilibrada e saudável. Esta loção para psoríase e creme de mel para eczema é especialmente formulada com aloe vera calmante e hidratante como ingrediente base, não água como a maioria dos produtos para cuidados com a pele.

Protege e hidrata a pele seca e danificada – Nosso creme de alívio para dermatite seborreica e loção corporal para eczema é infundido com poderoso mel de manuka da Nova Zelândia. Embalado com uma combinação única de vitaminas, minerais e aminoácidos do mel de manuka UMF 12+, esta loção para alívio da coceira na pele para eczema e creme para dermatite sela naturalmente a umidade para proteger e restaurar a pele seca e danificada.

Fórmula segura, suave e pH balanceado – Este creme facial para eczema e loção anti coceira é perfeitamente balanceado em pH 5.5 para imitar o nível de pH natural da sua pele, o que significa que será facilmente absorvido sem irritar a pele. Nossa loção para eczema em bebês e creme para dermatite seborreica é suave para todos os tipos de pele, mesmo para aqueles com pele muito sensível. Sem ingredientes agressivos ou preenchedores. 100% livre de esteroides!

Leve e não oleoso – Nosso creme de alívio para eczema proporciona alívio rápido para o rosto, corpo, mãos, pés ou couro cabeludo. Não é mais necessário esperar por resultados; nosso creme para eczema disidrótico é absorvido rapidamente, deixando sua pele nutrida e rejuvenescida. Sem ingredientes à base de petróleo. Livre de parabenos, glúten, corantes e cores artificiais. Livre de crueldade e 100% fabricado nos EUA!

Garantia de satisfação ou seu dinheiro de volta – Nossos produtos são a epítome de qualidade e eficácia, cuidadosamente formulados usando os melhores ingredientes. Entendemos que sua pele merece apenas o melhor e nos esforçamos para oferecer exatamente isso. Se você não estiver completamente satisfeito com sua compra, estamos dispostos a oferecer um reembolso total, sem perguntas.

Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:

  • Alívio eficaz para eczema e psoríase
  • Hidratação profunda e nutrição para a pele
  • Fórmula segura e suave para todos os tipos de pele
  • Rápida absorção e não deixa a pele oleosa
  • Garantia de satisfação ou seu dinheiro de volta

– Sugestão de Uso:

Para obter melhores resultados, aplique o creme de alívio para eczema e psoríase da Wild Naturals na pele limpa e seca, massageando suavemente até a completa absorção. Use diariamente, de manhã e à noite, ou conforme necessário. Evite o contato com os olhos. Em caso de irritação, interrompa o uso e consulte um médico.

8 avaliações para Eczema: Tratamento Natural para Pele com Coceira e Vermelhidão | Marca EczemaCare

  1. Kari Danforth

    This cream truly saved my skin . It’s a think consistency and it doesn’t leave your face oily which I enjoy, I get flares ups on my face time to time especially on my eyes and this cream helped overnight. Highly recommend !

  2. Mir

    I’ve almost used the entire amount but hasn’t helped with eczema at all. I like the texture & moisturizes to a good degree but for the price I won’t be purchasing again.

  3. Karla

    This cream is super hydrating! It blends into the skin after a few seconds of rubbing and I love how gentle the formula is, because I can even use it on my children. It helps with itchiness and immediately soothes inflammed, red skin, plus it doesn’t have any harmful ingredients!

  4. Diana

    It smells good and relived the itchiness after the first use like it

  5. Karla

    I like that a little bit goes a long way and it doesn’t smell bad! It helps some with the itch but I have to put it on very often.

  6. Amazon Customer

    I want to first say the seller didn’t ask me to do this. I’m doing it because it’s the right thing to do and 1 review can destroy a business. Sooo, here’s the deal. You can overuse this cream is what I learned number 1. A little goes a long way, Number 2, apply within 2 minutes after a shower. The skin loves it. Doing those two things and I had no flakes. It’s also truly unscented unlike a lot of stuff out there that say it is and it isn’t. I’ve subscribed as this has truly changed my skin. No more prescriptions or cortizon needed and itching stopped immediately. Not sure if my change in soap has helped, but the cream definitely does. I use the brand “this soap works “ hemp oil bar -unscented.

  7. Sandra Beers

    Very moisturizing and soothing for dermatitis (atopic) that I have on my neck/upper chest and cheeks (recurring). I’ve got so many sensitivities, I can’t use most makeup or face creams. I tend to use Lubriderm Sensitive for my after-shower barrier protection on damp skin, and Eucerin Calming when I need something thicker (dry days, rashy days).

    The flare on my neck got so bad that I needed something new. (I didn’t want to resort to prescription or OTC steroids like I had for decades past). I tried several from the health food store (homeopathic, herbal, natural ones) and bupkis. I decided to order this from Amazon due to the good reviews. I used it frequently: every 2 hours. It covered well, soothed, lessened redness, gentled itch. By two weeks, I was hugely improved. One month later, my skin is normal (except for the hyperpigmentation from repeated rashes, which this cream won’t fix, anyway.)

    This and Era Organics face and eczema creams in the 4 oz jar (I ordered all three) are identical, as far as I can tell, in feel, smell, and ingredients. Era Organics has a very responsive owner (Tyler). Buy any of them for good results, whichever is priced better at time of purchase, and both offer money-back to folks will if it doesn’t help the eczema. Check each for time frame for refunds (Era Organics is 60 days and this one has no limits, but look at comments section for particulars).

    I use this a few times a day now, even though the flare subsided, to keep the skin protected and smoothed.

    Now, product particulars: it’s a thick, white cream, like a paste. It smells like cocoa butter. It spreads well and is not sticky. Don’t wash off the excess from your fingers: rub them in to moisturize cuticles. (Wash hands before dipping into the jar, as you don’t want to contaminate it needlessly.)

    A very good product. If I knew who supplied Era Organics and Wild Naturals, I’d see if I could find a less expensive supplier, cuz this is very good stuff.

    Make sure you apply FREQUENTLY if you have an eczema flare–every hour or two. It will help, but you have to stay away from soaps (sulfates, harsh cleansers), and keep the area “barrier” protected. Apply before bed. Apply immediately after showering or bathing. Don’t rub hard. It will help.

    Wonderful moisturizing, soothing, thick cream good for sensitive skin (mine is crazy sensitive)

  8. Amazon Customer

    I first developed eczema at around age four. By the time it disappeared at age twelve, it had had a merry time resisting every effort made to clear it up. It jumped exclusively from finger to finger (usually four or five at a time) and remained a constant in both thumbs. My older sisters called me prune lips because I always looked miserable. Isn’t that adorable? 😛
    Within a year of the eczema clearing up, I developed psoriasis behind my right ear. At age 58, I can recall every detail in vivid horror. Truly.
    By age 14, nearly 80% of my body was covered. Fabulous timing for a teenager, eh?
    Anyone who’s ever had psoriasis to that extent can wax poetic about the tar baths…P&S oil, a salicylic acid scalp treatment, and occlusion suits. By 19, I’d added Aquaphor, psoriatic arthritis and my first hospital stay at NY University hospital. At 21, an outpatient program at Columbia Presbyterian hospital…a year later i meditated and visualized my way free of both.
    Fast forward….a few small flare ups…a tiny patch on my elbow and an incredibly stubborn site on my scalp. No eczema. Fast forward over years of blissful, almost full remission with even the arthritis – to zero remission from the arthritis, the two persistant, but manageable spots of psoriasis and WHAT THE F??? ECZEMA. Fingers, thumbs and a palm for good measure.
    Climate? I live down south now, assisting my parents and working P/T. Stress? My right hand swelled up, creating pressure on my tendons. Seriously??
    I was constantly wrapping my fingers and thumbs in gauze and that colored stretchy tape…even finger cots, (which I absolutely hated as a child). I wore a wrist support every day, slept with cotton gloves every night – and still bled, cracked and even cried.
    Here’s the point; I tried every cream I thought worthy, applied aquaphor religiously, added foods, eliminated foods and NOTHING WORKED. I can’t say I was surprised, just inconceivably frustrated!! That colored stretchy tape? When people asked me what happened, I told them I was making an eczema fashion statement. At this point, I’m not embarrassed by it and that’s the beauty of growing up. Back to the point…. I tried this product and had nothing less than REMARKABLE results in TWO DAYS. T W O D A Y S. I wished I’d taken a before and after photo, but I was not anticipating that.
    While my palm is a bit more obstinate, my fingers and thumbs are almost entirely clear. I don’t even wear bandaids. I keep a tiny jar with me wherever I go and apply more out of habit than necessity. At any rate, I will never be without this cream. It’s the only product, prescribed or OTC that has ever helped as this did.
    As an aside, upon moving down here, psoriasis started flaring for the first time in nearly 30 years. Yes, I had the area on my scalp and a spot smaller than a dime on my elbow but due to the care I’ve habitually taken of my skin for so many years, it was flawless. Flaw Less. The area on my scalp started expanding, same with the elbow to a lesser degree. As people with psoriasis know, during a flare up, any abrasion or cut you get develops into more psoriasis and that’s what was happening here. Before trying this product, I read about Tamanu oil and there’s my second miracle cure. I made a blend of essential oils for my scalp, in particular, but find using it as is has worked best. In less than a week, I actually saw a part of my scalp that I hadn’t seen in years. It smells quite nice and eliminated flaking and itching while somehow preventing the psoriasis from returning. I recall my psoriasis going into overdrive whenever I paused in daily applications of topicals. I still apply It once a week. It doesn’t appreciate being messed with. So. I’ve tried 2 different brands and favor pur 360.

    Happy, happy healing Everybody!!

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