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Óleo Nasya Botânico Banyan – Gotas Nasais Orgânicas para Respiração Clara – Limpeza Nasal Ayurvédica e Hidratante Nasal – 30ml – Certificado Orgânico, Não GMO

*R$233.91 Em até 6x de R$38.99 sem jurosEm até 6x de R$38.99 sem jurosMais formas de pagamento 1x de R$233.91 sem juros2x de R$116.96 sem juros3x de R$77.97 sem juros4x de R$58.48 sem juros5x de R$46.78 sem juros6x de R$38.99 sem juros

O Banyan Botanicals Nasya Oil é um óleo nasal orgânico à base de ervas que promove a respiração clara. Ele atua como um limpador nasal e hidratante para o nariz, proporcionando um alívio eficaz. Com uma onça fluida, é certificado orgânico e não contém organismos geneticamente modificados (OGM).

(10 avaliações de clientes)
Óleo Nasya Botânico Banyan - Gotas Nasais Orgânicas para Respiração Clara - Limpeza Nasal Ayurvédica e Hidratante Nasal - 30ml - Certificado Orgânico, Não GMO *R$233.91 Em até 6x de R$38.99 sem jurosEm até 6x de R$38.99 sem jurosMais formas de pagamento 1x de R$233.91 sem juros2x de R$116.96 sem juros3x de R$77.97 sem juros4x de R$58.48 sem juros5x de R$46.78 sem juros6x de R$38.99 sem juros

IN AYURVEDA, NASYA OIL é considerado uma das práticas de autocuidado holístico mais importantes para promover a respiração clara, incentivar a desintoxicação interna e combater o ressecamento nasal. A prática de nasya ajuda a lubrificar as passagens nasais e limpar os seios da face.

O NARIZ É CONSIDERADO uma porta de entrada para a consciência. É a entrada para o prana, a força vital, que entra no corpo através da respiração. Uma respiração saudável e sem congestão garante o fluxo adequado de prana por toda a cabeça e corpo, e a administração deste limpador nasal natural pode promover uma sensação de clareza e calma.

O ÓLEO NASYA acalma e protege as passagens nasais enquanto nutre os tecidos. Como um hidratante nasal diário, o nasya ajuda a liberar a tensão na cabeça e aliviar o estresse acumulado. O Óleo Nasal também é tradicionalmente usado para apoiar a visão e melhorar a qualidade da voz.

A BANYAN BOTANICALS está comprometida em produzir os produtos ayurvédicos de mais alta qualidade, utilizando ervas certificadas como orgânicas pelo USDA, que são obtidas de forma sustentável e comercializadas de forma justa. Todos os nossos produtos são testados por terceiros para garantir a qualidade e segurança do produto.

A GARANTIA BANYAN: Se por algum motivo você não estiver satisfeito com um de nossos produtos, teremos prazer em aceitar devoluções para reembolso total do produto.

Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:

  • Promove a respiração clara e desintoxicação interna
  • Estimula o fluxo adequado de prana por todo o corpo
  • Alivia o estresse acumulado e libera a tensão na cabeça
  • Tradicionalmente usado para apoiar a visão e melhorar a qualidade da voz
  • Produzido com ervas orgânicas certificadas e testado por terceiros para garantir a qualidade e segurança

– Sugestão de Uso:

Para usar o Óleo Nasal Nasya, incline a cabeça para trás e aplique 1-2 gotas em cada narina. Inspire profundamente para permitir que o óleo penetre nas passagens nasais. Use diariamente como hidratante nasal ou conforme recomendado por um profissional de saúde.

10 avaliações para Óleo Nasya Botânico Banyan – Gotas Nasais Orgânicas para Respiração Clara – Limpeza Nasal Ayurvédica e Hidratante Nasal – 30ml – Certificado Orgânico, Não GMO

  1. mishapie

    My partner is a very heavy snorer due to chronic sinus issues and a deviated septum. This oil, used along with a nasal strip, absolutely works! He doesn’t care for the smell of it much but the effect far outweighs that. He can now go the full night without snoring but will sometimes start again in the morning as the oil is drying out. Its not a huge issue though because it’s usually around the time the alarm is going off anyway. It’s made a huge difference and I can finally get a decent sleep again. As does he. Wee bit expensive for the size of the bottle but definitely works.

  2. Élodie

    It arrived intact. I used it last night before bed for the first time. This morning my nostrils felt a little better but I used Q-tips to apply 2 drops then later on one more drop. So today I applied 3 drops with my pinky finger tips. All at once. Is a little messy so I did it in the bathroom at the sink. I will update if I feel more moisture in my nostrils. 😊

    The smell isn’t bad, is barely there, lol. And I’m sensitive to perfumes, they give me a metallic taste in my mouth. So like I said the smell isn’t bad at all.

    As for the taste, yes, when you inhale it forcefully, you can taste it as it goes down your throat. It’s not too bad, the trick is to spit it out and you should be ok.

    I drank water before applying it because I didn’t do it last night. So let’s see how it goes. I hope this helps someone. 😊

    Also, I forgot to mention, for the dry phlegm in my throat, I take 2 capsules of Rootology in the AM and then again in the PM.

    UPDATE 4/20/24: I find that one drop applied with fingertips helps me, then massaging the nose and wiping the excess is enough for me. I’m not tilting my head. I spit anything that goes down my throat and that’s it.

  3. Abhi

    Very good product. I am using it Long and it is effective , specially for dry nose and good sleep. Also it helps in slight infection like cold. Recommended.

    The price is high in amazon India but same product in other country in other website is less costly. You can check directly from their website , less pricy.

  4. Amazon User

    Every time I use this product before bed I wake up feeling great the next morning. It is not a good taste and not fun to do, but it’s only 3 minutes of my life in return for a healthier body and happier mood. I used to have terrible allergies, but this seems to have really helped keep them at bay.

    Updated July 25, 2016:
    Overall Use & Effectiveness:
    After a few months of using this product, I’m still waking up satisfied. I started using the oil as an oral rinse (oil puller), make up remover and face moisturizer, and ear drops when my ears feel achy. In a world where our healthy bacteria levels are taken for granted and we feel a compulsion to use antibacterial products everyday, this oil is a perfect replacement for so many harsh health products.

    Gum Line Improvement:
    Last month I started to use this product as an oral rinse (oil pulling when I have time) when waking up. I’ve seen major improvements in my gum line in just one month. I went to see my dentist a week ago and he said two gums that had started to recede beyond my gum line have stopped receding and the gum line appears to be very healthy again. The time previous to last, my dentist insisted I use Listerine or an antiseptic mouth wash to get rid of the “bad bacteria” in my mouth, but in the past Listerine has done nothing for me except make me feel like I sucked on a peppermint stick. Not to mention in the last few years I’ve deliberately tried to avoid using antiseptic products that will kill good bacteria regardless of what they do to the bad, as it’s been more acknowledged that we need a health level of bacteria in every part of our body, including mouth, to stay healthy. Using this oil for oral health has shown to be the most effective rinsing product I’ve ever used (including coconut oil, as well as just sesame oil alone). For some reason the exact mixture in this product produces the right effects.

    Issues with taste:
    Okay, so there’s no cherry flavor to help gurgle the oil or make it more pleasant, but you get used to the smell after a few weeks so that it no longer assaults your senses. I’m used to wearing perfume and having lavender essential oil in my baths, so yeah, I’m a little spoiled when it comes to having a pleasant scent to accompany my products. Obviously, I strongly disliked the smell and taste of the oil at first, but I’m used to it now. Yes, it did take a couple of months for me to get used to it, and though I never thought I could ever say this, but it’s really not that bad anymore.

    Cleaning Out Your Nasal Passageways:
    When using this product for the nasal passages you are supposed to use a drop or two in each nasal passageway (with your head tilted back) until the drops travel to the back of your throat. When they get to the back of your throat, you are suppose to spit out the oil. If you have a lot of dust and mucus in your sinuses and nasal passageways you will most likely have a very icky first time experience. I know I did, but it’s kind of a right of passage (*hahahahahaha*) if you want to detox your system. Also, I cannot stress enough that you have to spit all of the Nasya oil that makes it through your sinuses to the back of your throat so none of it remains in your system- if you do not spit it out you risk reabsorbing the toxins the oil managed to pick up journeying through your nasal passageways.
    *****TIP*****: If you can’t seem to spit out all of the oil, try gurgling with warm water (it’ll help break up the oil) or even a couple of drops to the oil, then brush your teeth (even if you brushed your teeth before gurgling). Also, before doing this routine, think about drinking a good amount of water so there is less of a chance that oil just sits in the back of your throat. Also, I will say this again as sometimes people forget after reading a paragraph, You should NOT swallow the oil. Even if you suffer from the slow and painful nasal drip that happens after rinsing your nose with anything, just bit the bullet and keep cough up the oil until it’s all out. It’s more than worth it-

    Why Does Your Throat Tingle During/After Nasal Cleaning: If you did the proper technique to cleaning your nasal passageways and sinuses, and your throat still hurts after- it could be due to reasons unrelated to the oil (you could have been sick before and the symptoms started to show right after you started coughing up the oil), you may have an allergy to sesame oil, or using the Nasya oil triggered a detox thereby causing Herx Symptoms. Chronic Illness Recovery’s online website is says that, “Herxing is believed to occur when injured or dead bacteria release their endotoxins into the blood and tissues faster than the body can comfortably handle it.” […]

    Though Detoxing is always good for your body, the rate at which your body is detoxing should dictate how much or little you expose yourself to a certain practice. I would say if Nasya oil is causing your throat to ache and hurt, it probably means you have/had a lot of bad bacteria in your sinuses and nose which are dying/died at a rapid rate. Your best bet is to eat a low sugar diet (or eliminate sugar altogether) to avoid feeding the bacteria that is dying off, and perhaps introduce garlic and onion to give your body’s immune system a boost. When your body starts to feel better you might want to try just swabbing the oil in your passageways instead of tilting your head back and allowing the oil to flow to your throat. Of course, ALWAYS consult your doctor for advice and let him know every symptom you are experiencing while using this oil as your reaction may be something other than a detox symptom or a sign that something more serious is happening (hopefully not).

    It’s hard to realize something so small can pollute so much of your body, but your nose, mouth, and throat are the routes used to deliver and filter oxygen, water, and food. You’d be surprised how much work they all do to get you the cleanest air, water, and nutrition possible. This oil makes it a little easier to support our body.

  5. Kindle Customer

    Really nice Nasya Oil.
    Works great when your nose is bothering you.
    I took off a star because I like the recipe for the one I make myself better 🙂
    I bought this because I hadn’t ever tried one other than the one I made.
    I do like the idea of the ingredients in this brand … but sometimes the smell of one of the ingredients bugs me.
    Mine is 15 mL organic sesame oil, 3 drops lavender essential oil, 2 drops eucalyptus essential oil, 1 drop frankincense essential oil and 1 drop peppermint essential oil.
    Mine is really refreshing and makes your nose feel clearer and hydrated. I often don’t need anything else after this for allergies or sinus issues.
    The Banyan brand also makes my nose feel clearer and hydrated, but isn’t as refreshing, and sometimes I don’t like the smell. I don’t know what it is in it that has the smell that bothers me.

  6. Brenda Hunt

    Good stuff. A drop in each nostril and no more runny nose.

  7. Michele A. Martino

    These drops worked well in keeping my nasal passages lubricated and help cut down on my snoring. The aftertaste however is horrendous and hard to accept.

  8. Elisabetta M.

    chi soffre di rinite cronica come me sa di che cosa parlo! una sofferenza continua, soprattutto di notte… questo olio mi fa respirare tranquilla tutta la notte senza mai soffiarmi il naso nemmeno una volta. eliminati per sempre tutti i vari spray e gocce che fanno più male che bene
    costa un po’ ma dura molto

  9. Healer33

    So far I am very happy about Nasya oil.
    My nose is really crappy after living in Midwest for 8 years where weather conditions are suitable only for wild extincted animals, I kind of lost sense of smell and my nasal passages are always dry, blody and cracked. And my nose is pretty much stuffed in summer from the humidity. Anyways, I have tried it all you name it A and D, zink, olive oil, avocado oil, coconut oil, shea butter, fkaxeed oil and something conventional that I do not even remember and do not want to remember. Nothing made it better and some made it worse.
    Nasya feels like rich and gluee oil, I find that it has some unknown indian oils and eucaliptus and a very good oil for most skin types- sezamee oil. I dont know yet what systemic effect if has on me, but so far my nose is less swollen and less blody and less dry. I believe it will have some positive effects on nervous system after I use it for at least a month. So, I just love this Ayurvedic remedy and encourage others to try. By the way, I also use it on my nails ans cuticles and it makes them softer amd smoother. Just try.
    And the interesting story how I was guided by Universe to find thia oil. I bought Ayurvedic cigarretes.I never smoked, but rearily feel that sense of smoking. On the package I saw that these cigaretes they are called Nirdosh by the way are made by Nasya recipie. So I believe they have some in common. I liked the cigarretesm not the smoke but the smell. Anyways its good.

  10. Social Butterfly

    This works great. I highly recommend it.

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