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Produto Importado dos EUA

IceBeanie Cap 2.0 para Alívio de Enxaqueca | Visto no Shark Tank | Touca com Gel-Tech Exclusivo para Resfriamento Prolongado | Faixa para Cabeça, Touca Fria para Enxaquecas

*R$520.03 Em até 6x de R$86.67 sem jurosEm até 6x de R$86.67 sem jurosMais formas de pagamento 1x de R$520.03 sem juros2x de R$260.02 sem juros3x de R$173.34 sem juros4x de R$130.01 sem juros5x de R$104.01 sem juros6x de R$86.67 sem juros

O IceBeanie Migraine Headache Relief Cap 2.0 é um gorro com compressa de gel projetado para aliviar dores de cabeça e enxaquecas. Visto no programa Shark Tank, possui tecnologia de gel exclusiva que proporciona resfriamento prolongado. Com seu design envolvente, o gorro oferece alívio instantâneo e conforto durante crises de enxaqueca.

(10 avaliações de clientes)
IceBeanie Cap 2.0 para Alívio de Enxaqueca | Visto no Shark Tank | Touca com Gel-Tech Exclusivo para Resfriamento Prolongado | Faixa para Cabeça, Touca Fria para Enxaquecas *R$520.03 Em até 6x de R$86.67 sem jurosEm até 6x de R$86.67 sem jurosMais formas de pagamento 1x de R$520.03 sem juros2x de R$260.02 sem juros3x de R$173.34 sem juros4x de R$130.01 sem juros5x de R$104.01 sem juros6x de R$86.67 sem juros
SKU: A17D8B3E Categoria: Tag: Marca:

IceBeanie Migraine Headache Relief Cap 2.0 | Visto no Shark Tank | Touca de Gelo para Enxaquecas com Tecnologia de Gel Exclusiva para Resfriamento Prolongado | Faixa para Cabeça, Touca Fria para Enxaquecas…

Experimente um alívio prolongado e cativante das dores de cabeça debilitantes com o IceBeanie Migraine Headache Relief Cap 2.0. Desenvolvido com a poderosa tecnologia de gel exclusiva, projetada para permanecer fria três vezes mais tempo, este produto oferece um alívio rápido e reduz o estresse e a ansiedade associados a enxaquecas, dores de cabeça, concussões, estresse, inflamação, ressacas, recuperação de quimioterapia, tensão, TCE, febres, lesões esportivas e muito mais! Impacte significativamente sua capacidade de operar normalmente e desfrute de tranquilidade com nossa solução de alívio de enxaqueca sob demanda!

A touca IceBeanie possui um ajuste luxuosamente macio e adaptável que cobre toda a cabeça. Diga adeus às envoltórias desajeitadas e às incômodas bolsas de gel. Com sua textura macia e design exclusivo, ela se adapta perfeitamente a todas as formas e tamanhos de cabeça, garantindo um conforto aconchegante e ajustado para um alívio eficaz de dores de cabeça. Além disso, ela também pode ser usada como uma máscara de resfriamento, protegendo seus olhos da luz sempre que necessário e aprimorando sua experiência de relaxamento.

O IceBeanie oferece uma abordagem natural de terapia dupla para o alívio da dor. Mais do que uma simples touca de resfriamento, o IceBeanie introduz uma abordagem inovadora e versátil para o gerenciamento da dor. Transicionando facilmente entre a terapia fria calmante e a terapia de calor relaxante, ele apresenta uma solução abrangente e completa para diversos tipos de desconforto. Basta resfriar a touca de enxaqueca IceBeanie no freezer ou aquecê-la conforme necessário e mergulhar no mundo do alívio imediato e holístico.

O uso do IceBeanie é fácil, conveniente e pronto para uso. Experimente o produto de alívio de enxaqueca IceBeanie para um conforto imediato, sem complicações. Esqueça o processo trabalhoso de lidar com bolsas de gel ou envoltórios. Basta resfriar ou aquecer a touca e colocá-la para obter um alívio instantâneo das dores de cabeça.

Aliviar a dor nunca foi tão fácil! Experimente o IceBeanie, a touca de resfriamento para enxaquecas que oferece uma solução imediata e conveniente para combater dores de cabeça, concussões, estresse, inflamação e muito mais. Com seu design inovador, este versátil gorro frio para enxaquecas proporciona um alívio incomparável, servindo como uma faixa fria para a cabeça, garantindo conforto e terapia calmante eficaz.

Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:

  • Alívio prolongado de dores de cabeça debilitantes
  • Ajuste luxuosamente macio e adaptável para conforto máximo
  • Abordagem natural de terapia dupla para alívio da dor
  • Fácil, conveniente e pronto para uso imediato
  • Solução versátil e eficaz para dores de cabeça e enxaquecas

– Sugestão de Uso:

Para obter o máximo de alívio, siga estas instruções de uso do IceBeanie Migraine Headache Relief Cap 2.0:

  1. Resfrie a touca no freezer por pelo menos 2 horas antes de usar.
  2. Após resfriada, coloque a touca na cabeça, garantindo que cubra toda a área afetada pela dor de cabeça.
  3. Ajuste a touca para um ajuste confortável e seguro.
  4. Relaxe e desfrute do alívio imediato proporcionado pelo resfriamento prolongado.
  5. Para terapia de calor, aqueça a touca em água quente (não fervente) por alguns minutos antes de usar.
  6. Use a touca conforme necessário para alívio contínuo e eficaz.

Experimente o IceBeanie Migraine Headache Relief Cap 2.0 e descubra uma nova maneira de aliviar suas dores de cabeça e enxaquecas. Com sua tecnologia de gel exclusiva, ajuste confortável e versatilidade terapêutica, este produto é a solução perfeita para quem busca alívio imediato e duradouro. Não deixe que as dores de cabeça atrapalhem sua vida – escolha o IceBeanie e desfrute de um alívio eficaz sempre que precisar!

10 avaliações para IceBeanie Cap 2.0 para Alívio de Enxaqueca | Visto no Shark Tank | Touca com Gel-Tech Exclusivo para Resfriamento Prolongado | Faixa para Cabeça, Touca Fria para Enxaquecas

  1. Mary

    Just had to write a review for this product, for anyone who might be on the fence about trying it… it’s totally worth the money.
    I have been dealing with post concussion head pain for the last 5 years. So much so that I can’t even stand to wear hats that are even remotely snug, and I had to cut my hair short because I can no longer tolerate a ponytail (even when I am not in pain). Because of this, I assumed I wouldn’t like a product like this, I worried that it would feel too tight and be uncomfortable. Boy, was I wrong! My husband finally talked me into trying it out, and wow! It helps so much with the head pain. I only wish I had tried it sooner. I need to buy a couple more for the bad pain days so I don’t have to wait for it to re-freeze. This is so much better than just a plain ice pack. I love how it cools the whole head at once, and the fit is not too tight – just snug enough to provide comfort.
    I have a headache rescue medication that works by constricting the size of the blood vessels in the brain. Well, this ice beanie basically does that, but naturally, without the need for medication.
    I read on the company’s website that the creator of this product came up with the ice beanie after dealing with his own post concussion headaches. I am sorry that he had to also go through the pain, but very grateful for the awesome product that he created as a result.
    If you suffer with chronic headaches, I highly recommend trying this out!

  2. nathan

    I didn’t buy this for migraine but to cool me down at work. for that purpose it works great. cools me down instantly and stays cold for a very long time. really glad I bought it. warning, if u put it straight on after talking it out of the freezer you will get brain freeze lol.

  3. Jen P

    I love this beanie. Also makes a good compress for my knee. It conforms to the shape and stays cold enough for the 20 minutes or so of icing.

  4. katherine kennedy

    Ice packs a little hard at first but once they soften you can mold them to your head. I twisted the cap around until I got the ice just where I wanted it. The cap is a little big for me even when I moved the velcro adjuster but I always lay down when I have a migraine so it really doesn’t matter. This cap is way better than tying multiple ice packs on my head with scarves. I put the whole cap in a ziplock bag and keep in my freezer.

  5. Jazzy

    I have dysautonomia and have a hard time regulating my body temperature in the heat. This beanie enables me to take walks in the summer in LA! Unfortunately it only stays cold for about 15mins (not 40mins like others have said).

    Anyway, for me it’s worth it. It’s also helped me with nervous system regulation. Some therapists recommend putting your head in the freezer when you are in fight or flight. This is a bit more convenient 🙂

    Fits well and snug without being too tight. Stays on your head without slipping.

    All in all, thumbs up!

    Only downside: it smells awful upon arrival. It has faded some. Hope it goes away all the way.

  6. Jamie Stafford

    Great product. I like how it covers your eyes and has a nice weight to it. Comfortable and stays cool.

  7. peter

    I have constant sinus headaches and keep seeking something other than hot washcloths for relief. The IceBeanie is very similar to at least a dozen gel-filled foam caps that fit over the head. It is better than most of those in two ways. First, it has only one seam on the main headband. Most of the gel-filled caps have two. Whenever there is a seam, there is no heat, there are two edges that tend to become hotter than the main body of the hood, and at the seam the cover fabric is more vulnerable to blistering or tearing after a month or two of frequent use. Secondly, it is more comfortable than most of the other pain relief hoods I have tried.
    Negatives: 1. Its major claim to fame is that unlike every other pain relief hood that I have seen, it has a top cover that makes the hood more like a winter ski cap than a strange open ended circle. However, this top cap did not contribute in any way to treating my facial and forehead pain, and it is attached to the main headband in a way that looks vulnerable to damage after a month or two of constant use.
    2. The box and Amazon written description states that for heat therapy, place the hood in a microwave for 10 seconds. I hoped this meant that the IceBeanie had some special proprietary gel filling that heated up much faster than the 50-60 seconds all the others I have used. Sadly, 10 seconds is not sufficient to bring the IceBeanie up to a therapeutic level of heat. As with all other gel-filled pain treatment hoods, in my microwave it takes the same 50 to 60 seconds (when at room temperature). My problem with that is there is a clear inference on the package and in the written Amazon description that it only takes 10 seconds to bring this product to a therapeutic temperature. False.
    3. As with most but not all pain relief hoods I have tried, this cap fully covers the ears, with the same level of heat as over the face and forehead. Especially if using the hood through 2 or 3 microwave heatings to achieve a 15 to 20 minute relief session, that amount of heat becomes painful. One gel cap I have tried has a cutout to avoid the ears, similar to cutouts for the nose on many pain relief caps.
    Final comment. When heating a pain-relief hood, I find it important to turn the hood over half way through the microwave heating process. This is a step that may be obvious to some, but several of the hoods I have have tried, from Amazon and elsewhere, do not give that simple yet critical instruction.
    Also, every gel-filled hood that I have tried retains a therapeutic level of heat for only about 5 to 7 minutes, just a little longer than a hot washcloth, and if you re-heat the cap before it has fully cooled to room temperature, much less microwave time is required on each side. Again this may be obvious to some, but finding the right amount of time for re-microwaving during longer treatment sessions can be a a matter of trial and error. Caution: putting an overheated gel-filled cap on the head can cause serious burns & pain. And on most of this type of cap, any edge tends to get a little hotter than the main body. Be careful picking them up, and watch your ears.

  8. Eddy Lim

    good for overall headaches and fever…but doesn’t cover all parts of the head…should have a cold band surrounding the forehead to the back, or a temple won’t enjoy the relief.

  9. Colleen H

    I ordered this based on a recommendation from someone in a headache support group I belong to. For the past 6 months, I have been suffering from debilitating daily headaches. I am seeing a neurologist, and we are trying to find a preventative treatment that works for me, but in the meantime she only wants me using rescue meds 3x a week. This means I am in excruciating pain the other 4 days. I received my Ice Beanie today and tried it for the first time. It felt so good! When the cold wears off the headache is still there, but if you like to use ice packs for headaches, you will love this product. Sure beats trying to hold an ice pack on the side of my head. I like that this cools my entire head, including the top. I love it so much that I just ordered a second one so I can rotate them. I put it in the freezer for 45 minutes and it was perfect – cold, but not too hard. The only negative I could see is that it might be kind of tight if you have a large head.

  10. LDS

    Great concept, great coverage, LOVE how soft and flexible it is! Pitiful performance. When I have a migraine, I need COLD THAT LASTS for a long amount of time! I timed this product, hoping that the other reviews that said the same thing were wrong. They’re right. Listen to them. This ice beanie was super cold for all of a minute and warmed up to body temp within 13 minutes of use. What a waste of money.

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