Produto Importado dos EUA

Chanca Piedra Stone Breaker – Dissolvedor Natural, Limpeza Renal | 100% Natural | 60 cápsulas | Marca Chanca Piedra

*R$390.08 Em até 6x de R$65.01 sem jurosEm até 6x de R$65.01 sem jurosMais formas de pagamento 1x de R$390.08 sem juros2x de R$195.04 sem juros3x de R$130.03 sem juros4x de R$97.52 sem juros5x de R$78.02 sem juros6x de R$65.01 sem juros

Chanca Piedra Stone Breaker é um dissolvente natural e limpador de rins que oferece uma solução eficaz para problemas renais. Suas principais características incluem a capacidade de quebrar pedras nos rins, promover a limpeza dos rins e melhorar a saúde do trato urinário. Os benefícios deste produto incluem alívio da dor causada por pedras nos rins, prevenção de infecções urinárias e melhoria da função renal.

(8 avaliações de clientes)
Chanca Piedra Stone Breaker - Dissolvedor Natural, Limpeza Renal | 100% Natural | 60 cápsulas | Marca Chanca Piedra *R$390.08 Em até 6x de R$65.01 sem jurosEm até 6x de R$65.01 sem jurosMais formas de pagamento 1x de R$390.08 sem juros2x de R$195.04 sem juros3x de R$130.03 sem juros4x de R$97.52 sem juros5x de R$78.02 sem juros6x de R$65.01 sem juros
  • Obtenha suporte 24/7 para rins e vesícula biliar: Stone Breaker é formulado para ajudar a desintoxicar, eliminar e limpar as impurezas e o acúmulo ácido que podem afetar os rins, a vesícula biliar e o sistema urinário.
  • DETOX E REPARAÇÃO DOS RINS: Você pode ter a confiança de que cada cápsula de Chanca Piedra Stone Breaker possui a força e a potência que você procura em um produto de suporte para vesícula biliar e limpeza dos rins.
  • SUPER INGREDIENTES!: O extrato de Chanca Piedra e semente de aipo fornecem o melhor poder para promover a saúde e a limpeza do trato urinário.
  • FÁCIL DE ENGOLIR: Cápsulas de Chanca Piedra macias, 100% vegetarianas, fáceis de engolir, completamente livres de enchimentos, aglutinantes e ingredientes artificiais. Sem glúten, trigo ou laticínios. E, é claro, nunca testado em animais. Apenas um produto puro e testado.
  • COMPROMISSO DE FELICIDADE E SAÚDE 100%: Experimente nossos produtos sem preocupações, temos confiança de que você verá resultados. Além disso, por meio de nossa parceria com a Vitamin Angels, sua compra ajuda a fornecer vitaminas para mulheres e crianças em risco de desnutrição.

Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:

1. Suporte 24/7 para rins e vesícula biliar: O Stone Breaker é formulado especificamente para ajudar a desintoxicar e limpar os rins, a vesícula biliar e o sistema urinário, proporcionando suporte contínuo.
2. Detox e reparação dos rins: Com a força e potência de cada cápsula de Chanca Piedra Stone Breaker, você pode confiar que estará fornecendo aos seus rins a limpeza e reparação necessárias.
3. Ingredientes superpoderosos: O extrato de Chanca Piedra e semente de aipo são ingredientes poderosos que promovem a saúde e a limpeza do trato urinário, garantindo um funcionamento adequado.
4. Fácil de usar: As cápsulas de Chanca Piedra Stone Breaker são fáceis de engolir e 100% vegetarianas, sem adição de enchimentos, aglutinantes ou ingredientes artificiais. Além disso, são livres de glúten, trigo e laticínios.
5. Compromisso com a felicidade e saúde: A Vitaminer Shop tem confiança em seus produtos e oferece uma garantia de satisfação. Além disso, ao comprar, você estará ajudando a fornecer vitaminas para mulheres e crianças em situação de risco.

– Sugestão de Uso:
Para obter os melhores resultados, tome uma cápsula de Chanca Piedra Stone Breaker diariamente com água. Recomenda-se tomar com o estômago vazio, pelo menos 30 minutos antes das refeições. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplemento.

8 avaliações para Chanca Piedra Stone Breaker – Dissolvedor Natural, Limpeza Renal | 100% Natural | 60 cápsulas | Marca Chanca Piedra

  1. David F Jones

    Seems to be very effective

  2. Joyful Spirit

    I think this product was working as I saw small stones. At first, the product was fine. By the 3rd week, all of a sudden I started having sudden hot flashes a few times a day that would last 3-5 min. By the end before I quit taking them, the hot flashes were coming on many times during the day. I checked the ingredients to see what the cause might be. After researching, the main culprit is the Boron and another possible culprit was the bioperine (black pepper extract). I’m a female who is 49 yrs old. Had a hysterectomy 3 yrs ago. I had quit having normal hot flashes 2 years ago. So this was troublesome. Definitely something to consider when buying this product. Great product otherwise. I’m switching to the stone relief cleanse instead as those ingredients are different and don’t lead to hot flashes.

  3. Ashlyn

    Don’t buy if you already have stones and are hoping it will help. I had a 7mm stone and took two everyday for a month. It didn’t budge Maybe it works better to prevent stones.

  4. Melli

    I was diagnosed in March 2019 with gastritis (inflammation of the stomach lining). The doctors did a CT scan and another different scan but found nothing wrong with anything else. While this is probably a common issue I realized early in my journey to recovery that digestive issues start with the gallbladder and liver. I did not want to continue on the Proton Pump Inhibitors that the doctor prescribed to alleviate the acid buildup in my stomach (it made me feel more bloated). The only way to rid the pain and bloat was celery juice in the morning, intermittent fasting and 40 minute workouts twice a day (I also changed my diet). While this worked through 2019 and 2020, I know I wasn’t always going to have access to cardio equipment every day. Covid hit 2020 so fast forward to August 2021 and I started feeling that weird pressure over my gallbladder again. I was able to rid the pain but not the pressure. I came across this product while searching Amazon for supplements and read the reviews. The majority of people had great outcomes so I bought a bottle. I’ve only taken one a day so far but it has been really fast acting right away, reduced the pressure under my right ribs quickly. I take one with my morning meal with a Calcium, Magnesium Zinc tablet. One NAC tablet, B12, Vit D3 with 1 capsule each of Milk Thistle (liver support) and lecithin. I would also drink Roasted Dandelion Root Tea for my digestion. I was taking the vitamins and supplements before the Stonebreaker capsule was added in recently. This combo really helped a lot. But one thing I noticed, the Stonebreaker addition makes you go do #2 ALOT IN quantity in the beginning. I’m assuming it’s cleaning out your backed up system and helping bile move from liver to gallbladder for fatty breakdown. I recently gave one capsule to my sister (has diabetes) to see if it would help her although she is so skinny I don’t know if she had anything to get rid of internally. SURPRISE! She said it really cleaned out her colon.

    UPDATE 12/3/21
    I gave a capsule to my cousin as she was having trouble going to the bathroom to urinate several times a night and felt like she was still full right after she would go. We thought it would help her kidneys. She took only one and 3 days later went to the emergency room with excruciating pain from a dislodged kidney stone. We kind of assumed it was dislodged by the Chanca Piedra preventing the formation of stones and since the stone wasn’t growing larger it broke down and was able to travel to her bladder. She kept drinking lemon water and celery juice for a week after and hasn’t felt any pain since then in November. Although she was freaked out by the kidney pain when it happened she since doesn’t want to take the Stone Breaker at all. But I will keep taking it as my pain has subsided to nothing.
    UPDATE 2
    My cousin decided to continue taking it and increased her water intake and drinking specific teas for kidney support. Seems to be working.

  5. Robert

    Excellent Work

  6. Sandi Kendrick

    had to drink lots of water, yet gave relief and removed stone,

  7. Roy

    Worked excellent within a couple days you can feel it working on you

  8. Imsiscokid2

    I’m a skeptic, so I read every last review. I was in a lot of pain and the Drs just kept ignoring my complaint of kidney pain and UTI symptoms. I had repeated UTI tests, which were all negative every single time. One Dr upon exam actually told me my urethra “looked pretty angry”, but didn’t do anything or try to figure out why, just told me to go home and take warm baking soda baths. The pain was so bad it actually caused me vaginal pain. I also that examined and cultured several times, including an STD panel, and was referred to an obgyn who ordered a vaginal ultra sound to rule out endometriosis or anything else of the sort, only to find, every time, things came back negative and normal. All the while my kidney pain was getting increasingly worse. Out of desperation, I took matters into my own hands and did a lot of research. I happened upon this product after reading reviews on many others, and decided I didn’t have anything to lose. I ordered these and began taking them as soon as I received them. Within the first 24 hours the pain began to lessen a bit, and over the course of a few days all my symptoms began to subside. Within the first week I had an abrupt pain in my right side, just inside the lower part of my rib cage, that came and went, it was a split second. All I can imagine in my mind is that something either popped or dislodged, I don’t really know, it was a strange feeling and one I’ve never had before or since, but it feels a lot better. I have since been passing very small stones, and looks a lot like dirt. It seems to be lessening. I have finished first bottle. I’ve found though if I don’t keep taking these my kidney pain comes back, so I’m going to continue. I also took these in conjunction with cranberry soft gels. This stone breaker is a life saver! If I could give it 100 stars, I would!

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