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Produto Importado dos EUA

Sea-Band Pulseira Anti-Náusea Acupressão para Movimento – Marca Sea-Band

*R$127.62 Em até 6x de R$21.27 sem jurosEm até 6x de R$21.27 sem jurosMais formas de pagamento 1x de R$127.62 sem juros2x de R$63.81 sem juros3x de R$42.54 sem juros4x de R$31.91 sem juros5x de R$25.52 sem juros6x de R$21.27 sem juros

O Sea-Band Anti-Nausea Acupressure Wristband é um produto que ajuda a aliviar náuseas causadas por movimento. Ele utiliza a técnica de acupressão através de uma pulseira de pulso, proporcionando alívio de forma natural e sem o uso de medicamentos. Suas principais características incluem design confortável, ajustável e discreto, além de ser adequado para adultos e crianças. Com o Sea-Band, é possível desfrutar de viagens e atividades sem preocupações com enjoos.

(10 avaliações de clientes)
Sea-Band Pulseira Anti-Náusea Acupressão para Movimento - Marca Sea-Band *R$127.62 Em até 6x de R$21.27 sem jurosEm até 6x de R$21.27 sem jurosMais formas de pagamento 1x de R$127.62 sem juros2x de R$63.81 sem juros3x de R$42.54 sem juros4x de R$31.91 sem juros5x de R$25.52 sem juros6x de R$21.27 sem juros
SKU: A4C0E97F Categoria: Tag: Marca:

Sea-Band Anti-Nausea Acupressure Wristband for Motion

Sea-Band Anti-Nausea Acupressure Wristband for Motion

Sea-Band é uma pulseira para enjoo que ajuda a aliviar náuseas causadas por enjoos matinais, quimioterapia, cirurgias, enjoo de carro, entre outros. As pulseiras anti-náusea Sea-Band são seguras, reutilizáveis e laváveis.

As pulseiras Sea-Band funcionam aplicando pressão no ponto de acupressão P6 (Nei Kuan) em cada pulso. A aplicação de pressão neste ponto tem sido comprovada para aliviar náuseas e vômitos.

Diga adeus ao enjoo de viagem! Você ou seu filho sofrem de enjoo de movimento, enjoo de mar ou enjoo de carro durante as viagens? Os produtos anti-náusea da Sea-Band podem ajudar você a se sentir melhor, de forma natural.

A escolha natural para alívio de náuseas! Inspirados em remédios tradicionais, como ervas, aromaterapia e acupressão, os produtos de alívio de náuseas da Sea-Band ajudam você a se sentir melhor de forma natural, sem interações medicamentosas.

Por que escolher a Sea-Band? As pulseiras Sea-Band, gotas de gengibre e chicletes para enjoo de movimento, enjoo matinal ou outras causas de náuseas oferecem alívio de náuseas sem o uso de medicamentos, sem efeitos colaterais como sonolência ou confusão mental.

Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:

1. Alívio natural de náuseas

As pulseiras Sea-Band oferecem um método natural e eficaz para aliviar náuseas, sem a necessidade de medicamentos que possam causar efeitos colaterais indesejados.

2. Seguro e reutilizável

As pulseiras Sea-Band são seguras para uso e podem ser reutilizadas várias vezes. Elas são laváveis, o que as torna práticas e econômicas.

3. Eficácia comprovada

A aplicação de pressão no ponto de acupressão P6 (Nei Kuan) tem sido cientificamente comprovada como uma forma eficaz de aliviar náuseas e vômitos. As pulseiras Sea-Band utilizam essa técnica para proporcionar alívio imediato.

4. Versatilidade de uso

As pulseiras Sea-Band podem ser usadas em diversas situações, como durante viagens de carro, barco ou avião, durante a gravidez para aliviar enjoos matinais, ou após cirurgias e sessões de quimioterapia.

5. Livre de efeitos colaterais

Diferente de medicamentos para náuseas, as pulseiras Sea-Band não causam sonolência ou confusão mental, permitindo que você continue suas atividades diárias normalmente.

– Sugestão de Uso:

Para usar as pulseiras Sea-Band, basta posicioná-las no pulso, aplicando uma leve pressão no ponto de acupressão P6 (Nei Kuan). Certifique-se de que as pulseiras estejam confortáveis e ajustadas corretamente. As pulseiras podem ser usadas durante todo o dia, conforme necessário, e são adequadas para adultos e crianças.

10 avaliações para Sea-Band Pulseira Anti-Náusea Acupressão para Movimento – Marca Sea-Band

  1. Monica

    I’m not sure if these worked for me for normal weather on a cruise ship, but I say try them anyway because I have friends that swear by them. We had a bad storm on our cruise so I nothing worked for me because the ship was rocking so bad. They’re not the most fashionable but a lot of ppl on the cruise wear them so it’s not out of the ordinary. They’re super tight and the button digs into your wrist but you get used to it.

  2. Fit perfect ..excellent Quality..Would buy this band again!

    They worked great on our cruise!


    These did not work for me at all. I used them for the ferry from Long Beach to Catalina. There were a lot of swells and a lot of motion on the boat. It wasn’t the catamaran ferry, so not as stable. We pitched and yawed a BUNCH. I was with a boat full of elementary school kids, most of whom had presumably taken Dramamine, because they loved all the staggering around the boat and loose articles sliding across tables and falling off of benches. Wearing a grey pair of these same bands, I was good for about an hour. The second hour, I gradually grew more and more seasick until I violently retched up the entire contents of my stomach and felt like I produced more from some hidden, extra stomach, because I didn’t think I had that much in me.
    Now I’m back on land and trying to return the second, unused pair I had bought in red, but discovering that they are not returnable. So buyer beware.
    For what it’s worth, I used this same brand’s same product 12 years ago when I was pregnant and it worked like a charm for me for that purpose.

  4. DN

    I watched the video of this product where they showed how this works — pressing on the wrist at P6 spot, 3 fingers from the palm of the hand, so while waiting for the arrival of this sea band order, I tried pressing both of my wrists at the spots the video mentioned (where the buttons on the sea band would be) and it helped me tremendously. I used to feel so dizzy during car rides that I try to avoid it unless necessary, and someone else would have to drive slowly, stop slowly. I could not even drive since I started to have dizziness years ago.
    But following instructions from the videos, I used both thumbs to press on both sides of my wrists and I have been feeling better riding in the car. Thank God and thank you for this help, although the sea bands are too tight on me, and the buttons on them don’t seem to make any difference in terms of relieving my dizziness, the concept of pressing on the P6 acupuncture spots on my wrists helps a lot!

  5. Broadwaygirl

    These work. They’re amazing. Complete game changer for Car rides for me. People are like “iT’s ALL In YOuR HeAd.” If that’s true and it’s a placebo effect I really do NOT care. They work and that’s all that matters.

  6. Char, The (Mostly) Happy Shopper

    I suffer from sudden bouts of vertigo. They aren’t frequent but can hit at any time and although most times it is mild, some others it can be pretty severe to the point of taking me down for the day. I don’t have any conditions or diseases that would be a reason for it. It just happens to run in my family. Anyway, my mother told me some of the things she does to help with it so I went on the search. I found these and decided to give them a try.

    Rarely with these bouts do I get much in the line of nausea. It’s mostly just dizziness I’m trying to combat. I had a bad episode recently that lasted on and off for almost a week. I grabbed the little case these came in and put them on. I have small wrists so they fit well and I was able to wear all day without any discomfort. I can’t say these solved the problem but I do feel like they did help. They seemed to curb the dizziness a bit making it possible for me to work and do things around the house without fear of falling. I still had to take it slow but the spinning was less severe. That’s a win no matter what.

    I have a little bag now that I keep things like this in as well as motion sickness pills and some behind the ear oil. I take the bag with me everywhere as I never know when an episode will hit. With these, I like that I don’t have to worry about side effects and since the ones I got are black in color, they look fine with anything I am wearing. I also like that I was able to purchase with my HRA card. I plan on buying another pair.


    Bought to replace bands I’ve been using for several years. Tried cheaper ones which were badly made and too small.

  8. mommaturtle

    I bought these for my to be 87 year old mother. My poor mother lives out on back roads. Every time she gets in the car to go any where she starts belching and gets so car sick. If she eats when she does go out it just makes it more miserable. My Aunt and Uncle were coming in for a couple days to visit and wanted to drive to a casino. My mother wanted to go but was worried about getting sick. I bought these bracelets the day before and followed the instructions, we actually all read them. Well I’m impressed, my mother was not motion sick at all, nothing, no belching,etc. This might not work for everyone but it is worth every penny it cost. She has taken 3 car rides in 2 weeks, just because she can. I know I went into a lot of detail but she has suffered for so long and hope it helps someone else. Thanks

  9. Richard

    this product worked for me. Driving 14 hours on the road with up and down around and round stop and start in the mountains, I never felt sick. I just bought 3 more for my daughter. Next, I will try an airplane.

  10. Dinesh Vel

    Wondering how this band has the power to solve Gaming related sickness, But it does the magic, Thanks Seaband 🙂 But it is overpriced in Amazon, Try to buy from any relatives from States.

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