Produto Importado dos EUA

Boka Pasta de Dente Sem Flúor – Nano Hidroxiapatita, Remineralizante, Dentes Sensíveis, Clareamento – Recomendada por Dentistas para Adultos

*R$155.37 Em até 6x de R$25.90 sem jurosEm até 6x de R$25.90 sem jurosMais formas de pagamento 1x de R$155.37 sem juros2x de R$77.69 sem juros3x de R$51.79 sem juros4x de R$38.84 sem juros5x de R$31.07 sem juros6x de R$25.90 sem juros

A pasta de dente Boka Fluoride Free é recomendada por dentistas para adultos e possui como principais características e benefícios a presença de nano-hidroxiapatita, que ajuda a remineralizar os dentes, além de ser indicada para dentes sensíveis e proporcionar clareamento.

(10 avaliações de clientes)
Boka Pasta de Dente Sem Flúor - Nano Hidroxiapatita, Remineralizante, Dentes Sensíveis, Clareamento - Recomendada por Dentistas para Adultos *R$155.37 Em até 6x de R$25.90 sem jurosEm até 6x de R$25.90 sem jurosMais formas de pagamento 1x de R$155.37 sem juros2x de R$77.69 sem juros3x de R$51.79 sem juros4x de R$38.84 sem juros5x de R$31.07 sem juros6x de R$25.90 sem juros
SKU: 04DA5507 Categoria: Tag: Marca:

Descrição do Produto

Boka Pasta de Dente Sem Flúor – Nano Hidroxiapatita, Remineralizante, Sensível, Clareadora – Recomendada por Dentistas para Adultos

A Pasta de Dente Boka Sem Flúor é um produto revolucionário que oferece uma poderosa fórmula de próxima geração para a saúde das gengivas, aproveitando a força da Nano Hidroxiapatita (NHA)! Com sua inovadora fórmula contendo NHA, nossa pasta de dente não apenas limpa efetivamente os dentes, mas também auxilia no processo de remineralização. Como resultado, melhora a saúde geral do esmalte dos dentes e ajuda a clarear aqueles dentes brancos como pérolas.

Confie em uma pasta de dente verificada por profissionais dentais. Livre de flúor, sulfatos, parabenos, sabores e cores artificiais – meticulosamente desenvolvemos nosso produto para ser 100% biocompatível, garantindo que seja seguro e não tóxico para uso diário. Uma maneira perfeita de levar sua rotina de higiene bucal para o próximo nível!

Especialmente projetada para atender às necessidades de pessoas com dentes sensíveis, a Pasta de Dente Boka Sem Flúor é suave, porém eficaz. Ela proporciona uma experiência refrescante e calmante, sem comprometer os benefícios dentais ou causar desconforto. Diga adeus à sensibilidade e adote uma rotina de cuidados bucais projetada para uma experiência confortável.

Experimente a fusão de menta refrescante, chá verde rico em antioxidantes e um toque de cardamomo com a Pasta de Dente Boka Sem Flúor. A menta revigorante deixa seu hálito fresco e revitalizado, enquanto o cardamomo adiciona um toque único e bem-vindo à sua experiência de escovação. Diga adeus ao sabor sem graça e monótono – diga olá a um sabor de pasta de dente que anima suas papilas gustativas a cada escovação.

Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:

  • Fortalece a saúde das gengivas e repara o esmalte dos dentes com Nano Hidroxiapatita (NHA)
  • Remineraliza e clareia os dentes, melhorando a saúde do esmalte
  • Recomendada por dentistas e 100% biocompatível
  • Ideal para dentes sensíveis, proporcionando uma experiência suave e refrescante
  • Sabor de menta refrescante com um toque de cardamomo para uma escovação emocionante

– Sugestão de Uso:

Escove os dentes pelo menos duas vezes ao dia, de preferência após as refeições, ou siga as recomendações do seu dentista. Aplique uma quantidade adequada de pasta de dente na escova e escove os dentes em movimentos circulares por pelo menos dois minutos. Enxágue bem a boca após a escovação. Para melhores resultados, evite ingerir alimentos ou líquidos por pelo menos 30 minutos após a escovação.

10 avaliações para Boka Pasta de Dente Sem Flúor – Nano Hidroxiapatita, Remineralizante, Dentes Sensíveis, Clareamento – Recomendada por Dentistas para Adultos

  1. JustRanda

    I received my toothpaste today and immediately gave it a try. So refreshing and I am so glad I have it on auto-reorder! Thrilled to have found a healthy, no fluoride product that also remineralization. I like the cap, not the kind that fills up with toothpaste and this is a good consistency, the taste of Lemon Lavender is perfection and very mild, not like a candy or anything. Yay! I was pleasantly surprised at the large tube size! Convenient to ‘subscribe’ for my next order.

  2. LAH

    Some of the best toothpaste I have used. My teeth feel cleaner than ever. Peppermint taste is mild and does not leave a burning feel like some strong peppermint toothpastes do. Have not used it long enough to notice it whitening effect. Will be purchasing again.

  3. thatsbrilliant

    I ordered this toothpaste based on a recommendation from one of m clients. I had never heard of Boka until then, but he swore by it & also said it was recommended to him by a close friend who used this to address a few personal dental concerns with great success.

    The consistency of this toothpaste is very light. That was something I appreciated compared to other commercial brands I have tried. In terms of texture, it was not gritty as I might have expected & I didn’t feel like I was using floor cleaning or countertop cleaner to brush my teeth clean. In terms of whitening, at over half way through this tube I do seem some improvements, but nothing huge in gains to speak of.

    At the time I started using this toothpaste, I was noticing a small cavity developing in one of my molars & experiencing some discomfort from it. Within a couple of weeks of daily use I noticed that cavity disappearing & my discomfort disappearing with it. A big plus right there.

    The flavor is very light & subtle- not overly minty like some more natural toothpaste products out there that have been SO minty it made my eyes water! Boka does a really nice job cleaning my teeth, but I did notice I feel like my teeth did get “dirty” faster. Not sure why that is, but I thought I would note that here.

    On a personal budget note, I do feel that the $12.99 price on this product I paid is pretty high for the size of the tube I received, but this product’s performance almost justifies the expense (though I wouldn’t mind seeing a price reduction!). Overall I would highly recommend this product for it’s efficacy, cleaning ability, texture, & light flavor.

  4. Megan Kalina

    I’ve been using this toothpaste for just over 2 weeks now and so far, I love it! It tastes good, foams great, and leaves my teeth feeling clean and healthy. I also believe I’m already seeing a little bit of brightening and whitening going on which is great! It has peppermint, spearmint, and wintergreen in it plus avocado and mango amongst other things. Fluoride free and seems to be of great quality! After years of trying “crunchy” natural pastes and even attempting to make own, I’m happy to have one that I truly feel works and foams! Oh how I missed the foam. Haha

  5. Nate

    Me blanqueó los dientes en 1 semana y media

  6. Sam Jenkins

    This isn’t something I’d typically spend so much on, nor take time to leave a review for but I’m blown away!
    The mint taste is gentle and subtle, doesn’t inflame my geographic tongue like most big name ones. Leaves teeth feeling smooth which most natural ones don’t. My teeth are truly whiter though that’s not why I bought it, so added bonus.
    One tube lasted about 5 weeks!

    I’m excited to continue this one and see how the nanos help remineralize.

  7. Joseph Yarka

    My wife and I are trying to get away from the mint flavoring in a-lot of toothpastes. I wanted to try this and wasn’t sure how I would like it. This is a nice light toothpaste the flavor is nice and subtle. I feel it cleans well and it it great for sensitive teeth like mine. I don’t feel there is any residue left like som tooth pastes and I haven’t had the feeling that my teeth aren’t clean since I have been using it. Great product will buy again and I will recommend to friends and family.

  8. Amazon Customer

    This was recommended to me by a dental hygienist.
    For years I’ve struggled with regular toothpaste causing me to “hoark”, like my body was rejecting it. It drove me and everyone I lived with nuts. When I switched to non-flouride or more natural toothpastes it made that problem dissappear. I still wanted something recommended by a dental professional so this has been a mouth saver 👍

    Does its job, my teeth look white and feel clean
    Taste, the coconut one is my least favorite

    Expensive – expected being a fairly new and specialty product

  9. JustRanda

    Ingredients are much better for me than commercial toothpaste. Seems to Clean my teeth, not as much foam as commercial paste. Taste is ok, a bit pricey, will I buy it again? Maybe not.

  10. Fl Gal

    I have receding gums and sensitive teeth. Some spots were so painful to have my teeth cleaned. I was on verge of having gum surgery last year bc of recession. My daughter gave me Boca toothpaste in my stocking for Christmas. She said it was natural and worked so well that dentists don’t really want people to know about it. 🙂 So I decided to run a test and use it until my next dental aptmt. First, the taste is mild and refreshing. No gritty stuff either. Had to get used to not rinsing my mouth after brushing but no biggy. I just went to dentist. I came clean about the toothpaste I was using. The hygienist looked it up and gave it the nod of approval with the caveat that I may still want to use fluoride toothpaste on occasion to help prevent decay. The cleaning process went beautifully. She was able to use the high power cleaner and I had NO pain. My recession had not changed one bit either! The dentist came in, looked at my mouth, and said “well, your mouth is boring”. I am thrilled! And feel so good I am using a natural product. Definitely try this for yourself!

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