Obtenha sua dose diária de um dos superalimentos originais da natureza com o Pó de Spirulina Pura do Havaí da Nutrex Hawaii. Cultivamos naturalmente em nossa fazenda no Havaí e embalamos cada comprimido com nutrientes essenciais para a saúde geral. A Spirulina Pura do Havaí suporta o envelhecimento saudável, impulsionando o sistema imunológico, fornecendo nutrição para um estilo de vida saudável e ativo, e suportando perfis normais de colesterol e lipídios. Você pode tomar 1 colher de chá diariamente sozinho ou misturá-lo em alimentos ou bebidas. É uma excelente fonte de vitaminas A, K1, K2, B12, ferro, além de aminoácidos, carotenoides, antioxidantes e ficocianina. Nossa spirulina é vegetariana, vegana e livre de OGM, glúten, lactose, soja, pesticidas, herbicidas e solventes. Cultivada em nossa fazenda sustentável no Havaí, com luz solar natural e água filtrada por lava, é um ambiente saudável para produtos saudáveis para uma vida saudável.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
1. Superalimento Natural: A Spirulina Pura do Havaí é um superalimento natural, cultivado em uma fazenda sustentável no Havaí. É uma fonte rica em nutrientes essenciais para a saúde geral.
2. Suporte ao Sistema Imunológico: Este produto ajuda a impulsionar o sistema imunológico, fornecendo os nutrientes necessários para fortalecer as defesas do corpo contra doenças e infecções.
3. Estilo de Vida Ativo e Saudável: A Spirulina Pura do Havaí fornece nutrição para um estilo de vida ativo e saudável. Seus nutrientes essenciais ajudam a manter a energia e a vitalidade ao longo do dia.
4. Perfil Lipídico e Colesterol Normal: Este produto suporta perfis normais de colesterol e lipídios, contribuindo para a saúde cardiovascular e o bem-estar geral.
5. Livre de Ingredientes Indesejados: A Spirulina Pura do Havaí é vegetariana, vegana e livre de OGM, glúten, lactose, soja, pesticidas, herbicidas e solventes. Você pode ter certeza de que está consumindo um produto puro e de alta qualidade.
– Sugestão de Uso:
Para obter os benefícios da Spirulina Pura do Havaí, recomendamos tomar 1 colher de chá diariamente. Você pode consumi-la sozinha ou misturá-la em alimentos ou bebidas de sua preferência. Este produto é uma excelente fonte de vitaminas A, K1, K2, B12, ferro, aminoácidos, carotenoides, antioxidantes e ficocianina, que são essenciais para a saúde geral. Aproveite os benefícios deste superalimento natural e desfrute de uma vida saudável.
Pó de Spirulina Pura do Havaí
Obtenha sua dose diária de um dos superalimentos originais da natureza com o Pó de Spirulina Pura do Havaí da Nutrex Hawaii. Cultivamos naturalmente em nossa fazenda no Havaí e embalamos cada comprimido com nutrientes essenciais para a saúde geral. A Spirulina Pura do Havaí suporta o envelhecimento saudável, impulsionando o sistema imunológico, fornecendo nutrição para um estilo de vida saudável e ativo, e suportando perfis normais de colesterol e lipídios. Você pode tomar 1 colher de chá diariamente sozinho ou misturá-lo em alimentos ou bebidas. É uma excelente fonte de vitaminas A, K1, K2, B12, ferro, além de aminoácidos, carotenoides, antioxidantes e ficocianina. Nossa spirulina é vegetariana, vegana e livre de OGM, glúten, lactose, soja, pesticidas, herbicidas e solventes. Cultivada em nossa fazenda sustentável no Havaí, com luz solar natural e água filtrada por lava, é um ambiente saudável para produtos saudáveis para uma vida saudável.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Superalimento Natural
- Suporte ao Sistema Imunológico
- Estilo de Vida Ativo e Saudável
- Perfil Lipídico e Colesterol Normal
- Livre de Ingredientes Indesejados
– Sugestão de Uso:
Para obter os benefícios da Spirulina Pura do Havaí, recomendamos tomar 1 colher de chá diariamente. Você pode consumi-la sozinha ou misturá-la em alimentos ou bebidas de sua preferência. Este produto é uma excelente fonte de vitaminas A, K1, K2, B12, ferro, aminoácidos, carotenoides, antioxidantes e ficocianina, que são essenciais para a saúde geral. Aproveite os benefícios deste superalimento natural e desfrute de uma vida saudável.
Basma –
مكمل غذائي ممتاز يجب حفظه في الثلاجه او الفريزر بعد استعمال العبوه للحفاظ على جودة المنتج تعليمات المصنع
Jonathan E. –
[*** Feb 2013 – I have now integrated the MANY updates I had posted on this review over the past few years. It should be a little easier to follow, I hope! I have made use of to try and make it easier to jump to the info that is of most interest to you. It’s still a lot of reading, so only read the In Brief part if you’re not the type who likes so much info]
With this brand of Spirulina you are on to a good thing! Especially as far as taste and quality are concerned.
Simply put, after 20+ years of Spirulina usage, this is the best Spirulina I know of, at one of the the best prices (and shipping options) I have seen anywhere online and off-line. If great tasting Spirulina is what you are looking for, this is the one to buy. Forget the slightly cheaper non-Hawaiian varieties (from India, China, etc.).
If you’ve never had spirulina, try this one. If you’ve had (non-Hawaiian) spirulina and didn’t like the taste, try this one. That’s my review in a nutshell.
As is typical for me, I like to share detailed information where appropriate, so that people like yourself can inform yourself if you so desire. So… for my more in-depth info, please read on:
Let me first put this review into a helpful context.
I have been eating Spirulina on an almost daily basis for approximately the past 20 years. Since my mid-teens I’ve been making big green looking smoothies every morning. My father and I affectionately refer to them as my “Swamp Water” or “Swamp juice”.
This particular Spirulina is from a fantastic high-tech Spirulina production facility on the coast of the Big Island of Hawaii. They use ultra pure ocean water for both growing and drying the Spirulina. It is dried at a low temperature to keep the nutrients in tact.
I’d been eating Spirulina for perhaps 5 years before I tried this Hawaiian variety (manufactured by Nutrex). Now, let me say I had always loved the taste of Spirulina. I’d put a couple of heaped tablespoons of it into my morning drink. Friends and family, however, found the taste too strong and “green” if I put in that much though.
One day I met the guy who was importing Nutrex Hawaiian Spirulina into New Zealand (where I lived at the time). He asked if I’d like to try some (at a health Expo). I said, “No thanks, I am very familiar with Spirulina”. He said, “Not Hawaiian Spirulina. It tastes much nicer than the other kinds”. I let him know that I actually already enjoy the taste of Spirulina. At the time I was getting New Zealand branded Spirulina (imported from India or China). The guy said that compared to the Hawaiian variety, other Spirulina tastes like earth. I’d never noticed that. Curious, I tried his little cup of green stuff, and WOW it was extra delicious. I realised, for the first time, that indeed the other varieties tasted a bit like soil. Whereas the Hawaiian variety tastes creamy and… well, it’s hard to describe. Let’s just say it is delicious for those people into concentrated green foods, and whilst perhaps calling it “delicious” is going too far for some, it is certainly the most palatable for those folk who are not yet used to eating concentrated green foods.
So, that was over 15 years ago, and I’ve eaten primarily Hawaiian Spirulina ever since. Partly because it tastes great, which means I can put as much as I want into my drink without it getting over-powering, but also because my research indicated that the Hawaiian variety is superior in quality and nutritional content. This particular one being sold here on Amazon is at one of the best prices I have seen, which is why I often buy it from here when I am in the USA.
If you are new to Spirulina and super-foods in general, I suggest adding this product to a smoothie, and drinking that each day. Use clean spring water if you can. Certainly avoid chlorinated and fluoridated tap water if at all possible. In a blender add to the water 1 ripe organic banana as a base. It will greatly improve the taste.
Then add the following:
– Start out with 1 teaspoon of Spirulina. Increase to 2 or so tablespoons if you wish, and as you get accustomed to the taste.
– A handful of Raw Organic Goji Berries (soak them in water overnight if you want them to blend more smoothly),
– 1/2 to 1 tablespoon of Organic Raw Maca Powder
– 1/2 to 1 tablespoon of Lucuma Powder
– 1 tablesppon of Y.S. Organic Bee Farms – Fresh Bee Pollen Whole Granules (or any other decent pollen on Amazon, as there are quite a few now)
– 1/2 to 1 teaspoon of organic Ginger Root Powder (that’ll help with your digestion of the other goodies).
– You could also add 1/2 to 2 teaspoons of Chlorella powder. The one from NOW foods is a good deal.
This approximate recipe is for about a quart (1 litre) of drink so use 1 quart (1 L) of water.
Blend them up in a blender, and enjoy.
I have given workshops on what I call “Intelligent Nutritional” throughout Europe and Canada, and this is a basic version of a recipe I share with people. I’ve had many people after just 3 to 7 days tell me they feel like a new person (they look like it too!!) after drinking this each morning. Friends comment on how them seem to be “glowing” and ask what they are up to!! Try it out.
I recommend using spirulina as a powder, if possible. I think it’s best to taste and “chew” (keep in the mouth for a little time) what we are eating. Swallowing tablets by-passes that step. If you really can’t stomach the taste of Spirulina at all (and I know some people can’t), you’ll have to go with the tablets. Power is also more instantly digestible, although that’s unlikely to make any real difference. If you decide to buy tablets from another company, make sure they are 100% low pressure/low-heat pressed tablets. Some brands have fillers and binders in their tablets which indicate a poor quality product and high-pressure tableting machines (which will damage the spirulina). Nutrex tablets are good quality.
If you use a lot of Spirulina you may find it even more affordable to buy it in bulk. As I write this, it is possible to buy in a 5lb vacuum pack for $27.60 / lb or $141 in total (Spirulina Pacifica 5 lbs). The price varies, and to be honest these 1lb jars are so cheap (their RRP is $49.95 or more) the bulk hardly works out any cheaper. NOW foods did use to sell Hawaiian Spirulina at the absolutely best price, but that changed over 2011. They currently source it from India and it tastes awful.
If you know little or nothing about Spirulina, please read up on it on the Internet – it’s worth leaning about. I’ll mention here that it is a highly concentrated source of a very broad range of nutrients. I’d say a couple of tablespoons of this rich green powder contains more nutrition that the people eating the Standard American Diet (SAD) might get in a week worth of meals. This is powerful stuff that will change the way you feel, big time! Enjoy! I know many people who have had a wide range of very positive benefits from adding spirulina to their diet. Less food cravings, diminished desire for junk food, more energy, improved sex-life, less need for coffee in the morning, weight loss, improved memory, and many other benefits are just some of what people have reported to me and in literature.
If you want ORGANIC spirulina, the Nutrex one is NOT certified (or uncertified) organic. HOWEVER my research into spirulina indicates it is not possible to grow certified organic spirulina with reputable certification authorities (such as the major ones in the “Western World”. Since October 2005, most of ` Organic Spirulina ‘ was from USA. Two major USA companies (Cyanotech, the makers of Nutrex brand, being one of them) have both ceased production of ` Organic Spirulina ‘, due to the USDA terminating the use of a fertiliser which was originally permitted as an organic feed for the growth of Spirulina. When those rules change, the organic status was dropped. It is my understanding the only so-called “organic spirulina” is from China and India, and that one reason for this is that the so-called “organic” standards there are questionable (i.e. not worth paying extra money on).
For the past 18 years I have been eating almost more-or-less only organically produced foods. Yet in the case of the Nutrex spirulina it does not bother me that it lost its organic certification status due to changes in the organic standards. Having researched the matter, I have no problems with that technicality in this particular case.
I have asked NOW Foods about their ORGANIC SPIRULINA POWDER and their non-organic spirulina (that was previously from Hawaii). The organic product is certified organic (by a number of reputable certifying groups) and grown/produced in India. They tell me it is very high quality and from a state-of-the-art facility there in India. It is manufactured by a company called Parry Nutraceuticals. You can look them up online. I have a tub of it sitting in my kitchen draw. It’s been there since mid-2012, hardly touched. The reason is that it tastes awful. It literally smells and tastes like cow or horse manure. I’ve bought a wide range of spirulina brands around the world, and the Organic NOW Foods Spirulina takes the award for worst tasting, by a long shot. It’s the first time I’ve found Spirulina to be unpalatable. I understand from Parry literature (online) their product is high quality, and has a long list of organic certifications. But in this instance taste wins out over my wish to eat organic foods. I have communicated with NOW Foods numerous times in the last year about this issue. They say they are aware of it and are that the manufacturer is working on it. You can read my full review of the NOW Foods Spirulina for more details of those emails.
Note that as of Feb 2013 the NOW Foods (non-organic) spirulina still states just under the price area that it is “* Ocean-Chill Dried(TM) 100% Natural Hawaiian Spirulina” This is outdated, and therefore incorrect information. I have notified Amazon, and wait to see if the correct it.
It should be noted that ALL of the above info I have been posting applies not only to the product this review is on. It applies to all Hawaiian spirulina, under any brand, as it is all manufactured by Cyanotech, the owners of the Nutrex brand. Other brands that are stated to be Hawaiian are: Pure Planet, MicrOrganics (UK), TruNature (from Costco), Nature’s Life Hawaiian Spirulina, Lifetime Hawaiian Spirulina, Thompson Nutritional Products. Obviously the prices go up and down, but in general this Nutrex product I am reviewing is the best price.
Apart from the various brands listed above which are Hawaiian, the other USA grown spirulina (from California, not Hawaii) is the Earthrise Spirulina Natural brand. I have bought it a few times over the years (although not in the last 5 years or so) and I don’t recall having any personal issues with it. I see most people report it tastes acceptable or nice. I know some people have switched form Nutrex to Earthrise because of concerns about radioactivity from Fukushima. I think it’s pretty hard to say what the exact impact of that ongoing (yes, it’s still critical, as of Feb 2013) disaster. Most, if not all, of the US West coast received fallout from Fukushima, so the Earthrise facilities in California might have been just as likely to be affected as Hawaii. Anyway, that’s another option if you want a US made product (as opposed to spirulina from China, India, or Thailand – the other main producers), that is also is quality packaging (brown glass jar). Right now on Amazon, Earthrise Spirulina Natural is $30.99 plus $5 shipping (shipped by a Swanson Health Products).
If price if a big concern for you, do check the price on the brands I have listed above. One brand I most often find is below the price of this Nutrex product is from Source Naturals. *[10 Feb, 2013] As I write this, for instance, it is $21.80 for 16 oz, with Prime shipping. So it’s about $7 cheaper per pound.
IMPORTANT NOTE (Feb 2013): The above mentioned product has an image that shows “Source Naturals Hawaiian Spirulina”. This is an old and outdated image. Their spirulina is NOT from Hawaii (it was in the past). I still go for the Nutrex one because it is Hawaiian and it comes in superior packaging. I am guessing that when Source Naturals lost their contract with Cyanotech (just as NOW Foods did) they switched to a source in India or China.
PACKAGING NOTE: Spirulina is sensitive to oxidation from light and air. The dark brown glass jar of the Nutrex brand (and Earthrise brand) is superior to the thin white HDPE plastic.
For a nearly two years I was recommending in this review that people buy the bulk 4 lb tub of (non-organic) Hawaiian Spirulina from NOW FOODS. That’s because it came from the same grower in Hawaii (Cyanotech) as the Nutrex brand. At that time the 4 lb tub was by far the best price for Hawaiian Spirulina. As of late 2011 I dropped that recommendation, because NOW FOODS changed their non-organic supplier to Parry Nutraceuticals (the same company they get their Organic product from). I have not tried it, but from what I am reading online it tastes as awful as the organic one from Parry (many people have also mentioned the manure smell and taste). If it tastes anything like their Organic Spirulina from India, it will not be at all pleasant. So since late 2011 I’ve been again recommending the Nutrex brand as the best spirulina at the best price. There are a few other companies selling the Hawaiian variety, but their prices are higher and their packaging cheaper (plastic as opposed to dark brown air-tight glass bottles).
(12/Mar/2012) I have received numerous communications from Cyanotech in response to my questions to them. I’ll pass on the following information for your consideration:
I communicated with Cyanotech some time ago now… and they assure me their spirulina is “herbicide, pesticide, and GMO free”. They did not mention fertilisers, so I will enquire further on that.
They have stated:
(Quote) >> “Plant-based organic (biological) agriculture is fundamentally a system of maintaining soil health and therefore plant vitality. Organic farming relies heavily on the use of nitrogen fixing cover crops, composted manures, crop rotation, and of course organic farming eschews the use of synthetic pesticides (including herbicides). Properly managed organic growing systems build a healthy topsoil with a minimum of soil loss, and also minimized losses of nutrients to ground water, streams, and lakes.
The line between organic and standard cultivation of Spirulina is much less distinct, as pesticides and herbicides are not used in the culture of Spirulina. Furthermore, since Spirulina is grown without soil, there is no crop rotation or direct additions of manure to the growing system. Instead, Spirulina growers create the exact conditions of nature (high baking soda and ample amounts of soluble phosphorous and nitrogen) . Manures do not work in this system as they would be harvested with the algae and would contaminate it. This is because Spirulina is a filamentous algae and must be screened out of the water using a very fine mesh.
In many ways, however, Spirulina culture belongs with more traditional biological growing systems. Spirulina does not create any ground water pollution or soil erosion (it is grown in lined ponds). Water and energy use are much enhanced over those of terrestrial agriculture (including organic systems). And as I mentioned, there are no pesticides or herbicides used. Spirulina culture is also extremely energy efficient. And although traditional organic farming can use cover crops for nitrogen, there are also phosphorous inputs that are from outside sources (this is absolutely necessary also with Spirulina). Simply put, both organic terrestrial and Spirulina culture systems are reduced input farming techniques that are much lower impact in terms of pollution and soil loss than typical commercial farming.”
>> (End quote)
Their literature also states the following about their Spirulina:
>> “Pesticide free, Herbicide free, Environmentally friendly, Full nutritional value, Purified nutrients, Highest growth rate, Low heavy metal level, Low bacterial count”
There is still no mention of where they source the nutrients for spirulina production. I’ll asked about this in March 2012, with no reply. (Feb 2013, I have asked again, and will post their answer when I get it).
Nutrex also share the following explanation about why they dropped the organic certification:
>> “In October 2002 the National Organic Standards Board (NOSB) voted to continue to allow the use of mined Chilean nitrate in Spirulina production until October 2005. (Chilean nitrate is a water soluble form of nitrogen used in the production of Organic Spirulina.) Unfortunately, the USDA organic production regulations are directed at terrestrial farming and do not address the unique position occupied by aquatic farming of crops such as Spirulina. Production of Spirulina requires water soluble forms of phosphorus and nitrogen. This is not desired in terrestrial farming as soluble forms of phosphorous and nitrogen can harm the soil and contaminate ground water; on the other hand, in Spirulina production this is not a problem because all culture ponds are lined and there is no runoff or contamination of ground water. Cyanotech feels that the NOSB will vote to disallow the use of Chilean nitrate in October 2005 as it is mined and thus not considered a sustainable source of nitrogen.
With Chilean nitrate prohibited in all organic production systems, an alternative source of organic soluble nitrogen must be found. The only sources of soluble nitrogen allowed under organic regulations are compost teas and various manures. Cyanotech has examined these potential sources of soluble nitrogen and found them unsatisfactory because they would:
1) Contaminate our Spirulina with lead and other heavy metals
2) Increase the bacterial count in Spirulina
3) Produce inferior Spirulina products at a much higher cost
For these reasons, Cyanotech will stop production of organic Spirulina if Chilean nitrate is disallowed in October, 2005. Instead we will concentrate our efforts to continually improve the quality of our All Natural Spirulina products.
In many ways standard Spirulina culture methods (not organic) are compatible with traditional organic growing systems. Spirulina does not create any ground water pollution or soil erosion since it is grown in lined ponds. Water and energy are used much more efficiently than in terrestrial agriculture use (including organic systems). Cyanotech’s All Natural Spirulina products are GMO free, are produced without the use of pesticides or herbicides, are produced using pure deep seawater pumped from a depth of 2000 ft as a source of trace minerals and use a patented OceanChill(tm) drying process to preserve oxygen sensitive nutrients. Hawaiian Spirulina from Cyanotech has the highest purity, and by far the highest nutritional value of any Spirulina available.
>> (End quote)
I will post back here when I find out more about their fertilisation methods. For now it seems they use what is called “Chilean nitrate,” which was until 2005 an excepted fertiliser under US organic standards.
(Added 13/03/2012) Fukushima radioactivity impact report: Nutrex/Cyanotech assure me (and the public) they have not experienced any fallout or related effects from the Fukushima nuclear power plant incident in Japan. They have made this public statement:
>>” Cyanotech implemented monitoring of our Hawaiian Spirulina Pacifica and BioAstin Natural Astaxanthin products immediately after the disaster in Japan through independent third party laboratory analysis. The analyses found no detectable radiation (less than 1.0 Bq/kg for iodine-131; less than 0.5 Bq/kg for cesium-134; and less than 0.6 Bq/kg for cesium-137), in products produced on 3/22/2011, which was the time in which it was theorized that the tail of the radiation plume from Japan could reach Hawaii. Cyanotech continues to test its products for radiation contamination through independent third party laboratory analysis to ensure that they are the highest quality, most healthful products available in the supplement industry. Recent radiation testing of Hawaiian Spirulina Pacifica and BioAstin products find no detectable radiation.” << (End Quote)
For those people concerned about radioactivity in general, please note that Spirulina has been proven to significantly reduce the ill effects of radiation exposure. If you want to maximise that effect look into using Astaxanthin, which is extracted from Spirulina. It is the primary antioxidant in Spirulina, and is considered to be the most potent anti-oxidant we know of. There are many options for this on Amazon so I recommend doing a search to see them all.
Nutrex Hawaiian Spirulina is a great product and I am sure you’ll be as or more happy with it that the other spirulina options. Ideally go for the powder, but if you can’t stomach it, switch to tablets. If you want certified organic you’ll have to go with a potentially fowl tasting variety from India. If you simply want US made, use either Hawaiian (Nutrex or one of the other brands I listed) or Earthrise (from CA).
With heart,
Jonathan Evatt
International lecturer, Yoga teacher, and award-winning author of Peace, Power, and Presence: Wisdom for a Lift of Freedom.
P.S. I have posted links to the products above, specifically selecting only brands I personally have tried and highly recommend. Different merchants, however, sell these products on Amazon and elsewhere online. So search here and elsewhere for the best price. The ones I have posted links to do not necessarily represent the best price and shipping deals, etc. Although some of them are the best prices I have come across (which helps, because stocking up on super-foods can seem expensive for some of us)
JackDaniel –
Cassius –
After reading all the positive things that Spirulina does for your health I decided to order the Hawaiian version. I have only used it a couple of times but it does blend really easy and has a mild taste. Only thing it does turn everything a dark green, not a drawback for me but just so you know. I will update my feedback at a later date when I had a chance to try it some more.
TheAndrews –
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Both my husband and I have been using Spirulina supplements for many years. We have found this one, Pure Hawaiian Spirulina Powder, to be the best both in terms of quality, freshness and taste. We are both 57 years old, vegetarian, in relatively good health and take a number of different supplements. When we run out of the spirulina and don’t use it for a few days, we both notice a decrease in our energy level and general feeling of wellness. While it is an excellent source of vitamins and minerals for everyone, we find that it’s especially important for vegetarians. For example, a teaspoon provides 20% RDA of iron. The taste, which is often times a concern for people, is pretty good. We like to drink it is mixed with orange juice. The acidity and sweetness of the orange juice actually goes well with the spirulina and makes a very palatable drink. The challenge, though, is blending. The dry powder can be difficult to blend. We recommend you put some juice in your glass first, then the spirulina on top, whisk it vigorously with a mini whisk (but be careful….if it splashes, it can be quite messy) and then put some more orange juice on top and whisk again. It should be ready to drink by then. It is also noteworthy that this is a US product and produced with very high standards. If you are thinking of adding a spirulina product to your supplement routine, this is one you’ll want to consider. It’s a good value, excellent quality, and good taste.
TheAndrews –
I’ve been using Nutrex Hawaii Pure Hawaiian Spirulina Powder regularly, and it’s become a staple in my wellness routine. Here’s why I keep coming back:
Authenticity Assurance: Yes, there’s a distinct fishy smell, but that’s the telltale sign of genuine spirulina. It’s a small price to pay for knowing you’re getting an authentic, nutrient-rich product.
Effective Cleansing: This spirulina powder works wonders in cleansing and detoxifying the body. I’ve noticed improved digestion and increased energy levels since incorporating it into my daily regimen.
Great Value: The size-to-price ratio is fantastic. You get a generous amount of spirulina for the cost, making it a cost-effective way to boost your health.
Repeat Purchase: I’m so pleased with the results that I’m already planning to order another one after submitting this review. It’s become an essential part of my well-being routine.
Distinct Smell: As mentioned, the fishy smell might not be pleasant for everyone, but it’s a testament to the product’s authenticity and effectiveness.
In summary, Nutrex Hawaii Pure Hawaiian Spirulina Powder is a powerhouse of nutrients that keeps my body feeling clean and energized. The smell may be off-putting initially, but it’s a small trade-off for the genuine quality and benefits it provides. I highly recommend it to anyone looking to enhance their health and well-being.
omelen –
First purchase and consumption of spirulina, taste is very acceptable with just water.
Cassius –
The reason I purchased this one specifically, is that I heard in a video of some doctor saying that spirulina resource it important, you need to look for location that wasn’t exposed to radiation as much, so hawaiian is one of the best locations for spirulina. I’m not 100% certain if this is real of just advertising.
I purchased another one before it, but wasn’t sure if I should use it as the source location was not clear.
I’m not spirulina expert, first time to use, I hope this is helpful.
This one comes as powder, I don’t like its taste much, so I mix it with spoon of something with strong taste (jam, peanut butter…)
I tried mixing it with drinks, but it sits in the bottom of the cup, so you need to finish all your drink to get it and the taste is not pleasant.
Also compared to the one I purchased before, this one is slightly less smelly.